At some point, you’ll have to be adamant about it.
If they can’t take no for an answer, you’ll have to just quit talking to them.
Religious haranguing is the absolute worst.
At some point, you’ll have to be adamant about it.
If they can’t take no for an answer, you’ll have to just quit talking to them.
Religious haranguing is the absolute worst.
Hell yeah.
I did those and the local ButterKrust bakery sponsored some plain Jane brown ones that had their name on the back at the bottom in small letters. I was super cool so I scratched out the ‘er’ so mine just said Butt Krust.
this post is Ohio. This post is brat summer. This post is demure. dop dop yes yes.
Excellent post.
On a long enough timeline everyone eats it. Make sure you have a helmet on so when you do, it’s something you can do again. Bones heal, brains don’t.
The dunks really were coming from inside the house the whole time. damn.
What if her name was Carmela and she was married to Tone.
The first mistake was wanting to be modlike
fuck yeah stillwithher. Slay kween, light herself, etc etc.
Riverbank to the left of the truck looks messed up. Looks to me like the might have been driving along the waters edge, tried to turn left to get out of the area and the rear end followed gravity and swung down, pointing them how they are now.
Trent Reznor warned us about this in the song head like a spin hole.