An AI-powered Clippy… have we learned nothing from Star Trek Lower Decks about what can go wrong with this??

Arthur Grand Wizard Technologies

[-] 7 points 2 weeks ago

This isn’t the first time he’s been attacked.

[-] 9 points 4 weeks ago

Hunh, I thought I was hearing “The Oral Germ Whore”.

[-] 6 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Yes exactly, a game changer for me as well.

I used to use tap water too. I have to highlight why distilled or boiled water is important though. Tap water isn’t sterile and there have been cases of microbes creating infections when used with Neti pots.

Naegleria fowleri is a brain-eating amoeba that has been linked to tap water usage in Neti pots, among other scenarios.

These cases are rare, to be fair, but still worth avoiding with distilled or boiled water. There could be other less fatal microbes junking things up, after all.

I gotta clarify, boiled but then cooled water for use in your Neti pots!

[-] 12 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I have nasal congestion due to allergies every morning so here’s some advice that might help you.

You can try a Neti pot morning and night. The NeilMed ones at Costco pharmacies are good.

Use distilled water or boil your own for 1-3 minutes depending on the elevation in the area.

Once the packets run out you can measure 1/8 tsp baking soda, 1/8 to 1/4 tsp non-iodized salt (e.g. sea salt).

For prescriptions, Omnaris might work for you too. Gets things moving and doesn’t have the congestive rebound effect that over-the-counter nasal decongestants do.

All the other advice about controlling allergens is on point too. You can try an anti-histamine (e.g. Aerius) for a week to see if your congestion goes away but allergy meds dry you out a bit by design and gum you up so maybe this won’t have the effect you’re seeking.

You can get a sleep study for apnea but I’d say only if you’ve had actual fatigue related symptoms, not just what you’ve described here.

You could get a breath test for your lungs. Maybe there’s mold at your place. That tightness should be enough reason to get checked out, tbh.

Best of luck!

[-] 6 points 1 month ago

To try and thwart malicious scripted login attempts, some sites expect a manual keyboard action on the username and/or password fields.

You can use your password manager to populate the fields but then click each and add then remove a character. That usually handles it.

[-] 11 points 1 month ago

Tenet. I’ve watched it probably four times. Got my sister onto it and I think she’s seen it like seven times now.

Very rewatchable. It can make sense but I’d say it takes you at least two viewings to follow along. Probably three.

I wish there was a sequel but I don’t think that’s Christopher Nolan’s style.

I see other Nolan movies listed here. There’s definitely a theme in them with time, story order and apparently, dead wives?

[-] 28 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Tenacious D did the cover I’m most familiar with.

[-] 4 points 6 months ago

Yes this is the same issue I’ve noticed. I’ve been playing Vampire Survivor exclusively for some time so I’m not sure if the problem is game specific or SteamOS. Probably the latter. I can run a different game later and see or maybe you can let me know.

[-] 6 points 6 months ago

I’ve noticed a black screen after exiting a game lately but just thought it was a problem with the specific game. I have to press the back button to get out of it and back to where you’d normally land after exiting a game, the game selection page/menu from the library in steam (there’s probably a better name for it).

Is that what you mean?


I have an X-Arcade dual joystick that I’m trying to use with Arcade games via EmulationStation on the Steam Deck.

The joysticks work but I’m having two problems that I’m looking to solve. They should be universal problems, not just about this joystick unit, so I’m hoping someone here can guide me.

  1. How to set controller order within EmulationStation? I use a Steam Controller to navigate the Deck otherwise but have to turn it off when I start an arcade game or the X-Arcade won’t work. I think it’s the controller order I’ve read about but can’t see where to set this.

  2. How to set controller inputs for a specific game in EmulationStation? I see the input settings menu but I believe this overrides all games. I don’t see how I can bring up the old MAME menu for game specific inputs. Do I have to do this via config file in desktop mode instead?

The joystick unit has the PCB upgrade that allows X-input. I can see both joysticks as XBox 360. The deck is updated as of August 1st stable release. EmulationStation with 2.1.1 and all other desktop application updates applied including EmuDeck emulators and flatpaks. Based on some other issue and advice, I have previously pointed EmulationStation to a different and newer MAME emulator vs the one that came with the EmuDeck install.

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