Because it's on a lunar calendar which doesn't have leap months, the Hajj rotates through the seasons. This means that while we may see something similar in 2025, we'll stop hearing about heat deaths for quite a while after that.
There's a fair bit of opportunity to slack off when you have a lifetime appointment and feel like doing that
A Term of the Supreme Court begins, by statute, on the first Monday in October. Usually Court sessions continue until late June or early July. The Term is divided between “sittings,” when the Justices hear cases and deliver opinions, and intervening “recesses,” when they consider the business before the Court and write opinions. Sittings and recesses alternate at approximately two-week intervals.
Yeah, because the other Republicans are protecting him
This shouldn't be depressing; it means the cost advantage that renewables have is causing them to displace fossil fuel use, at least at a national level in the US. There's the potential for that to start happening globally over the next year.
Trump solicited a billion dollar bribe from the oil industry, so now he needs to put money in their pocket.
Same for people who don't live near an airport. There are a lot of planes up there. Not to mention Venus, Jupiter, stars, and the neighbor's kid flying a toy drone.
I'm not terribly surprised; he's been doing neo-nazi dog whistles for several years, and became explicit about it over a year ago.
It's a gift link. If you're not stripping off the access token from the URL, you should be able to access the article without needing somebody to do that.
The problem is that something like 90% of the offsets are fake like this, and of the remaining ones, another 90% have a mismatch between how long gases emitted raise atmospheric concentrations and how long the offset lowers them for.
Does it matter? Cop presented with this situation should offer a ride to the hospital, and to get medical assistance. Not try to create a crime