[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 6 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 6 hours ago)

As a fellow meat eater, I appreciate the spotlight being shown on the cruelty meat industry at large, as well as you do. It has made me more conscious of my meat consumption, and I have reduced my consumption of it. It has also made me aware of sourcing more ethical meat from local butchers that are supplied by local free range farms.

I hope that this awareness continues to spread, and it helps speed up the development of things like lab grown meat and other more ethical sources of meat, in general.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 8 points 23 hours ago

There's vomit on his clean blue jeans,

Dad's sardines.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

"Speak softly and carry a big ass stick", or something like that.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I will admit that assuming you have never faced hardship like that is not fair. Maybe you have, and maybe you handled it differently.

Still, its disrespectful to make someone feel bad for feeding their family Taco Bell. Maybe they didn't have time or the knowledge to cook food for that cheap.

Taco Bell is as good an option as any other cheap fast food place. None of them are healthy or anything, and that's not the point. The point is that they are cheap and quick, and sometimes that's what people need. Nobody should feel bad about it, including yourself.

Believe it or not, some people make less money than others.

If you were in a position with only 20 dollars in your pocket and had to feed a family of 4 you would be eternally grateful for cheap food. Consider yourself lucky that you have never faced hardship like that in your life.

I think your comment is pretty ignorant and/or disrespectful.

I can't imagine living in a town without real Mexican food. We have taco trucks and authentic fast food style Mexican spots where I'm at too.

Nothing that Taco Bell has ever made comes close to the quality of a random shady looking taco truck.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I understand that, but my point was that we aren't carnivores at all, we are omnivores.

I am not vegan FWIW, I was just responding to the person who was saying that comparing us to sea carnivores was a bad comparison, when comparing us to land carnivores yields the same results. It seemed kind of like they missed the point of the joke which was to make fun of people who wrongly call us carnivores, especially as a response to veganism.

It was all kind of useless pedantry on my part, anyways, so I apologize.

The joke is making fun of people who call us carnivores, though. Our teeth are very different from land carnivores, as well.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 72 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Maybe the Tesla owners who still somehow worship or apologize for Musk, but most of them don't deserve this at all. A lot of Tesla drivers dislike Musk and regret their purchases at this point.

They were the best electric car to buy for a long time. I don't fault anyone for buying them in the past. If anyone buys one now, with all the information and other options we have, then maybe they'd deserve it.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 52 points 1 month ago

Technology like this could actually be used to help the rehabilitation process by dilating time, and allowing the offender to be rehabilitated without actually wasting much of their actual life.

It would most likely be used for harsh punishment in this universe, but its nice to imagine living in a better one, sometimes.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 89 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Poor guy learned the hard way.

Microwaves are not to be fucked with. Microwaves are produced inside the oven by an electron tube called a magnetron. The microwaves are then reflected within the metal interior of the oven where they are absorbed by food.

When a magnetron bombards another magnetron with microwaves it produces a feedback loop that can result in an explosion. This phenomenon was first recorded in 1998, the same year that The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.

[-] TopRamenBinLaden@sh.itjust.works 46 points 9 months ago

I mean, it's sexual assault obviously, but in this case, "using a sex toy on them" provides a bit more context than just generically labeling it as "sexual assault". Sexual assault could be many different things.

The article also goes on to describe that they put the sex toys in the men's mouth. I think the "used a sex toy on them" is just more descriptive in this situation, because if they used "sexual assault", people would not be able to decipher what these POS officers actually did.

I do agree that the media can be terrible about minimizing sexual assault on men, but in this case I think the headline is more descriptive. Also , fuck these racist rapist cops.

Blurry Derp (sh.itjust.works)

A blurry pic of my LabPei being his happy derpy self. His name is Lemmy of all things.

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