[-] glans@hexbear.net 9 points 1 day ago

I cannot emphasize enough that I am very very far away from this person so physical interventions are off the table.

If that weren't the case, I would certainly lose a fight.

[-] glans@hexbear.net 5 points 1 day ago

The video on Marxism Today was really good especially towards the end the part about dialectics and sexual metaphysics. I'm going to follow the citations on those ones.


I posted this on /c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns but on further reflection that was possibly an error because it's a question about cis. Since I'm seeking ideas that would be relevant to a cis person it would be better to pose the question more widely. Trans people probably don't spend much time reading stuff describing why they are human and debunking arguments to the contrary so might not have such sources on the tip of the tongue.

The original thread has lots of good answers and I am mulling them over and following sources. So you should read them if you are interested.

Hope it's not ridiculous to x-post myself. :/

cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/3576012

I don't know if any CW are required for this but if so suggest them and I will add. I'm not mentioning any particular hateful things; just the presence of them.

An old comrade of mine has fallen into the grips of anti trans bigotry.

It has been happening for 10+ years and I have raised the issue multiple times when we've been together or in touch. They downplayed their investment in the ideas.

Recently I have learned that it has crept into their mass organizing. This person is an excellent, committed, powerful organizer working for years at a local level.

I think they are now getting in to organizing explicitly on anti-trans grounds. They have capacity to be highly effective at this. But really it is the integration of anti-trans stuff into legitimate mass organizing work that is more dangerous. My understanding is that they are seeking to orient these orgs against the interests of trans people and to exclude trans people and even trans-allied people from organizing.

This person made many key political contributions to who I am. Much of the good I have done as an organizer is due to their influence on me. Without them I would have ended up the most insufferable kind of lib. On a personal level, it breaks my heart to see this has happened to a dear friend. I feel compelled to attempt to return the wisdom and patience they afforded me when I needed it, and offer them a better perspective, help them be a better organizer.

I plan to attempt intervention. We live far away from each other but do keep occasional contact. Less so over recent years just due to being on different social media platforms. I could get some correspondence and maybe a phone call to discuss this on the basis of our long standing relationship. I would offer to maintain the dialogue on going if they were willing.

  • general advice?
  • have you tried this and if so how did it go?
  • is there hope?
  • some kind of FAQ covering anti-trans misinformation; more in-depth and comprehensive would be better (for me to read)
  • writing/ideas aimed specifically at communists/socialists
  • theory to understand trans* from marxist/materialist perspective
    • I know this sounds stupid but they already have theory to hate trans*
  • This person is coming at it from a TERF (as in actual old school radical feminsm) perspective, not a right-wing/fash perspective
  • The idea of "bourgeois decadence" is important here. It's not something I ever found to be very compelling so I don't have much analysis to counter it.

Of course I have my own ideas and knowledge but I'm sure all of the above has been perfected so I want to make sure I have the best at top of mind.

This person is pretty stubborn, as required to be a lifelong revolutionary. So I know I'm not going to turn the ship around in one conversation. I am considering strategy of reformism or harm reduction. For example if I could convince them to avoid bringing these ideas into their organizing, even while still holding them privately, it would be a benefit.

[-] glans@hexbear.net 4 points 1 day ago

all good points.

On the one hand I know that others have attempted to reach this person to pull them out. And on the other hand, there are anti-trans people who are in close physical proximity. So it's low chance. But maybe with what I can say combined with what other people can say, and do, maybe after a while it'll click.

I will probably try to use my distance as a virtue. I don't have any skin in any organizational disputes. I'm not trying to get anything. I am not allied to any faction. I honestly feel sad that my old friend has been diminished in this way. It's not hypothetical to describe them as a wrecker; from their own description of it, which is from a such a warped perspective, it seems the case. But on the left we have to have a bit of a contrarian streak don't we. So sometimes we are able to displace blame from ourselves because otherwise we'd take the whole weight of capitalism on our shoulders. So it can be hard to recognize when we are in fact to blame.

[-] glans@hexbear.net 7 points 1 day ago

Snap. I don't think it would be wrong ascribe some of this to the more repressed sort of calvinism and I doubt the person in question would even deny this. It has been present all along accompanied by personality traits favoring adherence to group norms and a feeling that people who draw to much attention to themselves are unseemly. This of course can be very useful in an organizer. But on a personal level I can see how a baseline sort of uneasiness with people who are (or as perceived as) "weird" could open the door a crack and then these stupid ideas come flooding in to justify it politically.

If you have to you may need to go around their back to stop them from getting significant influence in their orgs.

This is a long-time, established organizer and I am far away. There is nothing I can do about it. This whole swing has been pretty public, that's the only reason it came to my attention, so I'm sure everyone knows about it. You know how it is though, it's hard for organizations/movements to give up on people who are otherwise effective and reliable. Efforts to do so can be viewed as trying to enforce an unrealistic ideological purity which is not viable in a mass organization.

One thing that has surprised me in finding out what this person has been up to is the complete lack of political and organizational discipline exhibited. It's one of the most useful things they taught to me about, having come out of a much more freewheeling context previously. Of course they've kind of fit their politics somewhat into this stupid obsession, but when I have read some of the stuff they have written on the subject, it's really fucking weak. Like there is a lot of times when they are writing about their feelings of discomfort and trying to pull the reader along in feeling it as well. I never would have anticipated someone who's situational analysis can be sharp as a razor blade would ever be doing political writings focusing around getting the willies--- on any subject. We don't organize a union because our boss has bad breath. We don't organize against a landlord because they have terrible fashion sense. We don't organize against a politician because we disapprove of their sex life. We have principled political and material reasons for doing these things. Even if our enemies may be unsettling in an interpersonal way, you might mention it here or there in a meme but needing to have it be at the center belies to me how shitty the underlying ideas are. (And makes it look more like some sort of creeping fascism than misdirected communism in which case I really doubt there is anything I will be able to do.) And I am really surprised that this person has allowed themselves to be snookered in this way to replace political with emotional analysis.

[-] glans@hexbear.net 6 points 1 day ago

ha! I have considered asking them if they have come into the employ of the state. or if they have considered that they might have been the target either individually or as part of a group, of a campaign of distraction/diversion/division. Even if I was completely neutral on the idea of trans people, I would be able to see that this person's eyes are no longer on the prize.

Not sure it's a winning argument directly. If I was targeting people around them to try to minimize their influence I would use it.

[-] glans@hexbear.net 6 points 1 day ago

I am definitely concerned about being used as a token or otherwise inadvertently feeding the beast. Like if I try to provide anything with nuance, my words can get picked apart and weaponized.

I think this person is already alienated somewhat from their local left over this issue and its concequences... But to whatever extent this is the case it would be seen as throwing off dead weight---- pretenders who don't have what it takes to really engage in struggle with working class people. Although I'm sure some will just ignore it for the same of an ongoing relationship with a successful organizer if not ideological agreement.

But now that's happened I guess there are other people around, cheering them on. Those people's opinions will be super important and nothing I say or do can replace the value. Changing course now would lead to real isolation. sigh

[-] glans@hexbear.net 5 points 1 day ago

You've never gotten a leftist to become trans affirmative/neutral because you never had to try? Or because the ones you met are all so entrenched that you failed?

[-] glans@hexbear.net 9 points 1 day ago

Ya I find the argument compelling but does it address what people mean when they say decadence? I will maybe have to go learn about the idea better because it seems easily defeated. Is there anything labeled decadent that your counter argument doesn't apply to?

maybe I'll share that as its own post later.

please at me if you can remember :)

Trans Liberation & Marxism: Is Gender Identity Actually Anti-Materialist? | Let's Talk Patriarchy - I put it into my phone for listening, thanks

Feinberg: I read the main works years ago and I don't think is going to be helpful here unless he also wrote totally different lesser-known stuff someone could specifically recommend. My recollection is that he was writing for a popular audience who either are trans people themselves or are friendly to the idea. And sprinkling some marxism in. Certainly he must have encountered people like this in his life though, so maybe there's something.

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by glans@hexbear.net to c/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns@hexbear.net

I don't know if any CW are required for this but if so suggest them and I will add. I'm not mentioning any particular hateful things; just the presence of them.

An old comrade of mine has fallen into the grips of anti trans bigotry.

It has been happening for 10+ years and I have raised the issue multiple times when we've been together or in touch. They downplayed their investment in the ideas.

Recently I have learned that it has crept into their mass organizing. This person is an excellent, committed, powerful organizer working for years at a local level.

I think they are now getting in to organizing explicitly on anti-trans grounds. They have capacity to be highly effective at this. But really it is the integration of anti-trans stuff into legitimate mass organizing work that is more dangerous. My understanding is that they are seeking to orient these orgs against the interests of trans people and to exclude trans people and even trans-allied people from organizing.

This person made many key political contributions to who I am. Much of the good I have done as an organizer is due to their influence on me. Without them I would have ended up the most insufferable kind of lib. On a personal level, it breaks my heart to see this has happened to a dear friend. I feel compelled to attempt to return the wisdom and patience they afforded me when I needed it, and offer them a better perspective, help them be a better organizer.

I plan to attempt intervention. We live far away from each other but do keep occasional contact. Less so over recent years just due to being on different social media platforms. I could get some correspondence and maybe a phone call to discuss this on the basis of our long standing relationship. I would offer to maintain the dialogue on going if they were willing.

  • general advice?
  • have you tried this and if so how did it go?
  • is there hope?
  • some kind of FAQ covering anti-trans misinformation; more in-depth and comprehensive would be better (for me to read)
  • writing/ideas aimed specifically at communists/socialists
  • theory to understand trans* from marxist/materialist perspective
    • I know this sounds stupid but they already have theory to hate trans*
  • This person is coming at it from a TERF (as in actual old school radical feminsm) perspective, not a right-wing/fash perspective
  • The idea of "bourgeois decadence" is important here. It's not something I ever found to be very compelling so I don't have much analysis to counter it.

Of course I have my own ideas and knowledge but I'm sure all of the above has been perfected so I want to make sure I have the best at top of mind.

This person is pretty stubborn, as required to be a lifelong revolutionary. So I know I'm not going to turn the ship around in one conversation. I am considering strategy of reformism or harm reduction. For example if I could convince them to avoid bringing these ideas into their organizing, even while still holding them privately, it would be a benefit.

[-] glans@hexbear.net 3 points 4 days ago

absolutely a utopian question. thank you for the utopian (if 19th c answer).

“Fifty fires burn where one would suffice!” said some smart lady ?200? years ago. Foretelling climate catastrophes...

Because those who want to emancipate mankind have not included woman in their dream of emancipation, and consider it beneath their superior masculine dignity


[-] glans@hexbear.net 9 points 5 days ago

I was eyeing a wash n fold for a while but then I moved and now there isn't one anywhere close. I was procrastinating the whole thing because it felt too.. lazy. But holy fuck I hate the laundromat.

[-] glans@hexbear.net 15 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

Laundromats are fine

What's your experience? I've been washing my clothes mostly always in laundromats for 20+ years. They are not fine.

  • You need to spend so much time either hanging around or going back n forth. Every week I spend 1-3 hours of time that I wouldn't have if I had an in-unit washer/dryer.
  • Lots of maintenance/equipment problems
  • Uneven availability of machines

you can show up and have to wait around because someone else came and filled every single machine at once

  • Problems like the last person used bleach and it didn't rinse properly so now there's just bleach and your clothes get ruined
  • machines are really limited in their settings, don't allow the freedom to add things at different parts of the wash, let is soak for a bit, or other things you can do with a normal domestic unit
  • people are always there with all their bed bug stuff
submitted 5 days ago by glans@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

Under communism, how do we clean our clothes?

  • It's not really efficient for every housing unit to have its own washing machine let alone dryer
    • some people can dry clothes on lines but some can't
  • Washing clothes by hand sucks
  • Laundromats suck
  • Industrialized clothes washing? I have no direct experience with this

And it needs so much water.

To my mind laundry is one of the most intractable issues.

submitted 1 month ago by glans@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

i had pork bung once. it tasted, uh, "rectumy" but was not bad. i was at a restaurant with a friend who had eaten them growing up, but prepared differently. friend said could be prepared to have a less strong taste. But we both enjoyed the meal.

be it resolved that meat-eating hexbears must consume pork bung.

needs a couple of whereases. friendly amendments accepted.


If you aren't up to it, you gotta go vegan.

submitted 1 month ago by glans@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

yo i am probably going to need a surgery and I noticed I was referred to a religious hospital by default and am not sure what to do about it. I haven't gone there yet. I don't know if I should just ignore that religiousness of it. I was kind of shocked to get a letter in the mail addressed to me with a big ol cross on the envelope.

how do you feel about hospitals (and other health care organizations) that have some tie to religion? I guess a lot of them used to be totally run by churches or whatever but have become somewhat secularized over time. now they get funding from taxes, non profits, insurance companies or whatever.

In my experience it is usually catholic with other christian denominations showing up and many major cities having at least one jewish hospital.

In terms of the anglosphere are there any other religions that have hospitals? I have never heard of a muslim, hindu or buddhist hospital in "the west" though these of course exist elsewhere. do they exist in the US? has anyone ever tried to start one?

In terms of your own (or your family's care)

  • do you judge them on their own merits?

  • Prefer/boycott them compared to others?

  • LGBTQ+++ people: do you trust them?

  • women: do you trust them? if you were choosing to carry a pregnancy would you have doubts about going to such a place when the time came?

  • religious people: do you trust the ones of other religions? or your own?

  • atheists: do you trust them?

  • indigenous people: do you trust them?

What kind of hiring practices do these places have? I remember hearing about Salvation Army being anti-queer in hiring. Are they generally allowed to discriminate in accordance of their religious bigotries?

Any other general political ideas too.

Is there any reason these places should be allowed to exist?

Which Side Are You On? (www.youtube.com)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by glans@hexbear.net to c/videos@hexbear.net

there's a few versions out there. linked is "REMIX - Rebel Diaz ft. Dead Prez and Rakaa Iriscience"

Florence Reece wrote the original in 1931. 93 years later still a question worth asking.

submitted 1 month ago by glans@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net

August 16, 2024

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — The top United Nations court announced Friday that public hearings will open Dec. 2 in a landmark case seeking a non-binding advisory opinion on “the obligations of States in respect of climate change.”

The U.N. General Assembly sent the case to the International Court of Justice last year, with Secretary-General António Guterres saying at the time that he hoped the opinion would encourage nations “to take the bolder and stronger climate action that our world so desperately needs.”

The court said it had received written comments from 62 nations and organizations related to 91 written statements on the issue it had earlier received. Under the court’s rules, the written filings are confidential. The court can decide to make them public once the hearings open in early December.

The U.N, court’s panel of 15 judges from around the world will seek to answer two questions: What are countries obliged to do under international law to protect the climate and environment from human-caused greenhouse gas emissions and what are the legal consequences for governments where their acts of lack of action have significantly harmed the climate and environment?

Here is the ICJ page for the case: Obligations of States in respect of Climate Change


COVID started in 2020 and now it is 2024. Most jurisdictions, organizations and structures having a nominally democratic process will have had at least 1 round of elections since that time.

Has anyone done analysis of what effects COVID has had?

for example

  • were incumbent candidates more/less successful than excepted?

  • were parties in power at the time more or less likely to stay in power compared to expected?

  • moving to the left, moving to the right?

  • differences depending when the democratic processes took place, e.g. elections in 2020 vs 2023

  • were any effects seen at local levels compared to national?

  • overall an change in voter turnout or public participation?

Probably lots of other interesting questions that could be asked. These are just examples to explain what I'm getting at.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by glans@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

For the dunk tank I would like to submit whoever designed the fire alarm (or some other device) that has been chirping loooudly every 15 seconds for the past day. Probably has low batteries. I guess whichever of my neighbours is in charge of it isn't home to notice.

I will assume it's a smoke detector or other legitimate safety device and not something stupid.

It makes sense to alert rather than silently failing but how about every few minutes rather than multiple times every minute.

This is good intentions gone bad so I think on topic but I will accept cancellation.

submitted 4 months ago by glans@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by glans@hexbear.net to c/news@hexbear.net
submitted 5 months ago by glans@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

I was listening to recent true anon with Tom O'Neill. It sounded like he said that chapo got him on joe rogan. it was kind of mumbly and there was noise in the background where I was at so not sure if I heard it properly. something about jfk stuff.

the impression i got is that cth made an introduction or something.

are they friends

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