[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 2 points 5 days ago

Perfect for my purposes. Thanks 🙏

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 7 points 5 days ago

Rfk is in the juche gang??

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net to c/chat@hexbear.net

I'm vibing hard watching the river. Anyone got good vibes to contribute? Or music suggestions?

Edit: hammock vibes

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 1 points 5 days ago

I'm a gen-z-er and I remember those. Relatively poorer area though so it may be related

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 5 points 6 days ago

I'm in the same boat. I could probably say where that belief comes from within myself but i think that's usually just a waste of breath.

Pastoral agriculture is a farce in the way its used to hide away the crimes of Tyson and the like but as someone who's been tangentially involved with the collection and processing of my own meat it really just doesn't bother me much.

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 8 points 6 days ago

When is it wrong to kill an animal?

When the point of doing so lacks use value and/or harms the natural balance of the world. Trophy hunting, industrial agriculture, poaching for animal products of endangered species .

When is it wrong to kill a human? I feel like this is a useless trap question. Regardless of that, questions of just death have been argued over for centuries. I'll try and give some examples. Probably if they're too much like a fascist, sell out our planet for the purpose of money, sell out people for the purpose of money, kill like 2 or 3other innocent people or something?

Sometimes, but then I stop.


Title mostly.

I'm doing fine right now, had an argument with my brother but overall I got my path forward ironed out, but I can't shake the feeling that all of what I do is just some pathological need to stumble forward into what I'm supposed to do but rather than actually being a meaningful calling or direction.

Maybe I'm just depressed.

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 78 points 4 weeks ago

Send them nukes! It's funny to try and imagine Biden being in charge of another Cuban missile crisis

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 58 points 1 month ago

My friend also got a kick out of those. Not a stupid story lol

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 57 points 3 months ago

Well contacting elected people isn't necessarily Lib, especially if the contact comes along with a threat. I suppose the main issue is that communist orgs have no ability to grow a mass movement from any sort of extreme hatred towards our rulers.

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 52 points 3 months ago

That's me. I'm evil 😎


Pretty much just the title. Every Sunday we get together and play for 4 hours and honestly there are like 100 things I'd rather do. I love DnD shows and content (which I acknowledge aren't actually existing DnD) so I keep getting suckered into giving it a try.

I just hate to quit mid session because thats rude and is a pain to everyone else but also I don't want to spend 4 hours every Sunday on my day off doing something I'm not enjoying.

How do I end this lightly? Can I?

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 53 points 5 months ago

I haven't but that's because I live in authoritarian tankie land without any homelessness

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net


I'm doing a research project on evaluating Communist party support in the context of the application of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, relating widespread support for policies with the relevant socialist theory. Anyway, while doing research I stumbled across this usage of K-means clustering to analyze the data and with this application of a data analysis tool, the support for the party, while still high, varies greatly from what is initially suggested from the surveys.

Looking at it I find some of the justifications they use for describing typologies a little fishy. The questions asked are whether or not you trust the CPC on a four point scale with 1 being not at all and 4 being high amounts of trust, with the second question being about support for the one party system using the same scale. In any case they use K Clustering to break these groups into the four possible typologies and cluster the two of the middle groups together under the justification that people can be "ambivalent". However, this feels like unnecessary simplification of the clusters in order to present the "ambivalence" as being more varied than it is. Just because people might have incoherent views on the issue doesn't mean they do and presenting the issue as that feels like it could be "gerrymandering" data. I'm completely open to my speculations and reservations being completely off base, this is very estranged from my major, but I thought I would ask her for some help in understanding it.

You guys are pretty smart sometimes meow-tankie

The part I'm discussing occurs on page 56 where they begin to explain their statistics and methods.

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 47 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

unfortunately I think this is just him saying he's a "woke communist" if being a woke communist is atheism, women's rights, and gun control. I don't think he's a marxist of any stripe it seems. However, I am willing to be corrected here. I've only seen this post regarding to him.

But Linux is programming-communism

[-] The_Jewish_Cuban@hexbear.net 47 points 10 months ago

Even the CIA dispels the notion of Stalin having absolute power as ridiculous propaganda that they cooked up

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