Yeah, but at the same time it makes the PS4 games a much better experience. I dunno if that justifies the spend for a lot of people, but I don't regret getting one.

I think I was running x11amp, but it was Linux-only at the time.

Will this allow dispenseries and retail stores to use banking?

Or really just any significant date. I'm sure plenty of people use anniversaries etc.

Wolves are also a lot more common, though.

Not generally in the wild. Domesticated cats are much more vocal.

While most people on Lemmy are going to know what this means, the person who wrote this error message was definitely trying to be cute with that phrasing.

This just comes down to the fact that "dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by the inverse of the fraction" is an easy rule to follow but not particularly intuitive. In natural language, when most people hear "divide by half" they're actually picturing "divide by two" in their head.

Huh, it's funny, my company uses Webex and I'd probably prefer Teams.

Very normal when small sidestreets are intersecting with larger roads.

Ugh, I hate this. I don't care about waiting. As a cyclist, all I want is for it to be really clear what people are doing. Anything that messes with the right of way is sketchy.


Does not make me sad he's gone, tbh.


Been noticing a spammer who set up their own instance and can't see a fast way to just block the whole instance, either from the user menu, or from navigating to the instance. I may just be missing it.


I'm wondering if I'm just missing how to do this. I don't want to see posts from porn communities when I'm browsing sync in public. I'm OK with blurred NSFW posts from communities which are not marked NSFW. I would really prefer not to have to filter out every single one manually.

key chain? (

Any recs on a BIFL key chain? Those rings always get bent over time, looking for something sturdy. Might just be a flaw in the design because if you can bend it enough to get a key on, you can probably bend it out of shape over time.

Towards a new age (
Calm (
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