[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 1 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

LOL thank you, I was just venting. I don't get any opportunities whatsoever to vent about that particular issue that's always quite a bit of PTSD. Thank you for the hugs. I'm a good person that did not deserve to be wronged by those two people.

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 4 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Everything we do, we do for the love of tacos.

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 14 points 13 hours ago

Local regulations: "any additions must be visually distinct from the original structure."

Castle owner: "ok. So we'll glue my grandma's blue-siding house to the castle."

Local regulations: " No, not like THAAAAT"

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 2 points 13 hours ago

But would you want to live there?

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 1 points 13 hours ago

reddit has r/trippinthroughtime which is all posts like this, one of my favorite subs sometimes. i laugh and laugh

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 5 points 13 hours ago
[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 2 points 13 hours ago

AND knowing that murder is wrong

True, and since probably neither of us are in the heat of murderous anger right now, let's think back to that time we HAVE been in the heat of murderous anger, And I'm telling you, that sonofabitch DESERVES it, right?! He COMPLETELY DESTROYED my life and he KNOWS it, and he will never even acknowledge it or apologize. Even now the only reason I'd regret following through with this ideation is the dread of prison and losing all my freedoms forever. But yeah, these guys are safe, at least from MY wrath. I moved 2000 miles away. But surely they fuck up a lot of things and a LOT of people are equally angry at them, so hopefully karma does its thing with them.

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 14 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago)

same. But it's not fear of God that keeps me from doing it. It's the dread of going to prison.

Just like Taco Guy. He knows there are no tacos in prison so he lives life in such a way to avoid prison.

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 2 points 16 hours ago

I'm glad you asked. It bends my brain imagining one person making up this conversation. He's clever. It also bends my brain that two people could have this conversation. either way it's kinda genius.

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 26 points 16 hours ago

I think you're missing the point. We're talking about tacos.

[-] LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world 6 points 16 hours ago

well this is a delicate area because people have the right to be attracted to whoever they want to be. It's not racism to not be sexually attracted to a certain race. Just because a woman is a prostitute doesn't mean that she is required to say yes to every man.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world to c/antiwork@lemmy.world

I have no choice but to work a job for survival although I am in constant pain, my feet, my legs, my back, my shoulders, which is ironic because here I am as your massage therapist so you might assume we're impervious to pain, But no, not only am I your licensed massage therapist but I am first & foremost a Disabled Army Veteran but I have no choice but to work because all my disability benefits are being garnished by the government.

Ideally to heal my pain, I would rest and exercise and do yoga all day which is what I really need to do, but that won't earn me money to survive, and if I don't earn money to survive then I cannot survive. So I have no choice but to work a job, and if I could have any job in the world I wanted, it would be this job, as a licensed massage therapist here in this oceanfront Spa at this exclusive Beach Club that charges members $7,000 to join and $1,000 a month club dues, yes this is an exclusive club and I am grateful you hired me to work here,

I went to school for this, and jumped through so many legal hoops and bureaucratic documentation and licensing and testing in several different states just to have this job, So I'm investing myself into this job because I've already invested so much effort into it, and I don't want to jump through any other hoops for any other job because I'm already exhausted.

although what I really want to do is be a yoga teacher but I tried that and it only pays $25 a week and I cannot survive on $25/week, so I'm sticking with this job as a massage therapist and I'm grateful you hired me because this spa is on the beach and we can literally see the ocean from our windows and front promenade and it is so beautiful. And an employee benefit you offer us is a cafeteria with free food during our breaks and that is amazing. I'm grateful to work here,

but let me be clear that I do not want to work AT ALL and I need to rest and my body is in constant pain and I literally have disability benefits so I shouldn't be working but the government /IRS is garnishing all of my disability benefits because of something stupid my ex-husband did 10 years ago, So I have no choice but to work this job, and if I must work a job, this is the best one. But I am worried I will not be able to keep up and I will be so exhausted that I simply can't do it anymore, and then what? I will die because we need money to survive and if I don't work then I won't have money. And mind you, death from lack of money is not a quick instant painless death. No, it's a slow horrible undignified demise.

I will honestly tell you, along the same vein of preferring to be a yoga teacher if it only paid a living wage because that would be better for my body and my health, I've also thought of being an exotic dancer so I can climb a pole and be upside down and exercise which is what I crave, so much better than standing on these hard floors all day bending over massage clients, Oh it's 3:45 a.m. and my body is still throbbing in pain from the prior day of work, but I chose this vocation as a massage therapist because it is respectable, and guaranteed steady income as long as I can tolerate the pain and keep showing up to work every day,

whereas being an exotic dancer would not be respectable, and also I don't have the personality or the street smarts to be an exotic dancer. I would just like the physicality of it, climbing, stretching, dancing, that's what my body needs to do.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I have to submit a document for employment and they want my passport but my passport photo is 5.49 MB and they say you can't upload anything more than 5 MB. How can I shrink that file on my android phone without paying some service?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world to c/astronomy@mander.xyz

Do I need to log out? then log back in? I don't want to. But if logging out/in is necessary to refresh my filter settings, I will. I searched for a way to log out/ in but I can't find it, but I will look harder if I need to. Let me know, or anything else I need to do to stop seeing Trump posts. Thanks.


When you're lonely, you don't become cripplingly hopeless and withdraw from life? You just contact some friends or easily make new friends and have a good time and carry on with life?

When you're driving your car and everything is fine until you come to a stoplight, you don't suddenly become depressed at the stoplight like I do?

When you wake up every morning, you don't have crippling existential dread? You just get up and go about your day cheerfully, without analyzing the futile meaninglessness of the big picture?

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by LemmyKnowsBest@lemmy.world to c/meta@lemm.ee

You know we all escaped Reddit for greener pastures. But I have increasingly noticed that greener pastures are not to be found in the Fediverse either.

I undeniably witnessed some vote fuzzing this morning and I feel a bit psychologically violated whenever I notice people or companies or platforms engaging in psychological manipulation.

It does make me feel livid.

Update - case closed because:

Wisdom from gregorum@lemm.ee

There is no vote fuzzing in Lemmy. The software doesn’t support it. Period.

I’ve been paying attention to the Lemmy mod tools and Lemmy admin Matrix rooms, and it’s been the subject of major discussion over the past week between one or two users who keep bringing it up and, like, everyone else (including the Lemmy devs) who are all like, “no, not now, not ever.”

It’s not a thing.

SO, what could explain what you’re seeing?

Possible explanations include:

Vote brigading

Alt account abuse

A genuine statistical fluke where there are genuine votes that are producing this bizarre pattern, and hopefully it will subside soon along with your reasonably justified paranoia.

The solution to all of these possibilities, and possibly others that I did not enumerate here, is to just ignore the problem and move on with your life. Remember: nothing that happens here is really important.

I really hope this makes you feel better. Because it should.

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