[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 5 points 1 day ago

Ah see I stopped playing or even looking at it when the NYT bought it. At the time, that was the assumption since their other games are behind the paywall.

Instead, loading it up right now, it just looks like they have insanely large ads taking over 1/3 of the vertical space on lyn1440p monitor and forcing me to scroll to even see the full on screen keyboard.

Pretty shit UX there, as expected from every news site in the modern age.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 21 points 1 day ago

How long until the New York Times buys it out to put behind their paywall like Wordle?

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 18 points 1 day ago

Mountain Dew was made to cover up the flavor of low quality moonshine.

I wouldn't be surprised if it could hide Round Up.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Well, there are actually 3 private address ranges in IPv4. – ( – ( – (

For IPv6 the rough equivalent is a Unique Local Address.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 7 points 1 day ago

Only real world advantage of IPv6:

::1 vs

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Is that supposed to be revolutionary? They've digitally modeling proteins like that for over a decade, if not longer.

Or is this just an "AI" version so they can grift millions from some billionaires VCs.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 11 points 2 days ago

It's the puritanical roots of the country. That bullshit is still hanging around.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

To be fair, if we're reverse engineering from alien tech, that's likely what we would use as well.

Not that it's likely in the first place.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 6 points 3 days ago

If Twitch helped to cover up a criminal act, they'd be opening themselves up to liability. Especially since they supposedly provide the product used for the communication AND apparently knew about it.

The simpler answer is, the reality isn't as simple as the tweet makes it out to be. Twitch may have thought/known the user was a minor based off internal-only information, like previous messages, account information, etc. not anything in the conversation with Doc. In that case Doc would not have known they were a minor, and thus his actions would not have been illegal, and it would not be a story at all if Twitch reached out to advise Doc that the user was a minor... instead Twitch acted unilaterally and essentially burned the contract in the process. That would fit the same "facts" we've been told from all parties, but with a vastly different context that also matches the lack of criminal liability.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 17 points 3 days ago

It's an officially recognized spec, so Apple will ignore it as long as they can. Until they can find a way to make money from it or spin marketing as if it's some miraculous new invention of theirs, for something that should just be how it's done.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 14 points 4 days ago

Even the creator of the K-cup said he regretted creating it because of the environmental impact.

[-] halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world 59 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

To be fair, it was a toddler.

/s in case that wasn't obvious.

Also, "possible hate crime"? It clearly was. Getting really tired of these bullshit headlines that don't actually say what happened. The "alleged" for the crime since they haven't been convicted is already in the headline, that's fine, I get he legal distinction there, but then say what's actually alleged and don't try to hide the reality of what's alleged. This is clearly a hate crime, there's no question of that. It's not an alleged possible hate crime, it's just an alleged hate crime.

According to a press release from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the mother appeared to be visibly Muslim, as she was wearing a hijab and modest swimwear to the pool at the time of the incident.

Police said Wolf also asked the mother if two of the children in the pool were hers before allegedly attempting to grab one of them, a 6-year-old boy, who was able to get away.

Wolf also allegedly snatched the mother’s headscarf off while she tried to save her daughter and beat her with it, according to CAIR.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world to c/summit@lemmy.world

When in Summit settings, searching for "mu" causes an immediate app crash to home screen as soon as the U is typed. No option to report issues or submit feedback.

Only have this device to test at the moment, but I can get it to do it every time.

Pixel 6 on latest official Android 14 update. App version 1.21.2

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