Where’s the line for you then?

Would you support the Foo Fighters playing a concert at anti LGBTQ+ rallies?

Would you support the Foo Fighters playing a concert Neo-Nazis?

Would you support the Foo Fighters playing a concert for the IDF?

The Foo Fighters have enough money that there kids kids won’t have to work again.

The why is because I don’t support Amazon and in turn people that do support Amazon.

I don’t agree that too many artists are making money that don’t deserve it. If people are buying there music, whether I think their music is vapid or not doesn’t matter. If you are a pop star and have millions of fans then they’ve earned it imo.

As a software developer I could earn double my current wage working for a gambling company, but I don’t support that and so I think any artist I support should have the same kind of morals.

Nice. I’d love to get down to some National Trails.

Huh… interesting revelation about Chopin, I was aware Wagner was pretty anti-Semitic.

As for not listening to Chopin, I think I can be pretty sure that he isn’t making any money from me listening to him, the same as listening I my FF CDs. I thought I had been pretty clear on that for this entire thread that I would not be rewarding them with money or time on services that give them money.

Well if you’re not going to give props to ANY president for any positive changes, how on earth can you shit on them for any negative changes.

The dissonance here is pretty staggering don’t you think?

What’s proven to impossible? Do new laws never get passed.

The lives of the LGBTQ+ community is infinitely better than it was when I was growing up in the 90’s, that’s called progress and I for one am supportive of those changes. Sure we can do more, but pretending things have not improved is just crazy.

Fun fact if you go to join the police in the UK they will check how much debt you have as you’re more likely to be open to bribes etc.

That’s insane. Sure they’re in the first aisle but they’re either sitting in the baby seat or making their way to the top as I’m loading other stuff.

I don’t like my fruit and veg all battered and bruised.

Whatever dude.

Have a wonderful weekend.

I had a similar experience when I started my first job as a software developer and the owner / lead engineer, probably the most intelligent person I’ve ever met, told me about how is religious.

I just couldn’t compute, particularly as I’d be radicalised against religion online.

We have had many discussions and it become clear that he had thought more about his faith than I ever could and who was I to judge his position if he isn’t hurting people then he can believe what he likes.

As you said, its a philosophical belief and not that he believes in a being per se, but that there is something deeper to the universe.

You’re missing the point. They’re pointing out that Biden, as shit as he is and genocide supporting, is literally powerless to pass laws with a Republican legislature. Like it is literally impossible, you see that right.

Although downvotes are not everything and maybe Lemmy skews one way.

I do have to ask, looking back now considering you got ratio’d. Do you take a look at your argument and see if perhaps you’re incorrect or just double down?

Not trying to call you out here. Just wondering how people with completely differing thoughts on a topic look back at them.

Clearly here it isn’t up for debate that Reps control the legislation and not the Democratic president, so your last comment is wild to me.

Well I guess I’ll be adding the Foo Fighters to my list of people that won’t be getting any money from me.

Does it matter? Sure it matters to me. I can sleep better knowing I’m not contributing to things I don’t agree with.

I expected better from Dave Grohl but here we are.


So I’m preface this by saying I love this game as it lets me just do things and forget about life for a while. But, I kind of suck at planning (ADHD) and so I’ll just end up watching play throughs and building what they build, where I would rather just play it on my own but I can never keep the motivation to see what I should do next.

So I’m wondering is there some kind of checklist for each step.


  • Gather resources
  • Set up electric power
  • Get 1 red science per second set up
  • etc

This is as worded hella poorly and I will delete if not well received.

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joined 7 months ago