China is still a dictatorship of the proletariat.


[-] 59 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

There is no free-speech entitlement to speak at a commencement. The issue here is how best to maintain campus security and safety, period,” Guzman wrote.

Sooo, what's that quote about those who would trade liberty for security again?

[-] 57 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I was literally just going to comment this. They are trying to build their own lemmy, with blackjack, and java (and no tankies, I assume)

[-] 59 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

that's true, he's older and more racist than the average democrat. More of a rapist too. Really just worse in all dimensions

Any modern true-believer democrat (maybe actually gives a shit about lgbt people, abortion, labor rights, etc. or is at least better at paying them lip service) could have leveraged the circumstances of the last several years to do a lot more good than biden has done. And they still would have deserved a lot of criticism and done a lot of things I don't agree with.

holy shit lol we've gotten to the point where the ardent Biden defenders defend him by claiming he's not like other democrats. Not even "he's one of the good ones" let alone "he's a good democrat", they openly admit that the dems are just bad but somehow biden is actually good?

Incredible mental gymnastics. What little he's done has been a direct result of circumstances almost completely outside his control, he hasn't pushed the envelope at all, if anything he's held it back where possible

I'm not exactly happy about it either, but saying the only cause was "mental illness" and that its the fault of "tankies" that he did this is so so much worse that it doesn't even bear mentioning. I wish that he didn't feel the need to do this, rather than organize with the living, but I think we all deserve the autonomy to make that choice.

"nooooo don't martyr yourself ur so much better off being a goon for hire aiding and abetting genocide"

No cause is worth sacrificing for to these people. Except maybe service of the boot bootlicker

remove the ?share_id=... bit that's a tracking token

[-] 54 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I know its tankiejerk so they were never gonna be a comrade but this is like the opposite of the type of squishy leftists or western anarchists that I hold out hope for.

Instead of mostly having good instincts and being willing to work with whoever else is putting in the work even if they don't necessarily have a nuanced take on stalin or trust in state structures, these people create their politics entirely in reaction to a boogeyman and don't put in any work

"we need to serve you cookies so we can track your preference not to be tracked with cookies"

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Not a brand new article but it was new to me

Internal 3M documents show:

  • In the 1950s, 3M animal studies consistently found its PFAS chemicals were toxic.
  • By the early 1960s, 3M knew the chemicals didn’t degrade in the environment.
  • 3M knew by the 1970s its chemicals were widely present in the blood of the general U.S. population.
  • A 1970 study of fish had to be abandoned “to avoid severe stream pollution” and because all the fish died. After being exposed to a chemical, the fish couldn’t stay upright and kept crashing into the fish tank and dying.
  • By 1976, 3M knew the chemicals were in its plant workers’ blood at higher levels than normal.
  • A study of a chemical’s effect on 20 rhesus monkeys in 1978 had to be aborted after 20 days because all the exposed monkeys died.
  • In 1979, a 3M scientist warned that perfluorochemicals posed a cancer risk because they are “known to persist for a long time in the body and thereby give long-term chronic exposure.”
  • In 1979, 3M lawyers advised the company to conceal a 3M chemical compound found in human blood.
  • In 1983, 3M scientists concluded that concerns about its chemicals “give rise to legitimate questions about the persistence, accumulation potential, and ecotoxicity of fluorochemicals in the environment.”
  • Purdy wrote in his resignation letter that in the 1990s, 3M told researchers not to write down their thoughts or have email discussions because of how their “speculations” might be viewed in legal discovery.
  • 3M told employees to mark documents as “attorney-client privileged” regardless of whether attorneys were involved, the state alleged, and minutes of meetings were edited to omit references to health hazards.
  • In 1997, 3M gave DuPont a “material safety data sheet” — which lays out potential hazards — for a chemical. It read, “Warning: contains a chemical which can cause cancer,” citing 1983 and 1993 studies by 3M and DuPont. But 3M removed the label that same year and continued to sell the products for decades without warning.


Donald Taves, a researcher at the University of Rochester, first reported in the scientific journal Nature in 1968 that the general population had been exposed to the compounds. Then Taves discovered his own blood contained it, according to a 3M document marked “confidential,” obtained in the Minnesota attorney general’s lawsuit.

Taves was working with Warren Guy and Wallace Brey at the University of Florida on a research paper.

3M chemist G.H. Crawford took the phone call from Taves, and admitted nothing. He wrote in a confidential interoffice memo: “We (pleaded) ignorance but advised him that Scotchgard was a polymeric material not a F.C. acid.”

(In fact, by this point, the company knew its chemicals accumulated in the human body and were toxic, Swanson told a congressional committee. Moreover, Swanson added, 3M refused to identify the chemicals in its products, which for a generation thwarted the scientific community’s understanding of their health impacts.)

Taves, Guy and Brey later discovered plasma from blood banks in five cities suggested “widespread contamination of human tissues with trace amounts of organic fluorocompounds derived from commercial products” such as floor waxes, wax paper, leather and fabric conditioning agents.

After getting the phone calls from researchers, 3M began analyzing its fluorine compounds. Within weeks, they found a compound that was a likely match.

By late 1975, 3M sent employees to see Guy and Taves at the University of Rochester, where they agreed to try to isolate and identify fluorochemicals in blood.

In 1976, the company began sampling employees’ blood.

Tests showed workers at 3M’s Cottage Grove plant called Chemolite had up to 1,000 times the normal amount of fluorochemicals in their blood.

It just goes on and on like this. fuckin grim stuff

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/

The quote:

Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:

There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.

There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time.

And apparently it originates from the comments of this blog post, not from the commonly attributed CIA stooge:

It's pretty lib subject matter on the whole and I'm not holding out hope that Mr Wilhoit is a marxist, but it actually maps pretty well. I was just talking to a friend about how the NLRB rulings against starbucks are doing literally nothing to stop them from union-busting and penalizing union workers, and this popped into my head:

It's almost like there's a class who the law protects but does not bind, and a class who the law binds but does not protect or something

Mr. Wilhoit was onto something but it's not celebrities or immigrants or whoever he meant it about, it's the working class and the ruling class. Also I really want to eventually get called a tankie for quoting some liberal blog reply guy. I just think it would be funny

PS: check out his music, it's not bad:

[-] 56 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Didn't we just discover last week that they already picked it and it's

Finish The Job


I wanted to say "presented without comment" but I can't help myself so

"DAE think all politics besides anglosphere aligned liberalism is just self righteous utopianism?" smuglord


The two columns are "Reasons" and "Evidence" lmao

In 2017, the governors of all fifty U.S. states signed a statement describing their opposition to the BDS movement, stating that the BDS movement’s “focus on the Jewish State raises serious questions about its motivations and intentions” and that the governors “strongly condemn the BDS movement as incompatible with the values of our states and our country.”[14]


I'm sure people here can empathize with having all the tech wizards get burnt out and leave, and all the various teething problems but this is a bit much... lemmy has its issues but plenty of sites larger and smaller than beehaw are getting on just fine. Perhaps the lib sysadmins are just going back to brunch?

USA be like (

Been listening to the latest blowback, and was a bit astonished to hear that China was a significant player in hosting training camps for the earlier generations of jihadis, but they don't go into a lot of detail on china's motivations or anything. This would have been in the period after mao's death, iirc they said 1979

what's up with that? was the sino soviet split that severe that they sought to undermine and destroy the USSR?


going to test image sizing in the comments, fr please ignore

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by to c/

originally posted here:

I slapped together a userscript to auto-collapse comment chains made by users not from or Hope this helps people who aren't happy about federation to not have to see the eye-wateringly bad takes (I recommend combining this with setting your defaults to browse posts by Local and Hot to not see posts from other instances and not use the struggle-session sort aka Active). You can use it by installing the TamperMonkey/ViolentMonkey extension in your browser and then creating a new script and copy/pasting the following into it:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Lib Blocker
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  Block federated users on
// @author       YearOfTheCommieDesktop
// @match*
// @icon
// @require
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

function processComment(comment) {
    var link = comment.querySelectorAll('a[title="link"]');
    if (link.length >= 2 && (!link[1].href.includes("") && !link[1].href.includes(""))) {
    return true;
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