
joined 2 months ago
[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I'm definitely going to see if I can watch/download some when I have the time..

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

This triggered a long lost memory of Orson's Farm, or more specifically Garfield and Friends, I used to love that tv show as a kid..

[–] 11 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Oh no, the consequences of their inaction!

The ones actually bearing the consequences, the sick children, weren't the ones rejecting vaccination.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Yes, and I offered some reflection.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

It's called internalised and lateral ableism (or any kind of oppression, as has already been mentioned, these apply across the marginalisation board), and we're all guilty of it to one degree or another by simple virtue of existing and being socialised in an ableist society (in the same way all abled people are). Here are a couple of articles I have bookmarked that might be a good start for anyone who wants to know more:

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Yes, in accordance with their well established playbook


ID: drawing of a fluffy white cat on a sunset coloured background, their puffy tail is up, and they are surrounded by sparkles with a little heart doodle above their head. They're holding a sharp knife in their mouth, it has a pink handle with hearts on it. Text at the top says "I am at my limit"


ID: top text: "me, explaining why the bricks I throw at Nazis are pink and scented:". Bellow is an image from Legally Blonde where Elle is handing over her pink and scented resume to the professor and says "I think it gives it a little something extra."

Credit: Elle Woods CORE


ID: photo of Martin Luther King Jr. waving at the crowd during the March on Washington, on it is his quote: "He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."


ID: Gladstoned As Heathen Jew Durin... (?) @WGladstone posted: "I've decided to appease centrists. Instead of punching nazis, we'll murder them by drone with no due process."

-_- (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

ID: image from Legally Blonde of a depressed Elle in bed eating chocolates, angry at what she's seeing on tv, on it is pink text: "my body hurts and I'm mad about capitalism"


ID: photo of a little orange frog on a rock near some fallen leaves, they're saying: "Henlo! Smol frog sez ur gender is valid! No matter what you look like!"



ID: WookieeMark @EvilGenXer posted:

"OK so look, Capitalism is right wing.


If you are pro-capitalism, you are Right Wing.

There is no pro-capitalist Left. That's a polite fiction in the US that no one can afford any longer as the ecosystem is actually collapsing around us."


ID: top text "Don't like seeing us?" bottom text "PLUCK YOUR EYES OUT!". In between is a transgender symbol in the colours of the trans flag, but the circle in the centre is replaced by an eyeball

credit: @TRANSFURY

Oh no rule (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

ID: Sepia photo of a person dressed as a fairy with a long pair of dragonfly-like wings and a flowy knee length dress, they're in a ballet pose looking directly at the camera, standing on point on one leg, their other leg pointing back and their back and neck arched back too, their arms crossed and hands gently resting near their shoulders. At the top is text "Oh my! I've lost my ability to conform..."


ID: white text in a black circle surrounded by drawings of purple and pink flowers: "It is not my responsibility to be beautiful. I am not alive for that purpose. My existence is not about how desirable you find me." -Warsan Shire-


ID: photo of a Barbie doll looking cute on a glittery rainbow background, next to it in the Barbie font it says "Capitalism is a death cult we must destroy before it kills us"


ID: text says:

"Liberal: How can you go to bed at night after promoting violence? I get that they're Nazis but it's still violence.


Bellow is an image of Homer Simpson asleep, tucked in to a cosy looking bed with a big contented smile on his face.

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