Check out the book Endless Forms. It's an interesting exploration of types of wasps and hornets.

Also, the last house I lived in had wasps and yellow jackets all over the yard. I only got stung twice, both times by yellow jackets, because I once mowed their nest, and another time when my dog stuck his whole head in another nest. If you don't have threatening energy, they have no concern for you

[-] 11 points 2 days ago

Thank you for representing me

Ahhh yeah makes sense

Maybe I'm old, but how are they getting addicted? It seems like it's chatgpt with a costume wardrobe.

Also pretty sure some have a human in the loop, since I got called a troll and a fool by the AI when I tried to find the limits of one LLM character

[-] 27 points 6 days ago

I remember being absolutely blown away that you could see planes in the sky

[-] 166 points 1 month ago

I hate the existing copyright system and would love to see it contested.

My brother in Christ, they're literally contesting it

[-] 132 points 3 months ago

Looks like everything I've ever done in Kerbal

[-] 65 points 4 months ago

I wonder how much these models are now learning from spam they were used to generate

[-] 57 points 5 months ago

I found a set of Makita tools for 60% off last year and now I'm Makita battery dependent for the rest of my life

[-] 130 points 9 months ago

Sounds like the 21 Jump Street remake

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