I love the Linux community but it absolutely drowns the other communities in I subscribe to in my home feed. Is there a way to remove it from my home feed without unsubscribing from it?


Love the app and love the work you are doing on it! Thanks a bunch! I am running into one minor issue:

Right now if you block a community, then search for the community, it shows, but it will appear that there are no post in the community.

Ideally, if I am accessing a community from the search, even if I have blocked it, I would still like to see the post in it rather than having to unblock it.

For example, I almost exclusively use “All” and “Home”, in “All” political subreddits can get over bearing so I blocked it, but when I want to go look at the community in light of recent events, they all show as blank.

Ideally I would love a warning on the search page that I have blocked the community, but clicking into it will still show me all the post of the community.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) by acockworkorange@mander.xyz to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I would love a checkbox in the settings that would allow me to filter comments/ content from users at blocked instances.

Desired behavior: Block instance b.c, auto content filter on. Go to a post on instance x.y where user a@b.c has commented on, don’t see those comments.

Please and thank you!

Original text below because reasons I guess.

When I block an instance, I expected not to see anything from it - the nuclear option, you’d say.

However, browsing a post from another community, I still see comments from users of the blocked instance.

Is this the designed behavior? If so, is there a way to change it to block all content emanating from that server?


submitted 3 days ago by penquin@lemm.ee to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Not sure if this is something voyager can do or if it's a Lemmy thing. I don't see any indicator that a post is locked when the mods lock it.


Is it possible to make a function that allows you to disable the notifications on comments and/ or posts?

So you won't see a icon when you open the app. Something like Reddit has: Turn off reply notifications

Hide downvoted (lemmy.world)

Can we get an option to hide posts we've downvoted? Sometimes I'd like to see the whole front page again except for ones I've down voted. I know we can hide but that's two actions, three taps on Android instead of just one quick tap.

submitted 1 week ago by penquin@lemm.ee to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I was going through my block list and found out that there is no way to unblock any of them on the app. There was nothing to click or 3 dots for options or anything. Just a list of the blocked communities. Anyone knows how? Thanks


Top line is simply "1300."

Voyager 2.11.0 S22 Ultra Android 14

Going to test with some more in the comments here.


The UI for discarding a comment always confuses me.

If I want to discard a comment I'm writing, I have to hit "cancel," then I'm given two options, cancel or discard. I think I must follow the previous naming convention, so I hit cancel, but instead, I have to hit discard to discard the comment.

I think it would be better to have "Discard" as the element in the screen when you write a comment. Then, when you confirm the decision, it is the same nomenclature, discard or cancel.

If you want, I can add a screenshot.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I accidentally added something to the filtered keyword list and i dont see a way to remove it.

(Please don't include the word "fat-taco" in your response...)

Upvote theme change? (sh.itjust.works)

I have recently updated my android app to Version 2.10.0. I have noticed my upvotes are now blue instead of purple like they were previously. I have not changed my theme.

Is there a setting I have perhaps missed? I appreciate any assistance.

Show community at top (sh.itjust.works)

I really like this update.

It's in settings> appearance

Thanks for your great work

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by brbposting@sh.itjust.works to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

The above comment embeds this link:


Voyager Version: 2.9.1 (just updated and retested)

Also tried turning silent off on the iPhone 14 Pro just in case

PS: aeharding, you the bomb 💙

Edit: I mean to say I can’t use a control on the video to open the video URL in a browser. I was able to use Voyager’s feature to open the specific comment in a browser window though, and there (in Safari) it played with sound and some native iOS controls when I tapped on it.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by zabadoh@ani.social to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

On the toolbar, there's a magnifying glass icon that I'm calling search.

I enter the search page by clicking on that icon.

On the search page, there are a number of communities, and at the bottom, there's a Random Community button.

When I click on Random Community, I am sent to !100yearsago@sh.itjust.works

So far so good.

When I backswipe to go back to the search page, and click on Random Community again, I get a yellow error dialog saying "Failed to find random community"

No choice but to go back to the search page.

Random Community again returns me to 100yearsago

Back and Random Community gives me the yellow "Failed to find random community" dialog.

Ad infinitum

Edit: I am using Android v2.9.1


Hi -

I can post topics, but I can not respond to any topics, not even my own. I have logged out / in, deleted and reinstalled, etc... no joy. Any thoughts? Sorry if I don't reply, I can't!

Voyager on iPhone 13 Pro IOS 17.5

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Mastengwe@lemm.ee to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I have many communities blocked and yet posts from those communities will show up if crossposted to communities I don’t have blocked.

Can this be fixed so they don’t show?


Can we get a scrollbar for the community quick search? I just posted one I didn't really intend to because I thought I was hallucinating the other one. But stupid me should just have scrolled down to find it. Is it possible to get some kind of indicator to see that there are more available?

I'm on the Android app on Android 13.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by ccunning@lemmy.world to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I’m often curious what has happened but not frequently enough to know offhand how to get to the modlog or filter it to find the post in question.

Having a direct link here would be awesome but I’m not sure how feasible it would be, if at all…

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by maki@feddit.de to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

I really like the “The Final Frontier” Logo. Now I switched from the iOS App to my personal hosted Voyager Instanz.

Now I use the PWA Web App. Can I switch the default logo to the final frontier logo by using an environment in the docker container or something else?

App Icon (sh.itjust.works)

Great app and glad I found you! Seems like so many apps show up with a bang and just as quickly disappear.

I created an app icon that I thought might be a good addition. Let me know if need other resolutions.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by jjlinux@lemmy.ml to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

So, apparently for no reason, my Voyager app started crashing this morning whenever I touched any of the replies to my comments.

I tried with and without VPN, custom DNS, automatic DNS, Rethink enabled and disabled, and it just keeps crashing.

Yes, I cleared data, un-installed and reinstalled, and it is still happening.

Anyone else having this issue? I thought I'd ask here first before opening a bug report on Github.

Edit: Forgot to mention I'm on version 2.8.0 from Github.

Edit 2: Available version from F-Droid, 2.6.0, does not preset this issue.

Edit 3: Finally got to reporting it. Sorry for the delay.


I’d love a faster way to switch the post size without going to Settings > Appearance > Post Size.

Maybe consider adding a shortcut to the meatball menu on the Posts tab?


submitted 1 month ago by cyrus@sopuli.xyz to c/voyagerapp@lemmy.world

Currently there is a lot of functionality that in theory does not require an account, although Voyager still prompts you to create one.

Whilst I now have one, I initially intended not to.

Either way, there are a good amount of features that could be adjusted to fit guest / offline accounts, including:

  • Changing the guest instance
  • Allow saving posts locally as guest (not synced, ofc)
  • Allow changing subscriptions as guest (there's already some in guest view anyways, I figured being able to change them would be nice)

It'd be cool to have an option where after you read an article and navigated back to the subreddit view, you could swipe forward and go back to the article you just swiped back from.

The need to do this for me is far greater than I am willing to admit beyond the implicit and inescapable inference this post demands lol


There are several common words and terms I would like to stop seeing posts about but only in specific communities. Having the words or terms blocked in other communities or global matches too many things.

It would also be nice for the filter to be Title, URL or body specific.

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