[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 1 points 55 seconds ago

I think most Linux users (including me) are just cheap and don't even have hdr. One of my two monitors has a dent in frame and has one DVI port and power. I think a lot of the maintainers are similar and therefore don't prioritise problems they don't have yet.

I think it's a real shame how bad the Nvidia experience can be but at this point I've found that if the drivers from the arch repos don't work nicely the flatpak ones usually will. Wayland is of course still a problem for now but hopefully not for long.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 1 points 9 minutes ago

I'm guessing it has legacy bios which then means you need a cd/floppy.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

Oh wow, I'm curious how they detect spoofed hardware.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

I do the same but I recommend starting with dual boot and most people are stubborn and still don't. Two of my friends are interested, one is waiting until they get a new machine. With the other Bitlocker got in the way the first time but now on an older laptop we're going to try arch (it was their request) so I'm excited to give that a try. They are mostly interested because of security reasons, while the other is annoyed with the windows c compilers. It just shows how many reasons there are to use Linux and how difficult it can be in other cases.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

There's no way to completely avoid cheaters and I really don't get why there's so many windows games that want Kernelmode access. You could still read the memory and emulate inputs based on that or draw something on the screen. It's probably just causing the cheaters who want to download something and win to get more viruses (which most probably deserve assuming the viruses aren't too bad), while the game company gets closer to being indistinguishable from a virus itself.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

I was ok with windows but frustrated with it's ads and updates. Even back then I liked OSS which I later found out was mostly FOSS and I tried out Linux dual boot on my new computer, I've probably spent 60h on that windows installation and at this point I only have it to change the settings on a usb device that doesn't seem to have Linux support, which I'm considering writing something small for if I figure out how those things work.

Most of those 60h were in the first year and then a couple of hours between Ubuntu and endeavouros, making sure I had my backups even if I couldn't boot into Linux.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Honestly with the exception of trying out Nvidia drivers until they worked nicely (took 3 tries the first time back when I was on Ubuntu because it had nouveau as default and I miss read the first time) everything worked fine with wine or proton (or was just Linux compatible in the first place) and often I had better performance too.

Now on endeavouros I do more tinkering but I still don't have any problems except on my Wayland machine which experiences stutter in a few games but I'm guessing that will be fixed later this year with the new drivers and Wayland protocol changes.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Please stop reminding me that 2017 was 7 years ago.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Minecraft runs fine for me, surely FIFA runs fine with proton (protondb says 2019 -2022 work)? I don't even get why people use Roblox from what I've heard so I have no idea about that.

I have no idea what is going on with that laptop.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 4 points 4 days ago

Sorry but a tty is just a teletype terminal, using a tty could just as easily mean using kitty, alacritty, gnome terminal or the one you get if you were to use your shell as an init system (not sure what that would be called). You don't switch from a tty to Alacritty, as you're still just in a tty.

Also to my knowledge kitty has hardware acceleration too.

Sorry to be nitpicking but I think knowing that tty isn't just what you get when you press ctrl+alt+f2 is important for a deeper understanding of the operating system.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 8 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Just in case it wasn't clear you can't measure anything other than "100%" up or down spin. The quantum state of it being 50/50 is described by 1/sqrt{2} times the up and down vector, when you measure it you have a probability of getting either result calculated by the square of the absolute (||psi||^2) that way you avoid getting a complex probability.

btw I was too scared to try in case it doesn't but can I use LaTeX in Lemmy comments? $\psi$ Edit: No LaTeX doesn't seem to work and btw I didn't study this so it might be taught differently at uni. This was explained to me in/for the context of quantum computing.

[-] Ziglin@lemmy.world 8 points 6 days ago

Aahh you can't just make this problem object oriented!

C programmers don't like that.

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