idk about saudi arabia but in iran imo it's because a. education is universal and either free or cheap so everyone can study b. men are pressured to drop out and start working sooner in order to provide/save money and c. women are pressured to continue studying otherwise they would have to marry someone sooner.
Specifically, the action means that beginning in 2025, Israel will not be recognized as a participating delegation at IOI, but four contestants from Israel may still participate under the IOI flag.
no one not even coppers deserve to be yassified.
i think this is simply the classic chud case of "if i feel something is true then it must be true". remember when they talk about the left they are talking about some imaginary global elite of trans-communo-islamists that control everything. yeah i would imagine my enemies were unified if i were to melt all of them together to a nebulous (they/)"them".
sorry you missed your chance to sign a fixed rate power contract in the texas grid before the inflation hit. better luck next time dumbass.
he can't even bother edit his reposts instead of deadnaming his company lmao. like at this level of wealth you should be able to hire a guy just to monitor and replace any instance of twitter you may be posting.
you must be a sociopath to enjoy playing league. she's C-suite material fr.
it's basically schizo posting. it's popular with 4chaniods but i haven't seen anything particularly offensive in these comics.
on the complete opposite side, i somehow managed to not brick my system on updates since i switched to archlinux. not even once.
what the dog doin?