The worst part of being Elon Musk is even if you somehow cure the white supremacy, you're still a massive fucking dweeb.
I was in high school when it came out and loaned it to my English teacher. His assessment was pretty similar and I wasn't happy at the time, but in retrospect, Mr. Hughes had it right.
The seals must be weakening.
Every accusation a confession?
Hobbyist balloons are rather cheap. The smallest are a couple feet across and cost under $10. A typical weather balloon is around 20 feet in diameter and costs about $100.
Compare to the millions it costs to track an object, deploy fighter jets, pay for missiles to shoot one down and one has an impressive guerrilla operation.
so it's "cool" to be stupid
Perhaps it's escalated, but that's definitely not new.
Yes, yes, the enemy is weak. But are they strong as well? I suspect they might be.
Unfortunately, HIPAA doesnt have a private right of action. All you can do is file a complaint with DHS.
The later volumes of Kapital get pretty weird, huh?
Once shutdown, there would have to be fewer than 3.7k encounters per day for two weeks to reopen. In December, there was an average of 14k encounters per day. They won't even have to fake the numbers to ensure the border remains shut.
The antisemitism of Zionism is just something else.
And not a single catgirl. I don't think this guy's even been to communist bookclub.