[-] protist@mander.xyz 1 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

It's impossible to say from this photo. Do you know what species it is? A closeup of the leaves would be helpful, and a picture of the entire tree.

Either way, best option is going to be to get a certified arborist out to look at it. It's likely in need of a regular ol' prune given those dead lower branches in the pic, but an arborist could tell you if there's anything more major to consider. An arborist can assess the tree from your property and trim branches over your property, but any major work will require consent of the owner of the property the tree is on.

My recommendation would be to get an arborist assessment and then approach your neighbor with that in hand and talk through options they're willing to consider. Cutting down a tree or even a big part of a tree this size should be a last resort, though

[-] protist@mander.xyz 18 points 4 hours ago

Those doctors sound awful. It's hard to imagine them at least not taking an X-ray if you came in telling them you have acute pain due to an injury, and why tf wouldn't they refer you to PT? Glad you're better

[-] protist@mander.xyz 9 points 6 hours ago

That house seems to be ~450 sq ft, that seem right?

[-] protist@mander.xyz 14 points 11 hours ago

A pack of 10 guavas is $2.37 at my grocery store in Texas. $3 for 1 is crazy

[-] protist@mander.xyz 9 points 23 hours ago

Are we reading the same article? I don't see those numbers, I see:

A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted between Thursday and Friday found that 5% of Republicans and 2% of independents said they are much less likely to vote for Trump because of the jury's ruling. Meanwhile, 30% of Republicans and 13% of independents said the verdict made them much more likely to vote for Trump.

[-] protist@mander.xyz 3 points 1 day ago

Works for me, but you have to tap on the city you want to see for the data to be displayed

[-] protist@mander.xyz 3 points 1 day ago

Why haven't any American brewers been able to make a solid lager? I typically get Spaten or Becks, but pretty much every American lager I try is terrible

[-] protist@mander.xyz 11 points 1 day ago

Another? What diseases are they spreading?

[-] protist@mander.xyz 8 points 1 day ago

In the actual report linked in this article it says they were aware of the attack as it was happening and that they don't believe it was a state actor

[-] protist@mander.xyz 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

You're right, let's rape and burn all natural areas until the whole of North America is returned to native tribes. That'll show 'em

[-] protist@mander.xyz 2 points 1 day ago

Really? I don't know a ton about this, but it looks like American and Japanese manufacturers are the only ones to have ever operated in Australia

[-] protist@mander.xyz 39 points 1 day ago

Australia's car manufacturing industry is basically non-existent, they import almost all of them. The EU and US have huge manufacturing bases they're trying to protect


"Gwen" means "white" in a variety of Celtic languages

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by protist@mander.xyz to c/connectasong@lemmy.world

"City" in common. Incredible performance of an incredible song.


Like the 13th Floor Elevators, Grupo Fantasma is from Austin, TX. Also, they're covering a song from over 15 years prior

submitted 3 weeks ago by protist@mander.xyz to c/mycology@mander.xyz

From care to careless


Shake, baby, shake, sha-shake, sha-shake, work it, work it


Also a drum corps


Born or machine, pick your poison


El Paso is a ballad about the American Frontier, with incredible vocal harmonies

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by protist@mander.xyz to c/connectasong@lemmy.world

wailing [ˈwāliNG]

  1. crying with pain, grief, or anger

  2. expressing dissatisfaction plaintively


Massive Attack are also from Bristol, UK

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by protist@mander.xyz to c/connectasong@lemmy.world

Let's take a trip around the world!

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joined 11 months ago