“I spent hours in my lab and finally created a device that would bring me right to the moment Hitler was born so I could give that baby a piece of my mind and change the course of history,” said Representative Eastlund while enjoying a delicious plate of apple strudel at a quaint Austrian cafe. “I didn’t want to be rude when I arrived at Hitler’s place so I stood in the doorway and held a sign that said ‘Save Medicaid’ as high as I could. I’m pretty sure baby Adolph saw it, but he may have been sleeping. After about 15 seconds a man with a very thick mustache escorted me out of the building, but my message was pretty clear. I’m excited to see how much better the world is once I go back to the present.”
I'm fucking dying. I had to read this out loud to my wife, because she wanted to know what I was laughing at, and I could barely get through it.
Also, my grandpa killed Nazis. I loved that man.
killing nazis is always cool as fuck.
We need to start killing them again. They feel too safe.
see, I would argue that killing them isn't the best thing to do. death makes bodies easy to cover with a coffin, easy to valorize, easy to homogenize and erase. death makes it easy to tell glorious lies. you ever seen a military cemetary? they don't list birth/death dates, don't let you know that this is a field of dead kids. they're soldiers now. everything else that was lost is erased.
living broken bodies are a lot less politically convenient. they don't put VA hospitals in propaganda war films.
that said, killing nazis will never not be cool, even if I am right, which I may not be, and it is not an optimal strategy.
Executions in the fucking street. That's how it always should have been but we went soft. I'm going to be less soft going forward.
I never met your grandpa.....unless I have, and never knew it....anyways, point is, he sounds like good people. I wish he were still killing nazis. The world needs more dead nazis right now. Our country is lousy with them.