[-] wkk@lemmy.world 8 points 2 months ago

I've been told that they didn't offer a hardcore mode because the game had a few bugs that could kill you for no good reason. Imagine losing your save because of the game's bullshit. I find this decision smart even though I find stupid the fact that these bugs persisted for so long in the first place.

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 9 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's definitely not Rust's fault, but it's kinda Windows' one and cmd.exe escape logic... It's really difficult to write logic that will correctly escape any argument given to it, cmd.exe really is a pain to deal with :/

The Rust security team faced a significant challenge when dealing with cmd.exe's complexity since they couldn't find a solution that would correctly escape arguments in all cases.

As a result, they had to improve the robustness of the escaping code and modify the Command API. If the Command API cannot safely escape an argument while spawning the process, it returns an InvalidInput error.

"If you implement the escaping yourself or only handle trusted inputs, on Windows you can also use the CommandExt::raw_arg method to bypass the standard library's escaping logic," the Rust Security Response WG added.

I get that in situations where they can't safely escape a parameter they'll just stop with an error, which sound as sane as one could go with this!

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 9 points 4 months ago

Long COVID Seems to Be a Brain Injury, Scientists Discover

Bad title maybe

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I'm not a good comment writer so here's some text:

Not a teacher, but Python is great to discover various aspects of programming (algorithmic, flow control, I/O, OOP, metaprogramming). It's also easy to setup.

Java is just painful. The environment setup and the various frameworks available there are just way too overwhelming.

JS is actually close to Python in my opinion, and better suited for getting introduced to functional programming while still using a non-functional language. See anonymous functions/arrow functions. APIs are heavily callback-oriented which is also a great thing to get used to: You can register a bit of computation (a function) to be executed some other time, i.e. when something happens. You are not in control of the execution of that function, someone else is and will call you back. This is something important to learn (imo).

Finding the optimum algorithm is not important in the beginning (imo). When writing code there's often two pretty different activities that happen:

  1. Defining and organizing your abstractions and flow.

  2. Identify bottlenecks and search for fast enough/memory efficient solutions.

In most real world scenarios, having good program flow and abstractions will be enough. Not everyone works on real-time terabyte-sized data processing. See gamemaking: it's a very performance sensitive domain yet frameworks allow anyone to make a decent game. Why? Because for most problems, someone already wrote a library that's fast enough. You just need to wire things properly together.

Teaching something lower-level like C/C++ is great, but you need to spend time deconstructing all the goodies people got used too when dealing with other languages. i.e. Why you can't create an array with different types/structs inside anymore (not without pointers).

And then just get them to practice writing different bits of software with increasing complexity, over the year(s). The most exposure to writing code the better. Trial and error is how anything is learned, and while you might try to warn your students about common pitfalls it might only really click once they'll make the mistake. Push them in situations where they'll make mistakes.

The most important mindset to have (imo) is to constantly challenge yourself and your work: find ways to break your own stuff. Maybe you'll miss cases but the better you get at anticipating breakage, the better you'll get at writing robust software.

The second most important thing is to seek to understand every line of code you write and as many implications as possible. A program is supposed to be deterministic, there's very few surprises to be had when dealing with code (there are some though). What I mean by that is: if someone reports a bug, it can often be enough to read the code with the unexpected result in mind and work your way back to the places that allowed for this bug to occur, just by reading statically.

Lastly one thing that was motivating for me when learning programming was when our programs would run against one another. Competition fosters innovation.

I hope these pieces of opinion help with anything...

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

You may not be a developer, but the first expected result with that query would be a link to https://hub.docker.com/_/redis

Google is really bad at this for some reason and will point you to blogs that as a dev I don't care in the slightest. Hell, using the same query I cannot find a single link to dockerhub on my device, it's extremely frustrating

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 9 points 6 months ago

Brought to you by unchecked rent-seeking behavior:


When the goal is no longer to be productive to earn money but to earn money in whatever way possible.

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

You can see your own nose.

Your tongue is sitting behind your teeth in your mouth.

Have fun.

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 9 points 7 months ago

Downvote if you find the post relatable or if you think the opinion is popular, otherwise upvote

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

Technically speaking it would pick up the men in metal armors, not the wooden horse per se.

But the barrier would lift for the wooden horse full of men in armor indeed.

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago

How do you buy it, lemon juice? How do you use it, pour over the clothes?

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago

If not immune then what, how do you explain someone that never bought something he saw in one of the countless ads thrown at him?

[-] wkk@lemmy.world 7 points 9 months ago

102 is "hundred-two" so it's only weird for 70 "sixty-ten", 80 "four-twenty" and 90 "four-twenty-ten"...

But the way I learned it each was like it's own word, even if it's not. Just don't think about it too much!

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