[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It might not be original quality, but this should be fairly straightforward with a tunnel or VPN connection to your parent's house. You'd also lose quality in having a WiFi camera instead of wired.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by OminousOrange@lemmy.ca to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Fine folks of c/selfhosted, I've got a Docker LXC (Debian) running in Proxmox that loses its local network connection 24 hours after boot. It's remedied with a LXC restart. I am still able to access the console through Proxmox when this happens, but all running services (docker ps still says they're running) are inaccessible on the network. Any recommendations for an inexperienced selfhoster like myself to keep this thing up for more than 24 hours?


  • Pruning everything from Docker in case it was a remnant of an old container or something.
  • Confirming network config on the router wasn't breaking anything.
  • Checked there were no cron tasks doing funky things.

I did have a Watchtower container running on it recently, but have since removed it. It being a 24 hr thing got me thinking that was the only thing that would really cause an event at the 24 hr post start mark, and it started about that same time I removed Watchtower (intending to do manual updates because immich).

...and of course, any fix needs 24 hours to confirm it actually worked.

A forum post I found asked for the output of ip a and ip r, ~~see below.~~ Notable difference on ip r missing the link to the gateway after disconnecting.

Update: started going through journalctl and found the below abnormal entries when it loses connection, now investigating to see if I can find out why...

Apr 16 14:09:16 docker 922abd47b5c5[376]: [msg] Nameserver has failed: request timed out.
Apr 16 14:09:16 docker 922abd47b5c5[376]: [msg] Nameserver has failed: request timed out.
Apr 16 14:09:16 docker 922abd47b5c5[376]: [msg] All nameservers have failed

Update 2: I found using systemctl status networking.service that networking.service was in a failed state (Active: failed (Result: exit-code)). I also compared to a separate stable Docker LXC which showed networking.service was active, so, did some searching to remedy that.

x networking.service - Raise network interfaces
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/networking.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2024-04-16 17:17:41 CST; 8min ago
       Docs: man:interfaces(5)
    Process: 20892 ExecStart=/sbin/ifup -a --read-environment (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
    Process: 21124 ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/touch /run/network/restart-hotplug (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 20892 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 297ms

Apr 16 17:17:34 docker dhclient[20901]: DHCPACK of from
Apr 16 17:17:34 docker ifup[20901]: DHCPACK of from
Apr 16 17:17:34 docker ifup[20910]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
Apr 16 17:17:34 docker dhclient[20901]: bound to -- renewal in 37359 seconds.
Apr 16 17:17:34 docker ifup[20901]: bound to -- renewal in 37359 seconds.
Apr 16 17:17:41 docker ifup[20966]: Could not get a link-local address
Apr 16 17:17:41 docker ifup[20892]: ifup: failed to bring up eth0
Apr 16 17:17:41 docker systemd[1]: networking.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Apr 16 17:17:41 docker systemd[1]: networking.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Apr 16 17:17:41 docker systemd[1]: Failed to start networking.service - Raise network interfaces.

A reinstall of net-tools and ifupdown seems to have brought networking.service back up. apt-get install --reinstall net-tools ifupdown

Looking at the systemctl status return, I bet everything was fine until dhclient/ifup requested renewal about 24 hours after initial connection (boot), found that networking.service was down, and couldn't renew, killing the network connection.

We'll see if it's actually fixed in 24 hours or so, but hopefully this little endeavour can help someone else plagued with this issue in the future. I'm still not sure exactly what caused it. I'll confirm tomorrow...

Update 3 - Looks like that was the culprit. Container is still connected 24+ hrs since reboot, network.service is still active, and dhclient was able to renew.

Update 4 - All was well and good until I started playing with setting up Traefik. Not sure if this brought it to the surface or if it just happened coincidentally, but networking.service failed again. Tried restarting the service, but it failed. Took a look in /etc/networking/interfaces and found there was an entry for iface eth0 inet6 dhcp and I don't use ipv6. Removed that line and networking.service restarted successfully. Perhaps that was the issue the whole time.

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 80 points 2 months ago

I live in a farming community in Saskatchewan, Canada. It's really mind blowing how many farmers don't give two shits about climate change. They're really not unlike heavily profit-driven companies just looking for next quarter gains, completely oblivious to other longer term factors that might be detrimental to their business.

It's sad in a way. This is their livelihood, and rather than adapt to the risk to bring some sort of long term sustainability, they're just looking for that next brand new model of truck to buy when harvest comes in this year.

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 64 points 3 months ago

"Working as intended."


[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 54 points 4 months ago

How about we just settle this over a game of battlebots and no one else needs to get hurt.

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 64 points 4 months ago

Network time protocol protocol

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 36 points 5 months ago

Pretty clear how crown corporations provide much better value to the people with SGI (SK) and MPI (MB) at the very bottom of the list.

submitted 5 months ago by OminousOrange@lemmy.ca to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

This has been one of the key features I've been waiting for to finally be able to move away from Google Photos and OneDrive for mobile photos backup.

submitted 5 months ago by OminousOrange@lemmy.ca to c/degoogle@lemmy.ml

This has been one of the key features I've been waiting for to finally be able to move away from Google Photos and OneDrive.

submitted 5 months ago by OminousOrange@lemmy.ca to c/android

This has been one of the key features I've been waiting for to finally be able to move away from OneDrive.

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 29 points 5 months ago

Assuming this is a family, it's kind of cool to see the variation of gene expression in the kitten's coats.

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 52 points 8 months ago

This is a symptom of a twofold problem. First, additional staffing and resources for ERs would help to reduce wait times, but I think the more important issue is lack of primary care, which would help patients avoid needing to go to the ER in the first place.

I'm not much of a fan of the way the article is written. Of course there are going to be some cases where a LWBS has serious complications, but locally (and anecdotally), our ER seems to operate more as a walk in clinic at times, and doctors will often see more patients there than they would in a typical clinic day. I feel like the non-emergent visits are likely a considerable part of the 6.8% LWBS rate, and could be offset by a better supply of family physicians. Unfortunately, at least in Saskatchewan, that would require a government willing to do anything whatsoever to help the healthcare system.

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 29 points 8 months ago
[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 35 points 9 months ago

It is a great example of how an industry can survive with only self-reported effectiveness. I remember a freakonomics episode where it was shown that very infrequently do companies get a positive return on marketing spending. It will be very interesting if that industry ever collapses.

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 31 points 9 months ago

It's a very noticeable improvement in realism in games that do this. Quantic Dream games have also done this, even in Heavy Rain from 2010, and it really goes a long way in making a game into a story.

[-] OminousOrange@lemmy.ca 25 points 10 months ago

It would be unwise to not have a backup heat source if you're installing a heat pump in Canada. Some may claim their balance point is well into the -20s, but relying on a system that cannot provide adequate heat in extreme cold events could get rather dangerous.

As for the offsetting NG furnaces, it's unlikely someone would remove the furnace when the heat pump can easily be installed in the air handler, in line with the furnace, and a 'dual-fuel' thermostat used to control the switch point.

Here in Saskatchewan, NG is also significantly cheaper than electricity. So, with our high heating demands, those who have access to NG often choose that. I have a heat pump and electric furnace backup, but I'm in a net-zero house designed for significantly lower energy use, which is definitely an outlier to the typical terribly designed homes built to minimum code.


I'm fairly green at self-hosting, recently upgraded to running Proxmox on an old PC from OMV. A fairly simple setup for Plex, Nextcloud, PiHole, and some docker containers. I have an old Ryzen 5 2600 I'd like to replace the current CPU with (an even older FX-8350), but I'll need a new motherboard with an AM4 socket.

In sourcing a new mobo, are there any features or other considerations I should keep in mind, given its sole purpose of being a server now, rather than a general purpose PC? Or just try to find something relatively inexpensive that'll get the job done?

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by OminousOrange@lemmy.ca to c/woodworking@lemmy.ca

Just made this sectional following the plans from Ana White.

Roughly $900 CAD in materials, $750 of that being the cushions. I used Duvholmen cushions with Jarpon covers from Ikea, accent pillows I found at Home Sense. All 2x4 lumber and I used pocket holes where screws would be visible. Finished with Ready Seal natural cedar.

Quite happy with it overall. It's really comfortable and will last far longer than (and was cheaper than) those plastic weave ones from big box stores.

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joined 11 months ago