[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 50 points 1 month ago

would you rather have stretched jeans and a wife with a dump truck ass or unstretched jeans and a wife with Hank Hill ass? I know which one I'd pick

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 14 points 2 months ago

I was hoping you could expand, what factions are they up against? The Clintonites? I don't think there are any who don't follow Obama as well, he did serve two whole terms, and Hilary's credibility was, even if they say otherwise, damaged badly by her loss. I don't think there are any PUMAs left. The so-called "progressives" or the squad? Pfft, hardly able to stop anything, let alone kickbacks.

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago

"second time as farce" buddy you had no fucking idea

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 17 points 3 months ago

yeah I think Trump will in all likelihood be the first repub since dubya to clinch Nevada. As others have noted, NM is wrong lol. Michigan I think Biden will be able to scrape by, despite the loss of the Arab vote. Trump I think will be able to win back Arizona and Georgia, thereby winning the election. So it will 265 to 272, which I think would be the closest election since 1850 something


Playing spongebob the cosmic shake (yes yes low-rent licensed game, look life sucks and I'm getting dopamine any way I can) and I don't know why Manta Fe just had me burst out laughing.

Am I going insane?


man transphobia do be potent tho


discovered this band when spotify recommended me one of the songs from their previous effort walkman, which is now one of my favorite albums. Recently they released their new self-titled album, which is I think is basically a sequel to walkman.

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 11 points 5 months ago

Absolutely loved playing the recent Tomb Raider remastered pack because of this. No HUD, no map, you're just plopped into a level and you figure it out from there. Such a breath of fresh air in comparison to the overstimulating, bloated modern games

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 13 points 6 months ago

I mean I don't think it was entirely her decision. She was probably forced to stop by higher ups


no notes 10/10


chorus is bop



Yes I am subscribed but its on that a dollar a month deal for the next six months. Plus I like their crossword and cooking section


As most people know by now, Robert Hur, a special counsel appointed to look into allegations of wrongdoing on Biden’s part, concluded that the president shouldn’t be charged. But his report included an uncalled-for and completely unprofessional swipe at Biden’s mental acuity, apparently based on the president’s difficulty in remembering specific dates — difficulty that, as I wrote on Friday, everyone confronts at whatever age. Hur’s gratuitous treatment of Biden echoed James Comey’s gratuitous treatment of Clinton — Hur and Comey both seemed to want to take political stands when that was not their duty.

he had to justify his decision to not press charges somehow Paul

It’s also true that many voters think the president’s age is an issue. But there’s perception and there’s reality: As anyone who has recently spent time with Biden (and I have) can tell you, he is in full possession of his faculties — completely lucid and with excellent grasp of detail. Of course, most voters don’t get to see him up close, and it’s on Biden’s team to address that. And yes, he speaks quietly and a bit slowly, although this is in part because of his lifetime struggle with stuttering. He also, by the way, has a sense of humor, which I think is important.

"Trust me bro he's fine" lmao be fr rn

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 26 points 7 months ago

you just had to add the foot 🤢🤢


ngl russia is not making it easy to give critical support lol


One of the most well-established patterns in measuring public opinion is that every generation tends to move as one in terms of its politics and general ideology. Its members share the same formative experiences, reach life’s big milestones at the same time and intermingle in the same spaces. So how should we make sense of reports that Gen Z is hyper-progressive on certain issues, but surprisingly conservative on others? The answer, in the words of Alice Evans, a visiting fellow at Stanford University and one of the leading researchers on the topic, is that today’s under-thirties are undergoing a great gender divergence, with young women in the former camp and young men the latter. Gen Z is two generations, not one. In countries on every continent, an ideological gap has opened up between young men and women. Tens of millions of people who occupy the same cities, workplaces, classrooms and even homes no longer see eye-to-eye. In the US, Gallup data shows that after decades where the sexes were each spread roughly equally across liberal and conservative world views, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries. That gap took just six years to open up

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 10 points 7 months ago

I mean def the most forgotten-to-the-sands-of-time game i've played is Wet. I rly enjoyed it at the time as a suburban teenager with nothing better to do, but I can't recommend because in hindsight it was pretty mid and it didnt come out on pc, so you'd have to put in the extra work to emulate and its not worth it lol


The state plans to carry out the first U.S. execution via nitrogen hypoxia with Kenneth Smith, who survived an earlier attempt to execute him by lethal injection

Death to America, and death to the South in particular. Scorch that motherfucking earth.

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 12 points 9 months ago

They've really got a lot going for them as a society

Could you expand on that? Thinking of moving

[-] an_engel_on_earth@hexbear.net 26 points 9 months ago

https://github.com/TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing this is a script that has a different way of blocking ads which is so far undetected by youtube. Can recommend

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