[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 1 points 21 minutes ago

Maybe it's a Swordbreaker axe, turn the triangle on its head.

Mans been holding onto it since back in the Prologue, probably has some Durability left.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 22 points 57 minutes ago

I have a love/hate relationship with the safety crew.

They're why I have to waste time each year rewatching the exact same shit, but equally, I have seen too many incidents of someone ignoring the protocol and getting severely hurt.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 1 points 3 hours ago

That explains why "Cry of the Black Birds" was on the official soundtrack.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 5 points 3 hours ago

That's when you turn it into a running gag, and see if anyone notices before they're clearing out whole camps simply named "Phil".

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 1 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

I cannot overstate just how absolutely freeing a nice skirt or dress feels. You're cooler, and you get to do the spinnys, so you're cooler.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 1 points 3 hours ago

Fuck fashion, cargo shorts and pants are the utility clothing. They look decent, plenty of pockets, comfy as fuck. You can be prepared for a multitude of events at any given moment.

Rock what you wanna rock! If it's comfy, and you like yourself in it, it's a good pick.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 2 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Funnily, an ultra cute pair of capri-style leggings(I was not paying attention, just saw my size with a pattern that weren't aimed at kids) were one of my gateways. I've just slowly worked my way up to showing more leg, and reminded myself that all that matters is if I think I look cute in it.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 2 points 6 hours ago

Warm up some garlic naan, then plop your pasta on top. I think it turns out better than a tortilla.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 4 points 15 hours ago

There's just a mild dissonance between that title(which is an awful thing, hopefully they all land on their feet after this), and the happy as fuck Disney Magic Kingdoms image.

You happy about this, Mickey? Does this please your cold corporate heart? They shoulda tied you to the anchor and left you for erased, you sick rat.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 9 points 16 hours ago

I, sadly, kinda feel this. As someone who has spent most of their waking life in some form of jeans or long pyjama pants and has now started making some major wardrobe changes, I did not know how to handle showing my legs.

I understood the phrase "chicken legs". Though that might have been dysphoria fueled.

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 3 points 16 hours ago

So, uhh...

How'd you taste? They leave good reviews? No weird diseases, properly cooked?

And how much?

[-] NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee 29 points 16 hours ago

They won't until they absolutely have to.

Which at this rate is fucking never.

submitted 3 months ago by NakariLexfortaine@lemm.ee to c/pokemon@lemmy.ml

Came across these three Bandai Quick model kits while out and about. They looked adorable, so they came home and got built.

Honestly great for beginners/kids! Pieces pop out of the frame easily, they're fairly easy to click together, and decently solid for snap-togethers. You can at least pick them up without everything falling apart, though Mew is finicky about staying upright in its stand. Young kids would probably need help with the stickers, and maybe with getting the eye pieces slotted into place.

Going to keep my eyes out for the rest of the line, now.


My wife surprised me with the two-piece Mothman and the NB placard she found at an event as an early birthday present! She got me the trans heart last year.

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