[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 1 points 4 hours ago

The comment I was replying to basically said it has to be noncompliant (illegal) for the whole thing to work, as if that justified it. If a trial or whatever finds it's not illegal, so be it, but I'd still have some moral issues about basically everything anyone ever does or has done turning into AI food

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 0 points 14 hours ago

WTF is Kenisis, and can you walk into a store and buy a TV with it?

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 2 points 15 hours ago

Honestly, I'm not sure how exactly the law is written. I believe that was a factor out of several that raised the misdemeanor of falsification into a felony (by doing so to conceal a crime). The judge's instructions to the jury was that they needed to be unanimous that a crime was being concealed, but they didn't have to agree on which one(s). Unless some members of the jury go to the media (for their sake, I sure hope they don't) and that gets brought up, we'll probably never know which way that wind was blowing.

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 7 points 18 hours ago

Not just the financing, but hiding the Stormy Daniels story during the election. They were using the National Enquirer (yes, I know) to promote Trump, make up stories to bring down his opponents, and hide the Stormy Daniels story (which was needed when the "grab them by the pussy" video leak caused chaos and arguably almost sunk the campaign). THAT'S where the election interference came into play.

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 39 points 1 day ago

So? If your invention depends on illegal plagiarism to exist, maybe it shouldn't. It's not the law's fault that LLMs depend on other people's work to function, nor was that its specific target when it was written

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

There's a certain chemistry between Ryan, Colin, and Drew that just cannot be replicated

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

On that note, wasn't Whose Line is it Anyway originally British? Because Drew Carey's was peak!

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Or loses the election

We already saw that happen. They just pretend he didn't.

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 9 points 2 days ago

It's pretty damn hard, no doubt. But that doesn't mean everyone should be able to drive by default and we should just do away with driver's licenses (or whatever you may be suggesting)

Also, it's pretty stupidly easy to get a license here, and easier yet to keep it.


My, how the tables have returned!

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 83 points 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately, so many local burger joints have a "flagship" burger featuring a Sysco patty, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and onion for $17, sides extra.


Year and a half old. It may feel silly, but she's always been in the single-digit percentile, usually low-single-digits at that. She was born about 3 months premature, and after her weight gain stalling, they prescribed a medication with a side effect of increased appetite to give things a jump start. I think it's going to work ๐Ÿ™‚

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 75 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

When I'd search "(location) weather" on Google (e: in Chrome) and I'd get a really nice at a glance forecast right on top. Do the same thing in Firefox and I'd get a whole bunch of weather websites I could go to. The former obviously being a better, more direct experience. I found an extension that fools Google into thinking it's Chrome and all works fine with that.

I'm amazed if this doesn't violate some antitrust regulation

[-] spongebue@lemmy.world 58 points 5 months ago

I just started watching this channel a few months ago, and still haven't seen much more than a few videos here and there but loved what all I saw. Was sad to see the title, but watching it... Good for him. Besides, there should be plenty to tide me over for a lifetime or two

submitted 5 months ago by spongebue@lemmy.world to c/askculinary@lemm.ee

So many instructions to cut an onion are essentially

  1. Cut off the top
  2. Peel
  3. Cut in half
  4. Cut horizontally (in parallel to the cut you just made)
  5. Cut vertically into strips from just shy of the bottom to top, with the bottom holding things together
  6. Cut vertically perpendicular to your last cuts to get little squares

On something like a potato, I'd understand it. You'll be cutting a 3-dimensional object along all 3 axes to get cubes. But as Shrek taught me, onions have layers. Why make that first set of horizontal cuts when the onion's natural layers do the same thing already, albeit a little bit curved?


Running on a Raspberry Pi 400

Lately my home has been dumb and unassisted at random times, and the HA app can't connect to my HA rpi server. Ditto when I go to homeassistant:8123 in a browser. I'm trying to see what's causing this, but the logs in app only show since last restart. Tried plugging my Pi into a monitor and getting something from the command line but not sure how to do the equivalent of a Linux tail or whatever. Searching was surprisingly unhelpful. Any advice?

Thanks much!


I get that some instances use the domain + TLD to make a word, like lemm.ee or to an extent, sh.itjust.works. But I've seen so many TLDs I had no idea existed, like .world, .zone, .social, and yes .works as well.

Is there any real reason for that? Trying to look cool or kinda underground-y? Cheaper and more varied domain options? Something actually kinda functional?

Interestingly, I started on vlemmy.net because I was a scared Reddit refugee and the .net TLD gave me comfort. Then it vanished a few days later without a trace. So here I am on lemmy.world

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joined 10 months ago