Is it weird I don't mind Crusher but can't stand Wheaton?

Freebirths? More like Dark Caste dezgra nonsense

No passenger rail. It's car or a once a week bus that doesn't even stop in the town my family lives in.

It means the round fired by the gun is .308 inches in diameter, or 7.62mm. Gun caliber is measured in inches for Imperial.

Except now that talent joins or forms more competition

Yeah but rock is a hell of a radiation shield too.

It saddens me to see leftists left toothless in the face of those that would hurt them. Yet yall insist on being victims and relying on the same cops that oppress you. Total pacifism has a more accurate name, "I like letting fascists win."

[-] 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I find it helpful to remember "Perfection is the enemy of Progress."

SNW is amazing Trek I fully expected to have mixed feelings about. I especially love the remixed versions of some of the music, like that bit of the TOS theme coming through as it trails off

Wonder if it has to do with how many of us eat meat, Vulcan are vegetarian aren't they?

No fuck you car bad, unga dunga. Seriously though I appreciate the nuance here, public transportation still needs to be comfortable without cramming people in like cattle

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