[-] grym@hexbear.net 26 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

yea, it's data transformation but there is zero intelligence, context or anything "new".

The tool itself is fine when used clearly and purposefully, and those kinds of tools have been used for a long time in various fields, the problem I have with the current hype trends of ""AI"" is that literally nothing fundamentally new was made. People aren't being informed on how these things really work and what they do, there's a lot of dangerous practices and psychological manipulation, and above all these new large models are enormous labor-obfuscating machines. I don't give a shit about private property, IP laws, etc (because I know that's a common response), the problem is that these things are another layer of illusions, an enormous curtain hiding entire industries of data-scraping and theft, of countless people and hours of manual tagging, filtering, training, moderating and mechanical turks, in purely profit-seeking and reckless ways. And not only is all this labor not valued, people aren't even aware it exists, people never have to interact directly with anyone along that production chain. Entire industries becoming ghosts, non-existent, and even more unable to organize and struggle for what they create.

Beyond that, class consciousness is ever harder to teach and agitate for in these domains, because shit like this is purposefully built to hide and disguise exploited labor (often from the labour force of the colonized and victims of imperialism) and privatization.

It's not the stealing that's the problem it's the sneaky, rapid disruption and destruction of existing productions and jobs that it entails, and the privatization of colossal amounts of public data and user-generated data that nobody ever intended to be privatized and extracted for profits. It was always happening in the background of course, but i don't think people realize the impact this will have, to me it's like a closure of the internet-commons. Colossal explotation of Free Labour, the expansion of exploitation in every sphere of "content production" that was previously unreachable.

Drives me fucking insane.

[-] grym@hexbear.net 73 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Not only is the summary kinda light or missing the deeper points, the LLM did not "break down" the plot by "reading" the provided PDF. House of Leaves is impossible to fucking parse correctly as a PDF, the text is all over the place, visually placed in very complex ways, you have a whole labyrinth chapter where you have to follow footnotes across multiple pages with the text being difficult to find and follow, anything "reading" the PDF in the regular order of characters would have no fucking clue.

As always, there is no intelligence or any breaking down, the only reason the LLM is able to provide the summary is because it was trained on a dataset that included summaries and reviews of House of Leaves, and it simply detected the PDF was House of Leaves.

The LLM is, YET AGAIN, just regurgitating things that are already written elsewhere, nothing is created, it's all obfuscation of labour.

[-] grym@hexbear.net 48 points 2 months ago

That's not at all why people are talking about it what the fuck? It has nothing to do with seeing the clean-up of the river as "wasteful spending", it's because everyone fucking hates Macron lmao.

The "clean-up of the Seine" is a recurring joke, multiple presidents and mayors of Paris have promised it over the decades and it never ends up happening, and this time as well everyone laughed and said "if we actually see him swim in it, I'll eat my hat".

It's because we hate macron, and it's because people really dislike the Olympics as well. The olympics are wasteful spending, very badly organized, and they're going to a complete shit show to the delight of everyone outside Paris, myself included.

[-] grym@hexbear.net 60 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Hey so macron just announced he's dissolving the assembly, snap elections the 30th of this month


Edit: this came as an announcement right after the european election results in france where the far right had a huge victory, i'm not really sure what his plan/strategy is, with this timing it feels like it's going be very easy for the far-right to organize and the left is a clusterfuck right now.

[-] grym@hexbear.net 16 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

This 100% reads like AI-generated text, extremely formulaic and predictable with very surface-level facts. Lots of comparisons/analogies like "He did X, that's like doing Y !" also. Absolutely no doubt in my mind, once you've seen enough GPT-like text you can spot it pretty quick.

[-] grym@hexbear.net 14 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Why did we say that? They’re a circle of people who broke away from a very small group which you may know, called the RCG. This circle wrote a blog called ‘Red Fightback’, and the bottom line is, their position is that there’s no such thing as gender.

Rather, gender, they claim, is some kind of medical conspiracy where, at birth, the doctors go away and huddle together and they ‘assign a gender role’ to you. So, pregnant mothers: when you have your 20-week ultrasound scan, you’re not having a scan to see whether your baby is a boy or a girl (say ‘Red Fightback’). No; that’s all medical conspiracy! And when the baby is born, they inspect the baby to say it’s a boy or a girl – well that’s all medical conspiracy, too! These things (boys and girls, men and women) aren’t real – don’t you see??

Absolute clowns. Of course you're going to be able to say completely braindead and ignorant things like this strawman, when you refused to address the topic on its own terms and refused the distinction of sex vs gender.

Not enough working women are involved in our movement. Why is it that all of our YouTube videos have 80 to 90 percent hits from men? Young women don’t think politics has got anything to say to them. They’ve been pushed into this blind dead-end of bourgeois feminism.

lmao. i WONDER WHY.

Also way to show how utterly useless and small you are, that you are nothing more than a little larping committee. Stats about members, specific struggles you're involved with? Nope, Your Youtube videos are not having good numbers, wow, great revolutionary work.

[-] grym@hexbear.net 30 points 7 months ago


Keep going dude, I think you should try to be a little more insufferable and smarmy, you've almost reached a new record

[-] grym@hexbear.net 14 points 9 months ago
[-] grym@hexbear.net 33 points 11 months ago

Look I don't know how useful or "good" is it to be extremely aggro on twitter/nitter like Roderic usually is, but he's right.

I can never really fault him for it, it's a dumb social media and there's not much point to it if you don't actually engage with people and are able to criticize what they say, especially when talking about influencial people with a platform. And yea, he's very aggro, but his original response is not really directed at JP as a person, just angry and critical at the ideas he's peddling, and for good reason.

JP's reponse is a pretty typical one for western leftists. Criticism is seen as an attack, it is always reinterpreted in an individualistic lens. Attacking someone's really dumb or dangerous idea is immediately rolled back with "woah there calm down maybe you could be civil" as if the person criticizing is being mean, rude, or violent, when often (as is the case here) that's not the case. If you're going to talk about political things and ideas like there, and someone tells you publically "This is completely wrong and dangerous what the fuck", your response shouldn't be "Why are you attacking me?". Criticism is not a conflict, it's not a fight, it's not personal, and it is extremely important and necessary.

[-] grym@hexbear.net 18 points 1 year ago

I'm interested in it as well !

[-] grym@hexbear.net 16 points 1 year ago

Complicated. I used to watch him a lot and I'm still very saddened by his death, but it's not that simple. TB was definitely more in the reactionary side of things during gamergate, he regularly threw oil onto the fire or more-or-less directly supported some of it, or made some conversation about it worse by not condemning it and not fighting against it. He was not an awful influence in that time and a lot of people were rightfully pissed off at him.

I appreciate some of what he did and said. I don't think he was particularily a bad person, more your generic gamer-brained dude, vaguely libertarian, but he was respected and had a very big platform which he used pretty badly whenever it went outside the realm of video game options, consumer-protection and the like. And he also built his brand on being a bit of an insufferable douchebag with an overly exaggerated accent.

I enjoyed his stuff more as after, as he matured, when he did things in a better context with better people, such as on podcasts. I think if he was alive now, he would probably look at most of the gamergate stuff with regret and shame, but who knows. My feelings about him are complicated.

[-] grym@hexbear.net 29 points 1 year ago

Uphold TC69 Thought forever.

That post made me engage with Feinberg and that book, and I actually read it and posted a little comment/review of it later as TC69 had asked. I was cis but already opening up and questioning a little back then, but that book genuinely helped me a lot, and look at me now.

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