I had a sociology professor (who was brilliant and enlightening) who said that the future of the economy was in services. That was in 1999 / 2000. Now we have subscription everything (with rampant price hikes) and software-as-a-service (SaaS) and the like. Companies / corporations get to get fat on this shift in the business model. Workers get shafted with Uber and such. Anyone with a 9-5 career is seeing the ever-present squeeze of the markets ("we must grow at all costs or we're dead") slowly turn in on them and reduce their prospects.
After the end of the Soviet Union, people talked about "the end of history." Wrong. This is the end. The beginning happened somewhere not very long in the past. We're still at the opening, however. It's only going to keep getting worse and worse as capitalism eats itself and the world. All the best times already happened (lucky boomers). Strap in. It's gonna be a hell of a ride (or a ride straight to hell).