Nah, this is great all around.
Awful Taste But Great Execution
For when their taste is awful but execution is great
Yeah, and they should offer one in purple for Maniac Mansion fans too.
Mind Flayers: it's free real estate
I don't have any related kinks and I still want that
The key is to only wear it in one ear and be super evasive when people ask about it. All hail Cthulhu!
I doubt part of your statement.
Does it subtly move under battery power?
Oh man, now that would be dope! Subtle movement seems like the next frontier in fashion, really. I'm not sure why e-paper outfits still haven't left the concept stage.
Yeerks really out here normalizing it.
Anytime I see an animorphs reference I am required to ask: were you a member of RAF (Richard's animorphs forum)?
I think you mean "are you still" a member of Raf?
But yeah. The poor forum is pretty much dead, but still exists. Too bad the audiobook attempts never made it there. Official ones now exist on audible, but the main series alone was 54 books and audible wants like $15 a piece. Sky high for books that were each pretty short. Who's going to pay $800 to listen to them all?
Holy shit! A RAFian in the wild! I was super active over there from like 2006-2012ish? Changed my screen name a few times, but mostly known as Broken. Any chance we knew each other?
Sorry, my man. I wasn't on there very often im afraid, so chances are slim.
Were you on reddit when KA Applegate did their AMA back in the day? That was an awesome thing to be around. Like 15 years ago, before reddit sucked.
I missed that. I was around for it, just wasn't online at the time of it. D:
I was so excited and Katherine was cool as hell. Just Google ama k.a applegate and it'll pop up so you can read it all.
Iirc she was on RAF a few times, and her husband posted occasionally as well. They were always very kind.
To this day, though, some of my best friends are people I met through that forum, including a guy I still talk to almost every day. Animorphs folk are good folk
That's awesome. Good friends are hard to come by.
I want half a cockroach earbud. Onen going in, one coming out
No need to charge because it powered from Cthulhu. 🤣
I now know why i needed a 3d printer in my life. I thought it was to fix things in the household, and prototyping. No. Now I understand it's true purpose.
I want them. Now. I don't think I should have to explain why.
Just in time for Halloween!
I’d like one that resembles a brain devouring nematode please 0w0
These would be really cool to use on stage as a musician except they are made of glass. Kind dangerous...
I'm sure there's someone who can make a set out of resin, or a 3d print, even.
Dare I say, maybe even a resin 3d print???
I love the tenticle! Yivo loves us!
I felt gross upvoting this. It's pretty well done.
Looks tasty