[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 6 points 5 hours ago

The egg that stays fresh for a few hundred years is kinda lame for an SCP

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

they wouldn't be wrong

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

They could at least plant some trees and hedges on that cemetery

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 77 points 2 months ago

It doesn't turn these people, they were shitty all the time, they just get a platform on X so it becomes visible

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 82 points 4 months ago

Lupenreine Demokraten, erstmal die Presse einschüchtern gehen

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 55 points 6 months ago

So he is not a christian?

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 368 points 8 months ago

Please never gift a pet

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 80 points 8 months ago

I fucking hate capitalism and its demand that everyone has to work a fulltime job.

Job automation could and should be a good thing. We as a society should aspire to get rid of as many work hours as possible to actually do the things we like. Instead we are being forced to do shittier and shittier things because we are nothing more than slaves to some billionaires

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 119 points 10 months ago

A lot of people aren't even good at hiding it, their traits are just seen as virtues in our modern capitalist society

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 62 points 11 months ago

Why the fuck are these cases even handled by the military and not the regular criminal and civil courts?

Never forget (lemmy.world)
submitted 11 months ago by Shialac@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Sometimes I get this error message when I try to post a comment, then I just cant comment under that post at all. On other posts it does work like it should. I have checked the language settings and they are set proberly. Is this a Voyager-problem or a Lemmy-problem?


In perfect condition, feels like it has almost never been used

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 71 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

How is their rating this high? Even before the API-BS their rating on the german playstore was somewhere around 3.6, now its at 2.8 lmao

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by Shialac@lemmy.world to c/reddit@lemmy.world

It was one of those few 3rd party Apps that still worked. Apparently dev was in talks with Reddit in obtaining Paid-API-Access, but now they cut off his API-Access mid talks without informing him


I am looking for some inspirations for an upcoming campaign I am currently planning, and I would like to eventually include some sort of train heist. Is there any official (or unofficial) stuff out there that could work as an inspiration?

[-] Shialac@lemmy.world 58 points 1 year ago

Tesla is such a joke of a company lmao, cant understand why there are still people fanboying over it

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