[-] leverage 3 points 2 months ago

Totally agree. My best trip to date was only planned as far as the hotel of the city we landed in. Even with an unexpected traumatic injury, my partner still agrees it was our best trip. We could stay longer in cities when we wanted to, and leave cities as soon as we felt bored. Compared to other trips where we'd already have hotels booked and felt obligated to leave and stay on those schedules. The worst case was a city hub approach, where we were anchored to an expensive AirBnB. Two day trips in different directions both left me wanting to stay at those destinations.

It's probably a bit more expensive but even if it was 50% more, it was worth it to me at that stage of my life. Probably more like 10% more. Just need to be mindful for some things, there are absolutely places where some days/weeks have no vacancies across a region. Also seems like way more places post COVID require booking in advance, haven't traveled since then but I've heard it makes this approach much less feasible.

[-] leverage 2 points 2 months ago

Look at reverse proxy instead. While you can do what you're after with DNS, a bunch of the reverse proxy systems will automatically deal with SSL certificate, and there are even a couple that eliminate essentially all configuration outside of your docker file. Like, add a new docker and it automatically configures appName.domain.tld with SSL assigned. And if you ever decide to expose that address to the Internet, reverse proxy makes that simple and provides some security options as well.

I use Caddy for my reverse proxy running from my OPNsense firewall, but if you want the automation with docker there are better options.

[-] leverage 3 points 2 months ago

That scene in episode two certainly felt unnecessary, maybe a service to the horny viewers. They manage to keep it somewhat believable, where most other shows typically fail to do so. I think the overly interested in the younger characters' romance teachers is weirder than that scene, though I've met people like that and they aren't even exaggerations.

Maybe I just relate to the MC. There's a reluctance to romance that takes me back. Most other anime I've seen way over exaggerate it, or don't play on it at all.

I appreciate your explanation.

[-] leverage 2 points 2 months ago

Obviously absolute speculation on my part, but if they were truly doing what I suggested intentionally, part of the plan would need to be plausible deniability to avoid anti-monopoly issues, and also public sentiment nightmare. Killing your favorite shop out of incompetence doesn't win good will, but you will still go there. Doing it out of malicious intent could have people in other states joining a boycott.

I'm in management, participated in the acquisition process of the company I'm at being acquired. At least at the 150mm/year revenue level there's no one doing the shit I'm suggesting, no one is so competent. Cash on hand is bad , acquisition is an obvious way to deal with that. You're spot on about skills though, 95% of management at every level is totally incompetent at the work required to actually do management shit. All the competent people leave as soon as they can because the work just got way harder and the money doesn't follow.

[-] leverage 3 points 3 months ago

Anecdote, his people didn't even watch the debate. If they did watch it, they watched some edited version the next day that only had his answers, basically an edited speech. Then they watched some talking go over all the worst bits of what Harris said and did. Then they read about how the moderators were unfair to Trump, and how Harris must have been given the questions ahead of time. I know multiple people that did exactly this, it's all quite insufferable. Based on the way they talk, it wouldn't surprise me if some people watched it live and just muted the TV when Harris was talking, because they can't stand hearing her.

[-] leverage 2 points 3 months ago

That's a great deal with all those accessories. You can price all the other stuff new. None of these things degrade really, so functionality will be identical to new.

Only downside if you're looking for one is the AM4 platform is done. Basically that's a computer anyone would have recommended you buy 3 years ago new for what you're budgeting, minus a few hundred for a mid range GPU. If the keyboard, mouse, and headphones are quality you're getting a steal for someone in your position.

[-] leverage 2 points 3 months ago

Right, huge price difference. Performance isn't totally linear like this, but it's still helpful to think of it in terms of pixels and fps. 4k is for times the pixels of 1080p, 120fps is twice the frames. So to go from smooth 1080p 60fps to smooth 4k 120fps you need 16 times more graphics power.

Your screen resolution and fps goals (capped by your screen's refresh rate) are something you want to nail down. I think the jump to OLED 120hz or higher screen is better than 4k partly because getting high fps out of 4k is much harder.

A $1500 budget can go a long way. Don't think about future proof, think about meeting your goals in games today, whatever you build will be fine for 8 years as long as your standards don't change. Outside of pushing 4k and high fps, graphics demands have plateaued compared to 10+ years ago. Ray tracing was the last big wow, and AI processing in the pipeline has done wonders at improving performance. I don't see the value of a motherboard that costs more than $200, and the best value CPU for gaming is the 7800x3d which is $400 when not on sale. You don't need more than 32gb of RAM, decent kit is about $100. Cases are looks subjective, airflow objective, runs $30 to $150, up to crazy high for gamerz styles. Any PSU over $100 is a waste of money, even driving a 4080 super. For storage get a well rated NVME within your capacity goals, $100 gets you a good brand with decent space. That would leave $500 for a graphics card, buying new won't get you top of the line, but you could get last generation's best with that. If you live near a Microcenter and can wait for a good bundle, you can save a few hundred. Sorry for ballparking, writing from my phone. Use pcpartpicker and have fun with it.

[-] leverage 3 points 3 months ago

You can build a fabulous PC for not much, but you can also end up feeling disappointed for a few times more. It's about expectations and targets.

What resolution gaming are you trying to do? Are you wanting insane frame rates or is 60fps enough? There's a huge difference between 60fps 1080p and 120fps 4k. Since you mentioned PC VR, the target is really high as it's usually rendering higher than 4k, and smooth, high FPS is critical. You may still want more than a 4080 can give you in some games.

I just built a PC for my nephew, he got my old 2080 (used cost is $200-$300), and some mid-tier AM5 combo deal from Microcenter. He's super happy with it because it does what he wanted it to do. I helped him keep his expectations within his budget, critically an entry level 1080p gaming monitor as he wanted to get high FPS on Valorant.

[-] leverage 2 points 6 months ago

Ah, thank you for the clarity. My view of things, intelligence comes down to luck as it's a measure of brain capability (not IQ), which I believe is fixed. Darkness was strictly meant as ignorance. Highly intelligent people will be more likely to learn, synthesize new ideas from previous experiences. When faced with the struggles of this existence, high intellect might invent a functioning coping mechanism where low intellect will fail and leave you to meltdown. Considering I believe we also become frustrated over a lack of understanding, not strictly from undesirable sensations, I think intellect plays a huge role in why people say autism is a spectrum. The compounding failure for an average intelligence autistic kid to learn to cope results in daily meltdowns and placement in special needs classes where they are seen as incapable. If society better understood their problems, helped them process and learn coping mechanisms, healthy stims, and what to avoid, they might be able to live a more normal life. That's not what happens today, and it's fucking tragic.

I don't really like any of the words that exist to talk about the issues unique to autism. Sorry if that caused any confusion.

[-] leverage 2 points 6 months ago

Based on your response I'm not clear what we didn't agree on. I'm a former smart kid that only realized he is autistic at 33. I'm hopeful that my kids will have more support in school than I did, and that the world outside of school will continue to become more accommodating for us. The world wasn't built for people in wheelchairs, but it's slowly being rebuilt with accommodations. Our curb cuts will take a lot of different shapes.

[-] leverage 3 points 7 months ago

The difference in taste between good and mediocre for fruit is huge. Most fruit in stores doesn't even taste distinct at this point. I'd totally be down to follow good growers to know when/where to buy their stuff. There's this brand of frozen cherries in my fridge (Townsend Farms, Oregon) that has ruined all other cherries for me. Dole organic bananas, at least the ones at my Costco in Texas (says product of Mexico), have similarly ruined all other bananas for me. Taste is like, generic fructose, vs something distinctly of that fruit.

My work used to have a hookup with a local watermelon farmer, every summer we'd buy a few pallets and give everyone a watermelon. I'm still chasing the taste of those melons...

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