[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 78 points 1 month ago

Corporations rely on desperate, easily-exploited people in order to make obscene profits. There's no way in hell they'd risk actually cutting off their supply of slaves, or else they might have to drop a couple of percent of profits on paying wages / benefits / etc.

The border laws aren't intended to reduce the number of illegal immigrants, they're there to make those same people more desperate and therefore more profitable, while at the same time stoking the enthusiasm of morons who will continue to vote for more pro-corporate politicians who will shovel even more money to the shareholders.

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 84 points 3 months ago

There isn't really a use-case for a fundamentally new OS. There isn't a particular need that's going unmet by the big three, and the existing base of applications and driver support on Linux/mac/windows is vast and extremely mature.

It's like saying why hasn't anyone invented a fundamentally new class of road vehicle that isn't a car, truck, bus or motorbike, using entirely separate roads, infrastructure and fuel? Do we have a sudden shortage of inventors and engineers?

Well, no. No we don't. I'm sure someone could come up with an absolutely delightful monowheel gyroflivver, and it would be all kinds of creative and neat.

But if it won't fit in anyone's garage, can't share existing roads, needs a while network of clockwork-winding stations and can only carry your stuff in specially-shaped tow-pods you have to buy separately ... then nobody's going to use that to get to work, or go shopping, or wherever the hell do with cars I don't have one idk - so only three people will ever buy one, and there'll never be any infrastructure for them.

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 87 points 5 months ago

By design. Fascists need an enemy to protect people from, in order to justify their cruelty. And they need a underclass to oppress, to demonstrate their power.

If they can make one out of the other - why, that's just efficiency.

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 99 points 5 months ago

Reading this thread variously - honestly, your relationship sounds exhausting.

It's taking more from you than it's giving back. Regular blowups followed by patch-ups that leave you back where you started, with nothing but fallout and pain to show for it.

She fucks up, but is simultaneously too fragile and yet too able to hold you hostage to be held accountable; somehow you're the one that has to earn your way back into her good graces, and you dare not upset the apple art by trying to change the dynamic or, god forbid, assert some boundaries along the way.

Rinse and repeat until it leaches the calcium right out of your damn bones.

Look, I get it. Anxiety disorders are no fun, mental illness isn't the fault of the person who has it, and I have no doubt that she's a wonderful person overall.

But you're not getting paid for this. You're not her carer, you're not her parent, it's not your job to clean up after her your whole life.

Would you take on that role for someone with stabyouintheface-itis, a condition that caused an otherwise lovely person to stab you in the face every month or two, entirely outside of their control or intent?

Hard pass, am I right? Not their fault, but not your job, so no. The impact of this one is lesser, but the principle is the same.

And yes, people can change and adapt and do better. Supposedly, at least - I haven't seen it myself.

In the meantime, you deserve better things in your life than just pissing it away down someone else's crazyhole.

Be by yourself, or be with someone who doesn't take all your emotional resources just to break even. If your gf eventually manages to turn it around and get in better control of it, such that you can both benefit from the relationship, then great.

But until then, it's just wearing you down and not filling her up. With the best will in the world towards her, you should go elsewhere.

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 90 points 5 months ago

Desktops have a lot more bang-per-buck than laptops, and are significantly more repairable/upgradable. Laptops make a lot of compromises to squeeze everything into a portable form-factor that runs on batteries. However, only you can say whether that outweighs the space/portability benefits of a laptop, for your use-case.

I'm a sysadmin, I work with Linux every single day, and I say to you: do not go Linux. It isn't designed for what you want it for; it's somewhere between the hobbyist/industrial spaces, whereas you want and need something consumer-focused. Get a nice straightforward Windows box.

Macs are also decent, though they're even more bucks-per-bang than laptops, and there aren't mac versions of every application; you'd need to check what's out there.

Operating systems come with the computer if you're buying them retail; you can buy them separately if you're building from parts. Linux is free to download.

Laptops can be ergonomics hell; tiny keyboards, little screens right at desk level - if you're working at them all day, a proper monitor and keyboard are de rigeur - at which point, you may as well have a desktop, unless you need to take your computer with you when you go places.

Brands, ehh. HP and Dell are decent, but whatever. Or if you're a getting a desktop, you could build your own and save a packet, but that's a whole other rabbit hole of complexity to dive into.

You need SSD, not HDD. HDD is slow as hell, physically fragile, makes annoying grunting noises... just don't even consider it. SSD is unbelievably faster and better in every respect. A little more expensive, but worth every penny. Don't go less than 500GB, preferably 1TB.

RAM, you need 16GB at the bare minimum; consider 32GB.

Monitors: preferably 27", at least 1920x1080, consider 2560x1440 or even 4k. You don't need high refresh rate, you do want an IPS-type panel. Having two monitors will greatly improve your quality of life, if you can swing it.

CPU: there's a million and thirty different ones out there. Just get something released in the last couple of years, you'll be fine in most cases. There's usually a shoulder in the price-performance curve about 75% of the way up the rankings; that's the optimal place to buy if you want something that will keep you going a good while without getting ridiculous.

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 98 points 6 months ago

Whenever anyone says "the economy", you can and should mentally substitute it with "rich people's yacht money".

Rich people's yacht money doing well doesn't do shit for 90% of the population. It doesn't pay the rent, put food on the table or clothes on their back. They can't afford to see a doctor or ride the damn bus.

And you want them to be happy because some stockbroker is getting a second holiday in the Maldives this year?

Stupid arrogant fucks.

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 101 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

That's the second time in about a month I've seen it described as sexual assault / molestation / predation when it's a woman doing it.

Usually news outlets bend over backwards to call it a 'relationship' or a 'romp' or otherwise put a positive spin on it.

Colour me impressed.

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 75 points 9 months ago

I was handed a note in a dream once.

I handed it back, saying "sorry, I can't read in dreams", and confused myself so hard it woke me up.

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 88 points 10 months ago

May I suggest that you don't get a job in IT?

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 79 points 10 months ago

Porque no los dos?

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 75 points 10 months ago

Probably about 5-10 minutes most of the time.

Your brain chatters to itself all the time, so if you stfu with the inner monologue and instead just try to eavesdrop on what's going on in the background, that leads pretty much directly into a dream state.


I've always vaguely assumed that Armenia was the shat-on underdog in this, what with turkish genocide and the overal politics of SOAD, but the sources I've found when trying to have an informed position on it all have been dry as hell, and I confess my eyes keep glazing over. And now I'm hearing Armenia is pro-Russia in the Ukraine conflict, and I could really use an ELI5.

... it's shallow as fuck, but I really like Armenian music, a chunk of which is pretty fucking militant to say the least, and I'd kind of like to know which side of history I'm on if I rock out to it. I don't super-want to be bopping along to the equivalent of nazi propaganda or having confederate-flag posters on my wall...

[-] TheBananaKing@lemmy.world 79 points 11 months ago

I'm sorry to hear that.


I'm confused as to how this would work; my understanding is that the Q&A format is fairly strictly enforced, and witnesses can't just spout except as a response to a direct question - would you have to pull a zootopia?

But of course if you can't, that would be pretty damn limiting if you literally aren't allowed to speak in your own defense.

Not that it's ever a good idea, of course - but how does it work?


Because they wear hide armour.

submitted 11 months ago by TheBananaKing@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

So, levelling in TES has had some... interesting... design choices over the years, from the weird counterintuitive attribute-maxing minigame of major and minor skills in Morrowind and Oblivion, to the much simpler but arguably less-interesting system in Skyrim. And then there's the contentious issue of level scaling getting its oar in, too.

What would you personally like to see implemented? Where does modern game design stand on the issue? Is skill-based levelling still a sensible idea, or should we be looking in a different direction? (Generic XP? Something else?)

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by TheBananaKing@lemmy.world to c/showerthoughts@lemmy.world

and antlers are therefore karmawhoring.


Would pulling the switch be a felony? Would not pulling the switch be one? Would a preservation-of-life defense hold any water?

Are there any notable cases about this?

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