[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 23 points 2 months ago

10 year old bug?

What are they talking about, that bug report is from 2014‽

... Fuck

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 34 points 3 months ago

It's at least gotten a bit better.

There was a time when Photoshop and other programs used a copy-protection scheme that overwrote parts of grub, causing the user not to be able to boot Linux or Windows.

They knew about it, and just DGAF. I don't remember their exact FAQ response, but it was something along the lines of "Photoshop is incompatible with GRUB. Don't dual boot if you use Photoshop."

Grub still has code for BIOS based installs that uses reed-solomon error correction at boot time to allow grub to continue to function even if parts of its core.img were clobbered by shitty copy protection schemes for Windows software.

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 24 points 3 months ago

Puberty is irreversible.

Going through the wrong puberty can (and frequently does) lead to suicide.

Suicide is also irreversible.

Puberty blockers allow children to delay puberty so that they can decide which puberty they would like to have.

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 30 points 4 months ago

This should get you back to defaults:

sudo cp /usr/share/grub/default/grub /etc/default/grub && sudo update-grub

At some point you definitely did accidentally write to /etc/default/grub when you meant to write to /boot/grub/grub.cfg.

There's no shame in that; Grub's configuration process is very confusing and counter-intuitive.

Everybody who has used Linux long enough has stories of breaking their systems in sillier ways, and this didn't even really break your system 🙂.

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 44 points 4 months ago

Development of the Wayland specification and multiple Wayland compositors is funded by the X.org foundation, and done largely by current and former Xorg developers / maintainers.

So it still works!

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 56 points 4 months ago

No single person should be your moral barometer.

Stanning is bad.

(I also appreciate everything I've heard of Greta Thunberg saying and doing.)

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 34 points 4 months ago

All implanted medical device firmware should be Free Software.


[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 22 points 5 months ago

This same argument has been made throughout history.

"If we let Black people have freedom they'll murder all of the white plantation owners!"

Now, I wouldn't blame formerly enslaved people for murdering the people who enslaved them, but that didn't happen.

Aparthide in South Africa was ended without the promised (by white people) "white genocide" either.

Settler-colonial powers always think that the people they're oppressing will commit genocide, because it's what colonizers do.

The only road to true peace is full human rights for all.

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 22 points 6 months ago

"Both parties are the same" is an obviously silly statement.

At the same time, "Vote for the man who says he can't avoid building Trump's wall, but can use executive power to sell weapons specifically to be used for genocide... Because the other guy is worse." is not a great way to raise voter turnout.

Some of the people criticizing others in this thread have been organizing against genocide. Have been calling their representatives, protesting in the street, etc.

If that's you; Great! My beef is not with you.

If not, and especially if you were telling people to vote for Biden in 2020 because we could "push him to the left"; Maybe work on getting Biden to stop funding genocide and generally push an agenda that will make people want to vote for him.

With current levels of partisanship, turnout is what makes the difference in elections.

Criticizing the very people you're trying to get to vote is at best counter-productive.

Like it or not, if you're campaigning for Biden then you're an embassador for the Democratic party. People notice what you spend your energy on, and what you don't. If you spend more time calling people on the left "stupid" than you do campaigning to end genocide? People will notice, and they will associate Biden supporters with hypocrites that don't actually care about them or people like them.

Being a dick is easier than actually organizing; But it won't achieve your stated goals.

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 31 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Partially AI generated "photo"?

[-] Jordan_U@lemmy.ml 35 points 9 months ago

I mark any email that I didn't intend to sign up for as spam, and I never intentionally sign up for emails from companies.

If Gmail offers a "mark as spam and unsubscribe" option, I use it.

I hope that adds just the tiniest push for Google to automatically mark these types of emails as spam and encourage companies to do better.

But then, I do this maybe once a month with Google's own emails, so 🤷.

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