Yeah, it's been banned in New Jersey for the last couple years. It was a cool overnight shift and it's just second nature to just leave reusable bags in my car now for when I need them.
The fabled MegaSD card
Anon should've asked them for a doggie bag so he could take it home to eat later.
Kids vote for other kids, and if it's anything like student council it's not really about ability. More Trump means less reading assignments...
When there aren't proper protections in place for frivolous lawsuits. It costs them more to fight than it would to just advertise on the platform. Time for Ben & Jerry's to make an "eat the rich" flavor with Musk's face on the carton to advertise on X!
Return to zombie Island... but the truth is disappointing...
That took me a dystopian amount of time to realize it was the onion...
Simple, trust no one. Get a no-reported-logs VPN, don't download anything that has a strange file size or extension, look at comments, look at the number of seeders if it's a torrent. If you can, join something like a private tracker where there's moderation too. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it's probably not the movie you were looking for and there might be a Trojan army inside waiting for you to let the duck enter your computer... That metaphor may have fallen apart on me...
ChatGPT just makes me feel like I'm doing code review for junior developers who don't understand the task... wait...
That would require Microsoft admitting they come in second.
That's just because the shutter speed is matching up exactly with the flapping of its wings, like a metal hummingbird.
Yeah, reads more like a wikipedia article than a news article, like someone took several sources and told ai to combine the info. Facts are great, but they don't make for a captivating read on their own. There's a sweet spot for opinion/reflection without too much bias that makes news sources worth reading.