[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 56 points 2 weeks ago

Yes, which is exactly why Republicans are making those crazy claims.

When the Saudi deals resurface in the public spotlight Republicans will point to those baseless claims and say "How is what the Trump kids doing any worse than this!?!?!?" and their followers will accept it at face value and say "See both sides are doing it, it's bad but no worse than what the other guy is doing"

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 52 points 2 months ago

Henrietta is right there

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 47 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Calling Duke a 'religious school' is disingenuous. They are a secular school that has a divinity program. The university pre-dates the divinity school by almost a century.

They are widely seen as a world class medical, business and law school. Contributions include, the first ultrasound imaging, the first CFD analysis software, and cochlear implant development.

They don't focus on sports anymore than other peer institutions (think Northwestern, Stanford, Vanderbilt, or Notre Dame) they just caught lightning in a bottle with Coach K, and have been really good at basketball for a while.

I say all of this to highlight, they are a legitimate, well funded active contributor to academia and research.

They aren't some hack religious institution that's trying to play being a real school while shoveling indoctrination down your throat like BYU or Liberty.

Duke is a legitimate research university that should be criticized even more harshly for the decision outlined in the article because of their history as a top tier research institution, not because they're "a religious school that doesn't care about science."

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 63 points 4 months ago

What's even funnier is initially the investigators were only looking to get $250M. During the case after a monitor was appointed, the Trump Org. started shuffling money around and they went after more money due to those actions.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 52 points 4 months ago

His entire campaign raised ~$330M in 2016 election cycle. At the very least it's a massive hit to the funds they have to spend.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 53 points 4 months ago

In New York State you have to front 110% of the money before you can appeal. So he would have to front $390M just to file the appeal.

His whole 2016 campaign raised $330M for context.

He's also on record under oath saying he has $400M cash on hand meaning if he doesn't actually have the cash on hand he perjured himself as well.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 89 points 5 months ago

The follow-up question was literally "What accusations are you making against Biden to justify removing him from the ballot?"

Like dude, you can literally make up anything and your base would eat it up. You couldn't even do that. What a moron, and he'll still lose almost zero support from his base because they didn't actually pay attention.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 49 points 10 months ago

Playing devil's advocate, the Trump team didn't expect to win and quite frankly had no clue how to pull the levers of power for a large portion of his presidency. If, God forbid, he is reelected that will not be the case. They will know how to play the system much more effectively than they did last time.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 49 points 10 months ago

It also wasn't really successful before he came in either. It rarely was profitable and usually operated at a loss.

I mean Musk has seemingly made every bad move imaginable, I can only imagine the ideas he's been talked out of.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 65 points 10 months ago

I agree wholeheartedly with this message, but also don't disregard advice from elders simply because they're old. There are some real nuggets of wisdom you may miss.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 50 points 10 months ago

I can get reposts every couple of hours on here.

[-] MammyWhammy@lemmy.ml 39 points 11 months ago

While I'm sure the meat industry/lobbying has made sure people knew about the drawbacks of plant based meat I think there's several legitimate reasons it hasn't taken off yet. It's firmly stuck in the middle.

When compared to animal based meat plant based meat is:

  • more expensive
  • not hardly any healthier
  • doesn't taste as good

When compared to more traditional plant based protein, plant based meat it is:

  • more expensive
  • much less healthy
  • doesn't taste as good

The only benefit of plant based meat is that it's more environmentally friendly than traditional meat.

That's something that most people don't care to pay more for.

I hope R&D continues into plant-based meat as I do think that once the cost comes down below animal-based meat it will see wide adoption. Especially because the price of animal-based meat will continue to rise.

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