[-] leverage 14 points 3 days ago

For some kids here it's the only good meal they eat. No one is mandating people's kids eat the school food.

[-] leverage 3 points 6 days ago

What finally pushed you to get it addressed?

Narcoleptic here as well. I've recently started considering it an unhealthy coping mechanism for boredom. I've never fallen asleep while doing something truly stimulating. Boring to me tv show or movie while comfy, sleep at 10pm, TV show that has me gripped, binge until 2am. I have a memory from my teens of watching a good movie in the theaters, no issue, but a friend dragged me to see it a second time and I passed out. I finally realized I had an issue because I was falling asleep while driving my daily commute, the same boring stretch of road. I finally did something about it when I fell asleep with my future wife in the car, in the afternoon after a full night's sleep, very nearly getting us into an accident on that same stretch of road.

It was crazy to see the EEG showing me hitting REM with 15 minutes. Sometimes I feel like I'm conscious and experience REM.

Modafinil is a wonder drug. I feel like it does absolutely nothing to me other than fixing undesirable sleep.

Apparently autism and sleep disorders are comorbidities. I didn't realize I was autistic until 10 years after my narcolepsy diagnosis. More to do with the field not considering low support needs autistic people as worthy of the distinction. Not saying that's you, just saying the questionnaires only take a few minutes, and the world makes way more sense to me post realization.

[-] leverage 2 points 6 days ago

Obviously absolute speculation on my part, but if they were truly doing what I suggested intentionally, part of the plan would need to be plausible deniability to avoid anti-monopoly issues, and also public sentiment nightmare. Killing your favorite shop out of incompetence doesn't win good will, but you will still go there. Doing it out of malicious intent could have people in other states joining a boycott.

I'm in management, participated in the acquisition process of the company I'm at being acquired. At least at the 150mm/year revenue level there's no one doing the shit I'm suggesting, no one is so competent. Cash on hand is bad , acquisition is an obvious way to deal with that. You're spot on about skills though, 95% of management at every level is totally incompetent at the work required to actually do management shit. All the competent people leave as soon as they can because the work just got way harder and the money doesn't follow.

[-] leverage 17 points 1 week ago

Perhaps they realized it would be cheaper to stop the growth of a superior product. Especially when that superior product would likely require more types of costs that would eat corporate level profit. More higher paid employees that can't be mechanized.

Status quo is incredibly profitable, assuming nothing threatens it. That's why big business does everything they can to increase the barrier of entry, and happily overpays to buy out successful competitors, with the leadership of the competitors having enforceable noncompetes for the model.

[-] leverage 26 points 1 week ago

Eventually the science will show ADHD and a slew of other ND psychoclassifications are entirely genetic. It's very likely one of your parents are driving the same brain around as you, with all its faults and strengths. In their childhood psych didn't have the labels and treatments, you didn't really want to mess with those abusers. Society also found it ok to beat children that didn't behave. The parent with the ND brain was probably beat by their parent until they figured out how to wear the right mask. And not just beaten by their parents, but every single authority figure, teachers, pastors, etc. The cycle of physical abuse was only recently broken. We still haven't broken the cycle of emotional abuse this society forces on ND people. The majority of psych pseudoscience still ongoing considers ND to be subhuman, excluding us from studies, using derogatory language that only serves to dehumanize and not empathize, recognize, and accommodate. They fail to recognize the positive aspects that are unique and common amongst ND, so we end up not even realizing in ourselves. In your parent's generation they'd treat perfectly capable ND people with a lobotomy. There are probably more psych professionals practicing today that were taught by books written by the same folks who practiced lobotomies, than those that learned the still incorrect (but at least more correct than a fucking lobotomy fixes everything) science from 10 years ago.

Sorry for the rant.

[-] leverage 6 points 2 months ago

You can encode base 2 as base 10, I don't think anyone is saying it exists in binary form.

[-] leverage 6 points 3 months ago

Start expanding your fundamental understanding of what is happening. Words give power over problems, prior to understanding triggers were even a thing you weren't looking for them. Read experiences of others, what triggers them. Consider that you can alter your relationship to the triggers, not just avoid them. I hated almost all music as a kid, that changed once I started playing music rhythm games like DDR and guitar hero. I'll argue that music was information I didn't understand how to process, which dysregulated me. The unwanted information of songs being stuck in my head really upset me. Improved understanding of the sensory input opened ways to stim in response to it.

Expand what you consider to be inputs, expand what you consider to be a stim. Inputs are anything happening to you, including your own thoughts and actions. Stims are your outputs, including thoughts. Inputs you don't understand cause frustration. Your brain expends energy to find the correct response and gets nothing for it. Pressure builds up and if we don't do something in response we blow up. There are so many things that get better once you can understand them.

Consider cilantro, wiki says between 3 and 21 percent of people have a gene mutation that makes it taste unpleasant, I'm in that lucky pool of soapy disgust. Before gaining this understanding I simply could not process how my family enjoyed food with cilantro. In fact, I didn't even know it was cilantro at fault, I just hated some of the food and my family loved it. Lack of knowledge let me believe it was a subjective taste preference, and I would suffer for that, going hungry or being forced to eat soap. Learning in my late teens of this genre mutation empowered me to avoid my own disgust while explaining how others aren't disgusted by it.

So much in life is improved by expanded understanding. I think that's the core of why kids dysregulate more often, they have less tools to explain the world. I think that's why super smart kids with this brain don't dysregulate as often, they pull themselves out of the darkness.

I'll leave you with this link about how words literally grant your brain power to process inputs. https://news.mit.edu/2023/how-blue-and-green-appeared-language-1102

[-] leverage 11 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

All three should be one table, at least based on the diagram and your description. Read this https://martin.kleppmann.com/2011/03/07/accounting-for-computer-scientists.html.

Look into the concept of sub-ledgers if you're wanting some additional tables along with the general ledger.

Past that, historical balances being rolled up by various dimensions is another thing I've done. No point in continuously summarizing the GL from the beginning of time when those values should never change and people only care to see summary values for a period.

[-] leverage 8 points 6 months ago

In retrospect, I can't argue that it's an empty world. But during my time with the game as a teen, during its original release period on Xbox, it did not feel empty at all.
I'm wondering how much it had to do with the lower render distance / fog on Xbox, because without that I can imagine a totally different game. I'm also wondering how much had to do with essentially every playthrough of mine being wearing the boots of blinding speed and some magic resist so I could see. The big empty world felt small and populated when traversal doesn't take as long. Not saying that's good design, but I can imagine disliking it with the default move speed. Compared to many other similar games I played since then, most of the content felt worthwhile. Oblivion and especially Skyrim fell so short of the bar that Morrowind set for me because so much of the dungeon content felt like worthless filler.

[-] leverage 18 points 6 months ago

Whenever you do get it clean, treat it with RainX or similar. We do that every few years and squeegee after each shower, our glass is spotless after 10 years. Our water is super hard too, saw the house next to ours which was built at the same time, disgustingly opaque with scale.

[-] leverage 13 points 9 months ago

I came back to my office after the new year's break and a stray bullet, from I'm assuming celebratory gunfire, was shot through the wall and hit my screen. Admittedly it wasn't a hole and the screen was totally unusable after, but I'll be a close n=1.

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