

it's not like I got a happy may day, fellow worker! from her!


that's bullshit they should have banned me for brigading from hexbear angery


why are these people even here, how did this even happen?? I would be less confused if the truck were facing the water but they like backed up to it?????

all my apes ;_; (scontent-iad3-2.xx.fbcdn.net)
[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 56 points 1 month ago




[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 85 points 1 month ago

we're posting this on chapo.chat it already started

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 69 points 2 months ago

Man the democrats really want to lose the election lol

post (hexbear.net)

My brother sent me this today, I only skimmed it but i guess the reason google REALLY sucks now is the guy who built their search engine got replaced by a managerial ratfucker whose previous experience was being head of yahoo search (lol)


fucking liberals

p.s. if you're wondering Who's That Flag I'm Venezuela and I just enacted council republic, cookin' up cooperative ownership r/n

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 78 points 3 months ago

if you vote for trump you're a fucking moron, thanks


this is some like NATOpedia shit on the Taipin rebellion so like 1000000 grains of salt for everything, but man that quote goes hard


because it's like SO much attention drawn to such a small increase in cost of living compared to what the average renter deals with. I think the article posted on here quoted something like an increase from $400ish PER YEAR to $2000ish for flood insurance? Which is like, a lot, but that's a $50/month to $166/month increase, which is like, yeah, again, a lot, but that is still way less than the average rent increase due to landlords just being like "well the market rates!!" and charging you more every year. My rent has gone up way more than that. It's been like $70 every fucking year. And I'm not dealing with some fucking coastal flood bullshit either.

idk what the point of this post is because I do still have sympathy for proletarian home owners who are being fucked by climate change. It's just wack seeing the numbers, like, "This increase is SERIOUS" when it's so much more than the increases I've seen EVERY FUCKING YEAR FOR NO FUCKING REASON OTHER THAN LANDLORD OWN PLACE

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 73 points 3 months ago

lemmy.world is acting as a proxy instance for Reddit

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 83 points 3 months ago

They think calling him our big wet boy is like positive

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 58 points 3 months ago

Really a perfect image though. Young MASKED woman of color being ignored by old white people literally putting their hands over their ears while the police step in

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 141 points 4 months ago

Yeah I just watched the video and I just gotta say massive fuck you to all the people who shit on this dude or just write him off as "a troop." He opens up the video and says he's about to engage in "an extreme act of protest" but "compared to what people in Palestine have been experiencing at the hands of their colonizers, it's not extreme at all" and then lights himself on fucking fire.

If you watch that and don't have even the slightest bit of empathy or think that he is not in any way a comrade, there is something wrong with you

Yeah he shouldn't have joined the military, yeah he shouldn't have killed himself, but jesus fucking christ people that just makes it more tragic.

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 78 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Honestly all the fucking "this guy is a loser" shit is 100x more actually reactionary than half the shit I see in the mod log labeled "reactionary." Just so utterly lacking in empathy.

The guy literally fucking killed himself for his beliefs, and his beliefs were "FREE PALESTINE." That is fucking hardcore. I can only hope that I possess even a fraction of the bravery this dude had going to certain death. I'm afraid of dying in general, every way is an awful way. Burning to death is fucking agonizing, one of the worst possible ways you can die, and he chose it because he so strongly supports the Palestinian cause.

"He should have..." fuck you. You should be fucking doing something, armchair revolutionary

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 72 points 4 months ago

A person just killed themselves to try to stop a genocide and you call them a loser because you're super cool

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 66 points 4 months ago

it's almost like we don't but you're too much of an absolutely braindead liberal to really understand much of anything

I bet a year's salary you're blueMAGA

[-] DyingOfDeBordom@hexbear.net 63 points 4 months ago

It makes the provenance of this community's opinions fairly obvious

Lol go back to reddit

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