[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 64 points 1 week ago

Same thing happened to prison inmates in New Orleans during Katrina. They didn't even put together an official death toll, 517 people remain "unaccounted for" to this day. This piece of shit country never changes.


[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 60 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Are we entering the cool zone, comrades? I log off for a ~~week~~ decade and when I come back I find Iran finally ready to commit to a war, there's no way they chose the term "special operation" not knowing everyone would immediately think of the "special military operation" that Russia is doing in Ukraine, right? Such is the power of touching grass.

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 56 points 3 months ago

Many observers have high expectations for Ukraine’s attacks, starting with an intangible one: boosting Ukraine’s morale and damaging Russia’s.

Oh god are these people still talking about morale? Ukraine's ability to do attacks on Russian fuel and general logistic capability is so pitiful that it's questionable whether said attacks impact the war on a level distinguishable from normal market fluctuations, but they still think doing more attacks like that is worthwhile for the boost in soldier morale?

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 56 points 3 months ago

In 1000 years scientists will find the paint residue and people will appreciate it as an interesting historical fact that Stonehenge was once vandalized by a psyop meant to hurt climate change organizing

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 55 points 5 months ago

That's pretty much inevitable I think. We're probably only months away from Trump's VP pick calling Kamala Harris a tankie during a debate

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by cosecantphi@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

Disclaimer: As far as I know, I'm not going to die soon. I'm asking this question in case that changes someday.

So I was just thinking about this and thought it might be a good idea to leave your family some money while fucking over the bank on your way out. The creditors would go after your worthless estate only to find the recently purchased assets are missing, but you're already dead and can't be charged with fraud. And if you do some decent opsec, they can't implicate your family either.

I assume without laundering the money, your family would not be able to use it on anything big. And your available credit wouldn't be enough to make a massive quality of life improvement for your loved ones. But even if they only spend it on groceries and hobbies for a few years, it would make a nice goodbye gift.

Am I missing anything that makes this a horrible or unacceptably risky idea?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by cosecantphi@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

Recent example is Intel dropping the i from their CPU branding. What was an Intel Core i7 is now an "Intel Core Ultra 7". This is a bizarre choice. The i3, i5, and i7 branding is very much a household name, and they're just throwing that away.

Infinitely worse, they've also thrown out their low end Pentium and Celeron CPU branding. Now they're simply calling them all a generic "Intel Processor". What the actual fuck? People avoid Pentiums and Celerons because they're widely regarded the absolute bottom of the silicon barrel. Now instead of "don't get a Celeron, it's practically e-waste" it's going to be "don't get an INTEL PROCESSOR, it's practically e-waste". Holy shit.

A bunch of rich fucking failchildren got paid the big bucks for these ideas meanwhile I'm making min wage working infinitely harder while actually producing a non-negative surplus value for my employer to steal.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by cosecantphi@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

Just accepted a part time grocery store cashier position, it's going to be my first real job. I was worried about having to stand in one spot for 6 to 8 hours a day, but I recently found out that California has a law called the Suitable Seating Act. Here's the summary:

(A) All working employees shall be provided with suitable seats when the nature of the work reasonably permits the use of seats.

(B) When employees are not engaged in the active duties of their employment and the nature of the work requires standing, an adequate number of suitable seats shall be placed in reasonable proximity to the work area and employees shall be permitted to use such seats when it does not interfere with the performance of their duties.⁠

Does anyone here have experience with this kind of thing in California? I hardly ever see grocery store clerks sitting, so I thought it'd be a long shot that I'd be allowed to sit down on the job until I found out this law existed. Am I interpreting it correctly?

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 55 points 7 months ago

The capitalists will sell each other the rope with which they will accidentally hang themselves.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by cosecantphi@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

It was for some local primary or something, I don't know, 2020 was the last primary I'll ever pay attention to. I'd been getting these texts all month and thought they were mostly automated by now, so in frustration I responded "For the love of god please shut the fuck up".

Well an actual person replied saying they'd take me off their mailing list and now I kinda feel bad because this person was probably just a volunteer with probably good intentions

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 58 points 7 months ago

I'm not gonna shit on this guy because I think his heart was very obviously in the right place, but I have to agree with others here in that this is a terrible waste of a life, particularly a life belonging to the one US troop willing to die fighting the Palestinian genocide.

Unfortunately, I doubt he was capable of doing much better because of how massively alienated he must've been. He almost certainly lacked anything resembling a coherent set of politics, and he almost certainly lacked like minded comrades to set him on the right path. Considering he was active duty, I have no doubt he could have found a way to frag some officers, but he probably thought violence would be counter productive. There's a reason why Americans grow up learning about a wildly sanitized version of MLK Jr. and absolutely nothing about the Black Panthers.

So in the end, he spent his last moments screaming in agony for nothing, not understanding that the media was going to effortlessly sweep this under the rug just like it did the last few self immolations. This is so fucking sad, and it's why we need to organize to capture and productively redirect people like this as they radicalize. Rest in peace.


And I'm not even talking about large criticisms where you entirely dismiss their favorite treat as trash.

You can post just a couple of misgivings that are deeply couched in reassurances that you really loved the show overall, but it doesn't matter. You'll still get downvoted to hell, and a bunch of weirdos will come out of the woodwork to vehemently disagree with you on each and every point, line by line, arguing as if they've been born ready to die on this exact obscure molehill.

I guess they just really want you to say that their media is perfection incarnate, and that's such a bizarre mindset. They've always been like this, but I tend to pick up on it so much more often now because I can't help but compare that behavior to how people interact on Hexbear. Here we actually take care to charitably engage with each other's thoughts, something redditors are apparently incapable of regardless of how low stakes the topic of discussion is.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by cosecantphi@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

I really wish programming tutorials for absolute beginners were exactly like that. Like please program my dumb ass to learn programming.

Ideally a tutorial would Just assume I know nothing at all. In fact, assume I'm some medieval serf from 1320, motherfucker. Assume I've never heard of a computer before, never mind used one. Assume I've lost two dozen children to the plague, scurvy, smallpox, and conscription into wars with neighboring fiefdoms. Assume I'm currently imprisoned in the oubliette for hiding grain under my floorboards. Assume I speak in such a thick accent from bumfuck nowhere that it is entirely unintelligible to both contemporary nobility and modern English speakers alike. Assume I'm illiterate. Assume I've never washed my penis before. Assume I've never wiped my ass.

I'm talking about a tutorial that involves a thorough description of each and every click of the mouse. Rigorously define every single word that has programming relevance. Leave no stone unturned, if you're even slightly vague about any step I guarantee you I will fuck it up! It'd be sick as hell if such a lesson plan existed for every common programming language

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by cosecantphi@hexbear.net to c/technology@hexbear.net

Damn, the things used to be these thin little, well, cards. Nowadays they are reaching the size of entire consoles and can more accurately be called graphics bricks. Is the tech so stagnant that they won't be getting smaller again in the future?

The high end ones are so huge, power hungry, and fucking expensive that I'm starting to think they might as well just come with an integrated CPU and system RAM (in addition to the VRAM) on the same board.

What is the general industry expectation of what GPUs are going to be like in the mid term future, maybe 20 to 30 years from now? I expect if AI continues to grow in scope and ubiquity, then a previously unprecedented amount of effort and funding is going to be thrown at R&D for these PC components that were once primarily relegated to being toys for gamers.


I want to have a pizza by 1:30 in the morning Moscow time

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by cosecantphi@hexbear.net to c/chapotraphouse@hexbear.net

This is getting ridiculous.

Also anyone else notice that google now censors most search results about drugs? They give you their fucking suicide hotline as the top result if you mention anything harder than weed. After that, it's all DEA and DOJ webpages, literal DARE shit, actual rehab advertisements, and massively SEO'd rehab related grifts. Good luck getting any Bluelight or Erowid pages to come up without actively searching for them nowadays.


Like wow wtf, these incidents are really just endless, huh? I must've gone through hundreds of these now. It seems like it doesn't matter whether someone is an experienced scuba diver or not, these caves have a tendency to just fuck up your shit.

People who you could call not just world class divers, but world class cave divers apparently routinely enter these things en masse and are never seen alive again. Rescues are extremely rare because they tend to run out of air before anyone even realizes something went wrong. Then the only hope of retrieving the body is to fly in another world class cave diver, very likely a friend of the now rotting corpse floating in the cave. This isn't a very commonly practiced hobby as you can imagine.

Good chance this guy fucking dies in the cave too. At that point the property owner tends to just block off the entrance and let the two spend eternity together. It's very touching.

Most common scenario seems to be losing their guide rope back to the cave exit, accidentally stirring up previously pristine and undisturbed silt, reducing the visibility to literally 0, and then totally losing track of the claustrophobic passage that they originally shimmied through to get into that chamber. This is very obviously the perfect time to panic, hyperventilate away most of your air supply, and swim around wildly kicking up even more silt while trying to find the way out. Kind of like being stuck under a sheet of ice, but far worse because you probably still have something like 30 minutes left to think about the fact that no one can possibly rescue you in time.

I can't imagine being in this situation, what a shit way to go. I'd rather go fucking wing suiting than get anywhere near an underwater cave.


I've tried Chameleon and Valyrian root tea blends before thinking they might make good sleep aids, but I've never had any luck with them. A lot people say they find those very relaxing, but I wasn't even catching a placebo effect.

So for a while I just assumed all this herbal tea bullshit I see in stores and pharmacies must be just a step above homeopathic products. They're probably pretty good if you like the taste of the herbal blends and find sipping a warm beverage relaxing in itself, but otherwise a waste of time. Clearly if they really worked they wouldn't be sold in large supermarket chains. Instead they'd be relegated to the weird, near grey market status that Kratom seems to exist in, right?

Today at the store I just happened to notice something very alarming. A box of Kava blend tea was the absolute one and only herbal tea variety on the shelf to include a warning asking you to consult your doctor before use, and stating that minors and pregnant women should not consume this product.

Well, that warning instantaneously lit up the junkie addict center of my brain like a Christmas tree, and I impulse bought two boxes. This might have major negative health consequences? Wow, must be the fucking good stuff. I got home and brewed six of them into a single mug of tea, and yep, this shit is psychoactive all right. Subtle, but definitely not placebo subtle. It quite honestly feels similar to a moderate dose of Gabapentin, and it's making me sleepy.

I sure wish I knew this before I most likely took 15 years off the lifespan of my kidneys by using 200mg of Diphenhydramine every night for years just to have a fighting chance at falling asleep more often than every two days.


The most obvious possibility is AOC. In that case I am sure she'll move even further right and get totally ratfucked by the party regardless. That's the most jokerified option, I think. At the very least, her obvious ratfucking will push many more people to the left like the Bernie campaigns did.

But the worst possibility is some rando Democratic apparatchik we've never heard of like Mayo Pete showing up. They take up all the aesthetics of Bernie's campaigns, they receive the glowing endorsements of Bernie and the squad, but they seemingly refuse to outright promise anything we would call "good", and they suspiciously receive no material push-back whatsoever from the Democratic party establishment other than some clearly bad faith grumblings about how spooky and radical this person is. Win or lose, they completely suck the energy out of leftist movements in the imperial core for a further decade.

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 54 points 11 months ago

Is the Nasrallah speech on Friday really expected to be that big a deal? When it first came up, I didn't think too much about it considering it was scheduled an entire week away. Surely if it was that important, they'd want to put it out ASAP, right? My assumption was that it'd just be Nasrallah summarizing the situation, giving another strongly worded denouncement of Israel, and then business as usual.

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 71 points 1 year ago

Russia sucks right now, but if you think they are in anyway responsible for even a minuscule fraction of the bloodshed that the US has spilled all over the world, then your brain has been utterly broken by western news coverage of the Ukraine war.

As for China? What the fuck? China hasn't been at war in decades. The only way you could possibly believe China is comparable to the US is if you've hooked yourself up to an IV drip of state department atrocity propaganda. Either that or you're just a fucking racist.

It's baffling that you libs expect us to believe you when you claim to hate the US while you simultaneously uncritically parrot everything the US says about its state enemies.

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 54 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Absolutely, how can it possibly matter whether any given communist is specifically an anarchist or ML or whatever when the US is the global hegemon? People who believe in any of these ideologies trying to enact radical change are going to get crushed under the United States' boot all the same.

Taking down the US is a prerequisite for coming anywhere close to communism, it's not possible otherwise. Therefore left unity with the number one goal of weakening the US should be our highest priority. Russia losing the Ukraine proxy war will not make the lives of Russian LGBT people better. Nor will it make it any easier for leftists to take back control of the country. But Russia winning the Ukraine proxy war will certainly hurt the ability of the US and NATO to suppress leftist movements outside the imperial core.

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 62 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Fundamentally disagree. Brigading, as originally conceived by reddit, is an organized raid of one forum by another. Posting a screenshot to the_dunk_tank with a link is not organization. There is no call to action, it's just naming and shaming. If the user featured in the screenshot said something reprehensible, then they shouldn't be surprised if it spurs others to relentlessly mock and bully them. But when that happens, it's absolutely not a unified effort, nor is it targeting the forum as a whole.

That's just a consequence of saying reactionary shit in a public setting in full view of people who tend to be hurt by reactionary rhetoric. This isn't violence, there are no real threats being made. Everyone is totally free to continue to say whatever they want in accordance with the rules of their home instance. But if you voice your opinion in public, it's rather hypocritical to get pissed about others voicing their own opinions back.

[-] cosecantphi@hexbear.net 55 points 1 year ago

Fun fact, did you know brigading doesn't exist on reddit anymore? The official reddit definition of brigading is when an r/chapotraphouse user also posts to any subreddit that is not r/chapotraphouse. Back when the old sub existed, almost all of our hundreds of thousands of users would constantly brigade the rest of reddit. Eventually we became the new boogeysub, taking the position from r/shitredditsays.

Unfortunately, that all became a thing of the past once r/chapotraphouse got banned.

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