[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 17 points 15 hours ago

I think it's the taboo nature in combination with it being a story behind the action. It's a plot involving a lot of emotions with minimal effort. I prefer childhood friends for that, but taboo is sexy to a lot of people. Full on incest stuff is annoyingly popular as well for some reason 🤮

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 13 points 15 hours ago


[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 2 points 17 hours ago

You mean warmed up?

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 36 points 17 hours ago

Broke: Penis envy

Woke: Tail envy

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 16 points 18 hours ago

I know. This Ben Garrison cum edit just hits different.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 18 points 18 hours ago

They basically cropped out half the setup for no reason. You're not out of touch, it's the image itself that fails to give context.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 19 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

tfw goblins aren't voluptuous supermodels with green skin and elf ears offering up their gobussy

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 32 points 21 hours ago

Trans Inclusive Radical Misogyny, where trans women are inferior because they're women, not because they're trans.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 8 points 21 hours ago

It's about grinding herbs and spices in a bowl using a rock and not having good technique.

[-] TotallynotJessica@lemmy.world 11 points 1 day ago

It would only regulate bodies in regards to labor, which is something we already do in other industries. We allow or even mandate drug tests for employment, something that is occasionally justifiable for certain professions. We already regulate out of work activities that could affect job safety, so prostitution wouldn't introduce anything new. Most of the harmful things that could arise from regulation aren't unique to sex work


Also, fuck WPATH for being over a decade behind research.

Original comic made by ShaveYourEyebrows

egg🐦irl (lemmy.world)

No gatekeepers with valid opinions at least.

I made this meme to challenge my own doubt in 2022, and I'm honestly proud of it. However, I wanted to wait till I was more certain before coming out, so I tried to affirm myself in subtle ways. Unfortunately, I didn't realize how much dysphoria negatively affects me, so my mental health plummeted to the worst it's ever been.

Don't be like me and wait for impossible certainty. You won't magically have a moment where all doubts disappear. Logic can't help you, you need to listen to what feels most comfortable. I only knew I made the right choice after I took that leap.


No ill will or hate towards anyone, but my mind immediately went to this type of bear when I first heard the hypothetical.

Alt version:

instance rule (lemmy.world)
Ancient Garfieldism (lemmy.world)

I found this ancient meme on my phone and thought y’all would appreciate it.

Transcription: a phone picture of a screen displaying a Spotify playlist titled "Furry Confession." The songs are as follows:

"I Wanna F(censored)k You" by N.O.R.E., Scarlett

"Like an Animal" by RÜFÜS DU SOL

"Specifically" by JUST2, Jose Diaz

"Garfield" by Hail Mary Mallon

"So" by Ed Sheeran

"Bend Over" by Grass High Band

"and" by EDEN

"Repeat After Me" by KONGOS

"I Don't Like Mondays" by The Boomtown Rats


I only wanted to be trans. It's just trans OCD and I'm gaslighting myself because I think transfems are cool. I didn't have any signs growing up anyways. I wish I was female, but I'm still cis though.

Much like being bi or having ADHD, I had a narrow view on what being trans meant. I thought all trans people knew they were trans from a young age. I thought that trans people had conscious reasons for wanting to be another gender. I thought wanting to be a woman was different from being a woman. I thought I could control what I want and who I was. I thought I had freedom to choose.

It's earth shattering to realize just how little freedom we have. I didn't get to choose who I fell for. I didn't choose to be trans. I didn't accept who I was was when I was younger because I thought conformity was the only option. I always wished I could be "normal" to not feel so alone around other people.

When I crushed on a male childhood friend, I didn't recognize it as such because I didn't comprehend "gayness" as an option. I picked male characters in video games because I didn't see female characters as an option. I couldn't have long hair because I was a boy and boys like short hair. I had a crush on a girl, so I must be a straight male.

For as far back as I remember, I thought I was bad and wrong. It's why I couldn't make friends with the boys. If I spent time with a girl, it was weird and I had a crush on her. I had to fit in with the dudes. There was no other option. I looked up to kids that rejected the norms, but I could never be like them. I had no confidence. I was shy and wanted to be invisible.

I couldn't control my feelings because I tried to disconnect from them. I honestly didn't know how I felt or what I wanted most of the time because it was usually negative and painful. When I had definite desires that went against the norm, I assumed they were wrong and invalid. I learned to hide what I wanted, but I still sucked at hiding my unhappiness.

I've had to relearn how to listen to my heart, and part of that was accepting that I don't need to be normal. I'm a person, but I'm not like most people. I'm not average. I fall beyond the standard deviation. Normality alone is useless. Only morality makes a person good or bad.

Since coming out, I've felt alive. I've had externally stressful moments, but they're nothing compared to my moments of dysphoria. Dysphoria can kill me, but euphoria can protect me just as well. Learning oneself after purposefully losing it isn't easy, but it's worth it.

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joined 10 months ago