[-] aard@kyu.de 21 points 17 hours ago

Ich hatte da frueher auch oefter mal die Diskussionen - das sind Leute die Atomkraft innerhalb einer idealen Umgebung sehen, wo es tatsaechlich bis vor kurzem noch eine gute Option gewesen waere, aber ausblenden dass ein alter Tischler die Laender in denen das halbwegs sauber gehandhabt wird an einer Hand abzehlen kann.

Ich selber lebe seit langem in Finnland - Atomkraft hier sehe ich komplett unproblematisch, zumindest den Bestand. Neubau macht jetzt denke ich auch keinen Sinn mehr, und ich denke das haben die Verantwortlichen mit dem neulich ans Netz gegangenen Reaktor (nach massiven Verzoegerungen und Kostensteigerungen) auch kapiert. Aber: Die Gegend hier ist geologisch extrem stabil, und das Endlagerproblem ist ordentlich geloest.

Fuer Deutschland sehe ich dagegen Atomkraft als unmachbar an - da bekommt man nicht mal ne Stromtrasse Nord-Sued hin, Endlagerversuche wurden mehrmals verkackt, politische Situation ist allgemein eine Katastrophe mit einem Misch aus NIMBY und Korruption.

[-] aard@kyu.de 179 points 1 day ago

Intel is well known for requiring a new board for each new CPU generation, even if it is the same socket. AMD on the other hand is known to push stuff to its physical limits before they break compatibility.

[-] aard@kyu.de 3 points 1 day ago

Had to look that lawyer bit up as it just sounded too much like Gravenreuth - and indeed it was.

[-] aard@kyu.de 7 points 3 days ago

Wer dem linken Lager zugeordnet wird und ueber Gentrifizierung schreibt wird abgehoert, bekommt das Haus durchsucht, und hat dann jahrelang Gerichtsprozesse. Oeffentlich "Auslaender raus" zu schreien ist da ne ganz andere Hausnummer. Es fuer rechte so zu uebertreiben wie es bei den linken passiert waere jetzt auch nicht wuenschenswert - aber das sollte schon Grund genug fuer Ermittlungsbehoerden sein mal nachzuschauen in welchem Umfeld die Personen sonst so unterwegs sind.

[-] aard@kyu.de 1 points 3 days ago

Das wirst du ausprobieren muessen - ich habs bei Freunden fuer mich vor Jahren ausprobiert, ich komm damit nicht klar und bevorzuge klassische Tastaturen.

[-] aard@kyu.de 11 points 3 days ago

I nowadays manage my private stuff with the ansible scripts I develop for work - so mostly my own stuff is a development environment for work, and therefore doesn't need to be done on private time.

[-] aard@kyu.de 17 points 4 days ago

There is nothing like this availlable currently. Framework probably comes closest, but they only sell in a few countries, and there is lots of stuff to dislike about their solutions - but building your own around a framework board might be feasible.

I have two mnt reforms - as you said, slow and expensive. They have their use for work prototyping for me, but generally wouldn't recommend. They also have the worst keyboard I've encountered in a notebook in the last decade.

[-] aard@kyu.de 3 points 6 days ago

Generally yes, but you still need hardware support (mostly kernel and mesa). They upstream - but generally you currently want packages built from their git for that.

Also the installer is very mac hardware specific.

[-] aard@kyu.de 128 points 2 weeks ago

Making an exception for one organisation, pressured by politicians, would be harmful. BBC has the following policy about neutral reporting:

We don't use loaded words like "evil" or "cowardly". We don't talk about "terrorists". And we're not the only ones to follow this line. Some of the world's most respected news organisations have exactly the same policy

submitted 4 months ago by aard@kyu.de to c/dach@feddit.de
submitted 4 months ago by aard@kyu.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Vor ein paar Tagen gabs hier ein Post zu Deutschlandwochen im Lidl in Italien, wo einer aus Schweden und ich mich ueber das Layout gewundert haben.

Jetzt sind auch hier Deutschlandwochen - und anscheinend wurde generell das Packungslayout geaendert - frueher war das alles "Alpenfest", jetzt "taste of deutschland".

Einige Produkte haben sich auch geaendert - z.b. waren die Apfel/Kirsch/Pflaumenkuchen frueher grosse runde Kuchen, jetzt sinds mehrere Teile.

Und Maultaschen sind wieder nicht dabei.

submitted 4 months ago by aard@kyu.de to c/imageai@sh.itjust.works

This is OpenDalle with img2img to make an existing picture into a futuristic city.

I took this picture at work a while ago, and it reminded me of cities with brutalist architecture we see in movies now and then, so I tried to get it made into one:

Other interesting attempts:

Forcing it to stay closer to the source made things look more like a highschool cardboard model:

submitted 5 months ago by aard@kyu.de to c/edc@sopuli.xyz

I've finally found a bag which nicely fits almost everything I want to carry every day, and alos makes everything easily accessible - it is about the same size as what I used to carry, but now I no longer need to dump everything out to find what I neede, even with some lose parts still in there.



  • 4 empty 64 microSD with SD adapter
  • one rpi 2040 with USB-A interface
  • headphones
  • bag of female jumper cables, with male-male adapters
  • a collection of the most used NFC keyfobs

Left side:

  • USB-C cable with attached USB-A adapter (USB3, missing on picture)
  • two USB-C to headphone adapters
  • satechi USB-C power meter
  • headphone splitter
  • USB-C to SATA adapter
  • USB-C smartcart reader
  • VGA to HDMI
  • USB Ninja (USB-C)
  • proxmark3 with battery/bt
  • collection of NFC magic cards

Right side:

  • USB-C hub with charging port
  • miniDP to HDMI
  • small USB-C dock
  • USB-C to whatever adapters (mini, micro, B, HDMI, ..)
  • Chameleon ultra
  • MPP pen
  • Ninja USB remote
  • USB-C to serial, connected via jumper cables

[-] aard@kyu.de 150 points 5 months ago

While failing at art he was still Austrian.

submitted 6 months ago by aard@kyu.de to c/emacs@lemmy.ml

I recently had to add a Mac to my zoo of hardware I'm trying to do productive work on - which prompted me to clean up and document my environment variable importer, which had grown to platform specific functions with lots of code duplication.

On both Windows and MacOS I have properly configured shells with all relevant variables - so it makes sense to query them, instead of duplicating the logic how they create that configuration into Emacs.

On Linux that'd have worked too, but I also have the relevant variables in the systemd user session, and querying that is a tiny bit faster than launching a shell.

[-] aard@kyu.de 252 points 8 months ago

This was just a matter of time - and there isn't really that much the affected can do (and in some cases, should do). Shutting down that service is the correct thing - but that'll only buy a short amount of time: Training custom models is trivial nowadays, and both the skill and hardware to do so is in reach of the age group in question.

So in the long term we'll see that shift to images generated at home, by kids often too young to be prosecuted - and you won't be able to stop that unless you start outlawing most of AI image generation tools.

At least in Germany the dealing with child/youth pornography got badly botched by incompetent populists in the government - which would send any of those parents to jail for at least a year, if they take possession of one of those generated pictures. Having it sent to their phone and going to police for a complaint would be sufficient to get prosecution against them started.

There's one blessing coming out of that mess, though: For girls who did take pictures, and had them leaked, saying "they're AI generated" is becoming a plausible way out.

[-] aard@kyu.de 111 points 8 months ago

This feature also has the potential of endangering those drivers. If I were a driver I'd definitely not opt in to a function like this.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by aard@kyu.de to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

I was thinking about that when I was dropping my 6 year old off at some hobbies earlier - it's pretty much expected to have learned how to ride a bicycle before starting school, and it massively expands the area you can go to by yourself. When she went to school by bicycle she can easily make a detour via a shop to spend some pocket money before coming home, while by foot that'd be rather time consuming.

Quite a lot of friends from outside of Europe either can't ride a bicycle, or were learning it as adult after moving here, though.

edit: the high number of replies mentioning "swimming" made me realize that I had that filed as a basic skill pretty much everybody has - probably due to swimming lessons being a mandatory part of school education here.

submitted 9 months ago by aard@kyu.de to c/functionalprint@kbin.social

My kids broke the flap on one of our sockets, so I had to look into getting them replaced.

Initially I tried to make them clip on to avoid having to remove the complete socket for future replacements, but that ended up either weakening the hinges too much, or making it impossible to attach it with the spring in the right position.

The gasket and O-ring are donated from the original flap:

The original flap and the first test prints to check if I got the dimensions right:

The whole thing is over on printables

submitted 10 months ago by aard@kyu.de to c/emacs@lemmy.ml

I'm currently in the process of taking over as maintainer for the emacs-keybindings addon for Firefox.

I've just published the first update in years, with changes including:

  • tested on Windows and Linux now
  • some functionality is now configurable: debug logging, custom new tab page, experimental features, modifier-less high level bindings
  • all keybindings are listed in the options settings page
  • M- keybindings are now also reachable via ESC
  • M-< and M-> was added for scrolling to top/bottom
  • introducing prefix key, currently only used for opening/closing of windows (C-u C-x C-f or C-u C-k)
  • search is introduced as experimental feature - currently it just highlights all matches
  • the extension now registers as browser action in preparation for additional features

Unfortunately a lot of things that used to work with the old XUL plugins few years back just don't work with the new APIs - and Firefox developers have been sitting on relevant bugs for 8 years or more without anything happening now - so this is probably close to the best we can have for now. In combination with setting editing keybindings either via Gnome settings or AHK it makes browsing almost bearable again.

submitted 11 months ago by aard@kyu.de to c/firefox@lemmy.world

On the off chance somebody here is familiar with this API: I've spent some time trying to make using browsers somewhat bearable, and tried - with limited success - to re-implement search using find.find, with the search input in a HTML dialog.

The problem with this approach is that the search query itself is treated as part of the results:

So far I haven't seen a way to have that excluded. Does anybody have ideas outside of "throw this away and reimplement with JavaScript"?

The code is here

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