[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 15 points 3 weeks ago

I simply don't, and wouldn't trust Apple. They will tell you they are all about privacy, and happily sell your data behind your back. Just like any other company.

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 14 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

~~One RUMOR I've heard is so it looks like more people are registering with PSN, to make up for loss of PS sales?~~ Doesn't make the most sense, but I'm sure its a mixture of that and your data $$$

Edit: I'm sure they are using the increase of accounts to make theirs elves look more favorable. All around, it's shitty, and helldivers will suffer for it. Steam has already allowed refunds from countries that can no longer play.

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 14 points 2 months ago

Couldn't find a good way to make it spoken.

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 13 points 3 months ago

I think most of us are just tired of the fact that these companies can run at a loss, wait until they become default by starving out the rest, and then go full throttle towards making it the worst experience possible. I have no issue with leaving discord, the part that stings is porting all of my favorite bots and members over.

Its a nice wake up call that free things don't last, or atleast are never truly free.

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 13 points 3 months ago

You keep blaming your education, when really you should be blaming yourself. The person above you wants you to stop blaming others for your ignorance, and actively read about the horseshit you say.

If you're going to say something, do the bare minimum and atleast try to educate yourself. There are so many world war one and two books which will go into the why, hows, and extent of the wars. No one debates whether or not the holocaust happened. The biggest debate still on going, was just how many people died. Was it 6million people, was it 12 million? So many people were killed we can't decide on an accurate number. So many bodies literally burned after being incinerated that we can never know. The only people saying it simply didn't happen, are those who committed those atrocities, and want the chance at being able to commit them again.

Its very difficult to believe you had a "massive lack of education" yet still somehow have the education to know you should care more about it.

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 14 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)
[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 15 points 4 months ago

Funny how OP just explained above you, and id wager a good chunk of us feel the way he does. The real question is, why would you condone their actions?

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 13 points 4 months ago

I get the checkbox even on mobile sometimes, I imagine as long as you're not perfectly hitting the center pixel it knows you're human.

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 14 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I've lived in the hood. BRANDISHING which is what this law for, would have you shot dead. Get the fuck outta here.

Does it say I need insurance to own a shotgun, that is kept in my home? Because thats what I'd be using if I lived in the hood and felt afraid in my home

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 13 points 5 months ago

Except what steam does isn't considered bloat to a large swath of users.

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 15 points 11 months ago

I personally enjoy that he is behind the scenes so to speak. What is really telling however is that the media never actually reports on these things. Atleast in your face about it, and why would they? It helps them to make others think Biden isnt helping the people.

[-] Zoot@reddthat.com 13 points 11 months ago

The fundamental way that math originated cares...

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