Bitch don’t kill my Vibia
Trans Memes
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Sorry Vivian
I'm just over here Biden, didn't harsh my good time
“Vibia. Like Tibia, but with a V.”
Thanks Tibiav.
For some reason I enjoy intentionally mangling people's names to make them sound silly. If I were to use my name as an example, I'd probably turn it into "modsy" or "mobsy". Haven't run into anyone yet who's told me to cut it out, so it's kinda turned into a game to see how hard I can mangle a name and still be understandable.
Edit: mosdy, mosby, mobdsy, moldy, moffy, mothy, mawshy, etc
Same. I love coming up with those nicknames, often specifically to annoy the person. I haven't done it recently, but that might just be because I haven't gotten close enough with new people in a long time 😕
My circle of friends has – for whatever reason – developed a habit of pluralizing names and things like kinship words (so it's "moms" and not "mom", for example. I swear this wasn't influenced by Infinite Jest), usually when we want to be endearing to each other or refer to someone in an endearing way.
So to use OP's name as an example, if I was to send them a message I could eg say something like "How are the Vibias doing today?"
We also mangle names in addition to that, so someone called eg. Timo (a Finnish name) who has the nickname "Timppa" (yes the nickname is mysteriously longer than the actual name. Finnish 🤷) would first get mangled to "Tinppa" (we do mp -> np a lot), and then "Tinpat" to turn it into a plural.
I just call everyone dude
Y'all are sleeping on y'all
What’s up gamers?
That's a slur.
what's up gaymas
"Gaymas" sounds like a delightful holiday
It sounds like two lesbian grandmas also. Just going to my gaymas' house for Gaymas dinner.
The mimosas be flowing that day.
Yeah I'd rather be called a slur
Think that's what they just did
"He's a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes" has been one of my life philosophies.
Unless you're a dick, then everyone else is a dude, but that dude? That dudes a cockmongler.
Iono....cockmongler sounds fun....
Actually super interesting how close our chosen names are! I like it!
Ohhh cool haha
What does the name mean?
Is the name of an historical queer character.
From something well known? Or were you joking and referring to yourself as the 'historical queer character'? Just wondering because my search turned up nothing.
Vibia Perpetua. Look her up. Is a recognized saint. 3rd century I think.
Yo facts people cant spell my name in any of the languages i speak :D
As long as they don't go for Vibrio.
I love my commas that give me diarrhea
people calling me Kat instead of Cat
i can hear the k you bastards shakes fist
🤨 ❓
Ha, the joke's on you. My deadname was not only hateful, but also prone to misspelling, so I made sure I chose a name that isn't misspelled, nor mis-pronounced easily.