[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 30 points 1 month ago

Leather jacket

Floral armless shirt

Rainbow stribed speedos


Hope the preview works right.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 36 points 1 month ago

Haha, Swedes with their weird and funny language, not like glorious Denmark!

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 54 points 1 month ago

And then links to a similar sounding but ultimately totally unrelated site.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 29 points 2 months ago

I don't usually lick the ice buildup off the back of the fridge, but I'll keep it in mind if I ever choose to.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 34 points 2 months ago

I'm pretty sure it's more like

Junior dev: Got all the nice addons, RGB lighting, only uses dark theme, got all the stickers, works from either a café or moms basement.

VS Senior dev: Works on company standard issue hardware, barely customizes visuals (but got a script which makes a cup of coffee on the shared machine in exactly 2 minutes and 30 seconds), works in shared office, has old rolling cabinet with unknown artifacts last touched 10+ years ago.

Obviously this is an overgeneralization and not a catch-all, you might even say that it's "programmer humor".

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 43 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Since it's singling out women, I'd have expected some kind of comparison to, say, men, but the article appears to discuss only women's exposition to general situations one might encounter as a bicycler.

While being threatened on your life or having to leave the road until a especially aggressive trafficant gets bored and leaves is very annoying and can leave you shaking, it's not actually rare for either gender to experience such situations (going by own experiences).

While I do imagine women suffer more abuse than men when biking, and while the article does not actually make any attempt to tell whether women experience more abuse on the roads than men, I'd say that the article definitely paints a need for better conditions for all bicyclers.

Sorry for the rant, I just dislike when someone singles out a demographic for cheap points, and then never follows up with relevant data.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 46 points 3 months ago

Everything nowadays that attempts to give back a little autonomy or freedom to the user is called piracy.

As long as an app could theoretically be used for piracy, even if it was made to circumvent toxic behavior of users' bought and paid for products, then it must be properly labelled as piracy and taken down.

I'll better stop before this becomes a rant.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 59 points 4 months ago

I... Don't think you can compare those. Wars tend to be a lot shorter than the existence of cars, and I'd wager that more people have interacted with a car than people have been part of WW2.

Might want to do one with planes, trains, or really any other kind of transportation. That should paint roughly the same image, just with contextual relevance.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 26 points 4 months ago

Or make a shortcut/link in the readme to the newest release of the most popular OS's.

A decent release page tends to contain all kinds of files for different OS, so 'regular' people who just want the .deb or .exe would likely become confused regardless.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 51 points 5 months ago

Where do you live, OP?

In Denmark it goes in the same category as not driving when the light is green or keeping to the left on the highway.

While you seldomly see someone get fined for it, taking more than two turns in the roundabout is considered an obstruction of traffic, and therefore illegal.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 26 points 6 months ago

The rich Americans are seldomly native Amaricans, so the meme is right about the immigrants holding all the money.

[-] ekky@sopuli.xyz 40 points 7 months ago


Unless you meant that all conservatists gladly convert to socialist views once confronted with true information.

That one word changes the meaning of the meme drastically. ;)

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