[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 6 points 7 hours ago

What, no president?

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 4 points 16 hours ago

It's alright, we understand, and I can actually relate to that. I wasn't very liked, so I ended up choosing my older brother (who himself is trans, female to male) as my prom companion since nobody in my class would go. I was happy at the idea of it being special for him, but we only got heckled because we were siblings (complicated by the fact I was a year older than the norm, being 18 instead of 17, which would've removed a negative connotation of going with an older brother over the age of 18 but would've made me a year older numerically than most prom-goers) combined with his status as someone who is trans. What was supposed to be fun ended up being cut short and we went home.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 1 points 16 hours ago

We only ever had senior prom here. I'm wondering if it's a public school thing to overcharge because all the proms I've been to were non-public school ones (including my own, never went to public school) and it was priced no differently than a restaurant would be, the biggest of our hurdles were getting the clothes (and in my case not being heckled due to choosing my brother as my prom go-to).

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 2 points 16 hours ago

Is that an MMORPG type of game or a regular multiplayer game?

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 1 points 16 hours ago

In a way, you weren't missing out. Where I live, children (myself included when I was younger) have an odd tradition of going to everyone's proms except sometimes our own (or including our own). They vary a lot but it's like you have to really look to find the fun ones. And I'm guessing very few people enjoy the dance part because only a quarter of the people (does not include me) actually know how to dance. A common joke during the dance part is to say "I forgot to study for this".

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 1 points 16 hours ago

As someone who lives somewhere where the drinking age is 21, I often forget this is a thing.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 2 points 16 hours ago

Are there any differences in how it's celebrated there?

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 1 points 16 hours ago

It's a night of leisure, the only "work" parts of it is trying to find clothes and a companion. Unless I misunderstand.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 3 points 23 hours ago

Sorry you had that experience with prom. I can relate to the stress part, my own school prom had some issues too. It's tradition here in the last school semester to go around asking classmates in the style of marriage proposals if they'd like to be their prom date. I am not introverted but wasn't well-liked and had a reputation due to how a past relationship ended (to the point where people would respond by mockingly asking "why don't you ask your old BF, oh wait"), so when my older brother (who is trans, female to male) mentioned wanting to experience a genuine prom while being himself, he became my senior prom companion. Except when we showed up, all anyone wanted to do was shoo us away, even after prepping. It took a toll.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 2 points 23 hours ago

Yes, prom is a dance celebration people in high school have right before (or after) they graduate. Though I hear that other thing is popular in college.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 2 points 23 hours ago

Would be nice honestly if they allowed video games as a prom activity.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 3 points 23 hours ago

Did the prom itself cost money, or do you mean the preparations? I've heard mixed stories about the proms themselves costing lots of money to attend.


It's definitely hard to miss all the people where I live pulling out of driveways in dresses and people taking pictures across all the public areas, it really lets you know it's prom time.

What's your experience with prom (or multiple proms if you went to others too)? How did everyone look? How was it celebrated? Was it good?


When I was little, TV shows and movies apparently liked to make their production logos creepy. That logo that appeared either in the beginning of a VHS tape or DVD or in the end was enough to get some of us to not sneak out of our rooms at night and watch our favorite shows/movies. And as I grew older, I'd be confirmed of the fact I wasn't the only person caught off-guard, as there is a whole genre of discussion around it. Which one would strike the scariest vibes in you?


To those from the Western hemisphere, it's always fascinating to hear that some homes and businesses from the times of the Greek philosophers still have inhabitants, and then you remember that the Western hemisphere is itself not without its own examples, for example some Mexican villages still have temples from the times of the Mayans.


This seems to be something people don't always give second thought to. When people talk about the homeless, the first things thought about are images of people on busy city streets in rusty clothes waiting around near allies. In there, the answer is quite static, because it can be I guess. But if that's the case, change the setting and that changes too. In the places where I've lived, people often needed that mapped out. Where are they known in your rural locales?


It's Autumn in the Southern hemisphere (Spring time in the Northern hemisphere), and I get fascinated by a lamp post near me that some birds have been using as a hand-me-down for a decade now.


So the gist of national debt in my understanding is Nation A asks for aid of some kind from (or commits unintentional damages to) Nation B who later on deems Nation A owes them based on their interpretation of the ordeal, with varying layers of complexity.

Cities do that to each other too, right? Why do we never hear of a town or city urging that another town or city owes them, whether they're both in the same country or not?

And/or better yet, why doesn't national debt default on that kind of small level, where, instead of India saying "you owe us money, Israel", if all the money is coming from New Delhi and going to, say, Jerusalem, the mayor of New Delhi can just say to the mayor of Jerusalem "hey, get your billionaires to pay up"?

I know cities are not as sovereign as countries, but they're still valid units, correct?


OMG, it's incredibly, profoundly difficult to talk about this.

Here you have such a verbally unmatched phenomenon with so much of that weird colliding context and fluctuation in generic communicability that you might as well explain to a 2D entity how the third dimension works.

It is a miracle I even was able to recognize it by name when I first came across it.

In ancient times, it was said that the Persians would debate their ideas once sober and once under the influence in order to align clarity with perspective, and here you have this thing, which sees this and is like "hold my beer", fading in and out like old age, flickering the old internal lights without anyone's planned consent, and misguiding thought navigation.

I cannot speak for everyone, but there are a number of us who will tell you they don't dare write fiction (or nonfiction?) if there isn't absolutely every reason to believe they're in the safe zone, mind's eye, verbal recall, and comprehension (including that of relevance, which already has a relative nature) be damned, further complicated by the "there are different kinds" which ranks it in the realm of "phases", "moodiness", and "DID alters" (my step-step-kids each can attest experience with one of those three).

What does your own mind match it up with?

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