[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

Thunderbird has been thriving since it was spun out as a semi independent organization. Lots of new features and a whole new UI. This sounds like they're moving to a similar model for the browser and it sounds like great news to me. Hopefully we see nimbler decision making. Shouldn't have taken 3-4 years to make a tablet UI for Android and open up Android add ons

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I thought the new Fold has the S pen?

I also remain on my note 20 ultra, though I may trade it in when I lose updates later this year. I'm currently leaning towards S22 ultra. Considering foldables but hear so much bad user feedback on reliability, and I also love telephoto pics so I think the S22 is the clear superior choice

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

Hasn't been updated in a couple years?

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

I don't know about hardware, but they marketed that you'd be able to interact with an AI that would use your apps for you, via what they called a Large Action Model. None of those apps currently work, because they all are likely getting defeated up front by Captchas and other roadblocks companies put up to stop automated usage of their services.

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 3 points 6 days ago

As with most of their good products

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 48 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

This isn't just personal sites. Large blogs (Gawker), whole news sites (Vice), and other content no longer exist, because cynical corporate parasites bought them out. Newspapers that exist from before the internet era are arguably better archived on microfilm, Google Books etc, than today's news. The Internet Archive and other sites exist, but they are nonprofit and can't keep up with the sheer scale of content being pulled down. Also strongly disagree with your assertion that some sites don't need to be saved. The whole point of archiving is that we often can't judge what is important to future generations

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 60 points 6 days ago

Gemini soon to be rebranded Allo Assistant All Access Chat

Gemini is the new Google+ (www.computerworld.com)
submitted 2 weeks ago by dantheclamman@lemmy.world to c/android
[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 93 points 4 weeks ago

It's an example of why monopolies are harmful. They create distorted economies that don't serve consumers. Like ecosystems overcome by a monoculture, monopolies are inherently less resilient, less functional and prone to sudden disruption.

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 88 points 5 months ago

They don't want children to be educated about sexual activity because that usually is correlated with effective family planning, which means fewer children, which means women having more time for personal empowerment rather than simply being vessels for childbirth, which again means fewer children. Fewer children means fewer minds to convert to the religion that motivates the whole exercise. Many 'successful' religions aggressively propagate themselves, even if it's at the expense of the well-being of the believers themselves.

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 132 points 6 months ago

She's literally their marketing officer

[-] dantheclamman@lemmy.world 97 points 7 months ago

Maybe the Pixel team didn't talk to the Maps team. Maybe they did and the maps team said they didn't care. Maybe everyone involved in all of these features has since left the company. With Google, who knows?

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