[-] Exec@pawb.social 11 points 1 day ago

To be fair they called a lot of their "intelligent" features AiSomething wayyy before the LLM explosion happened. Their overclocking tool for Z97 motherboards (around 2014) was called AiSuite.

[-] Exec@pawb.social 1 points 1 day ago

Except the sims and pets themselves those were 3D models

[-] Exec@pawb.social 5 points 3 days ago

NK sent back kpoop instead

[-] Exec@pawb.social 7 points 4 days ago

Before that, we need to talk about the latent heat and the refrigeration cycle

[-] Exec@pawb.social 50 points 4 weeks ago

Better still they had actually taken it and put in into production in place of the code that CTO had written, and which was the basis of the “correct” solution.

The test was just a set-up for free work.

[-] Exec@pawb.social 43 points 1 month ago

Did the lobby money run out?

submitted 2 months ago by Exec@pawb.social to c/3ds@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/28549378

Hello everyone. For everyone who may own a 3DS or Wii U, I'm sharing this out to as many places I can think of, where the awareness can make an impact. Please read if you own a 3DS or Wii U at all, or know anybody who does:

The SpotPass servers by Nintendo will be shutting down on April 8th, 2024 at 4PM PDT. The SpotPass Archival Project has been created by the 3DS and Wii U Homebrew modding community, to make sure as much SpotPass data as humanly possible is preserved for the foreseeable future and not lost forever in the coming few days. This archival project can only be made possible by the donations of any individuals owning a 3DS and Wii U (not a donation of money, but rather a donation of SpotPass data stored on your system)

This data can only be collected before April 8th. Any and all dumps made or sent after the end-date will be useless due to the nature of how the archive process works. The dump does not require you to have a modded or Homebrewed console, and can be done completely unmodded. All you need extra as an unmodded user, is a PC or laptop.

Even if you make the dump before April 8, and send it to them afterwards, the dump will be useless regardless, this is why we are frantically trying to spread the word about the project as quickly as possible, as there is a lot of data that is still going to go away permanently regardless of the efforts of this project. The data is stored offline locally on your 3DS and Wii U, so you may be confused as to why you can't just make the dump after the date. For a better explanation, here is a Discord message from the official Discord server which explains things. I am not a developer of the project, I'm just someone who is passionate about gaming and technology preservation, and wants to get this out there.

The data is going to be used by the developers to put towards developing a replacement for the SpotPass network, similar to what was done by the Homebrew community who created the Nintendo Network replacement, dubbed "Pretendo Network".

Even if you don't think you have much data on your system, please help dump it towards the archive as soon as possible (within the next couple of days), because you likely have some things you don't know about. The process does not require a modded console at all, and the offical site here, has instructions for both users of modded consoles, and users of unmodded consoles. You can ask for help in the official Discord server of the project here and people will be very willing to help.

There are also many many niche, lesser known games, which have absolutely no data archived for them still to this day, so any help archiving them is vital. Thanks for reading, and I ask you to also share this out to as many people as you possibly can. Even if you do not own a 3DS or Wii U, please share this out to anyone you know who owns one, or even those whom you suspect might have one.

[-] Exec@pawb.social 60 points 3 months ago

Actually the original is from StackOverflow

[-] Exec@pawb.social 87 points 4 months ago

Considering that even if it's moving slow the EU won't give its approval to that "fee despite not using anything from them"-charge.

[-] Exec@pawb.social 72 points 5 months ago

fuck you

[-] Exec@pawb.social 66 points 7 months ago

The device doesn’t support pressure sensitivity

So the targeted audience is... no one? The regular pens are very much aimed at artists.

[-] Exec@pawb.social 90 points 7 months ago

So third-party VPN apps should be able to provide a connection without a persistent notification now, right?

submitted 9 months ago by Exec@pawb.social to c/gaming@beehaw.org

cross-posted from: https://kbin.social/m/gaming/t/354777

Twitter thread in the link
Henry Schrader:

So, to anyone who doesn't know, Hi-Rez Studios, the people behind Paladins and Smite, have stated that they will be using AI to clone voices and refused to add in any words to contracts that would protect actors from it. More info in the thread. Please share to other VAs.

[-] Exec@pawb.social 65 points 9 months ago

I thought it's some people defending LTT/LMG after their latest stunt (possibly single-handedly killing a startup)
Linked post is also locked for some reason

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