[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 59 points 6 months ago

I'm not seeing family today because we're Jewish. But Thanksgiving was hard. I'm the only antizionist in my family, my parents and brother are sympathetic, but the rest of my family are raging zionists- my cousin actually fucking moved to Israel and proudly participated in recruitment propaganda. It was a lot

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 55 points 6 months ago

Ever notice that republican presidents are extremely dangerous threats to the entire world and dem presidents are tiny babies who can't be expected to accomplish a thing? Ever notice how whenever the dems have a trifecta, there's always juuuuuuust enough of their own party members fighting them to prevent any action?

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 43 points 6 months ago

My favorite people in her cult are the ones convinced she's queer and leaving them hints in her music

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 78 points 7 months ago

Maybe Felix was on to something when he talked about how settler-colonialism hollows out your soul and kills any culture, creativity or national identity you might've otherwise had.

Having seen Israeli attempts at humor, I believe this 100000%

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 52 points 7 months ago

Unrelated, but does "Kill Arabs" give off "Blacks rule" vibes to anyone else?

Given the sheer number of videos I've seen of Israelis yelling Death To Arabs, no, it doesn't

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 35 points 7 months ago

They were saying that being called a wrecker specifically was dehumanizing lmao

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 33 points 7 months ago

Have you tried not being a reactionary?

How about showing me your hog?

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 35 points 8 months ago

Someone in that thread was specifically praising the Sunday Friend lmao

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 44 points 8 months ago

As someone who knew her personally almost a decade ago, this is the least surprising thing lmao

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 60 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Oh hey I was right

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 60 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

By "gender neutral pronouns exist", I bet it means it was actually defending Theying everyone despite their very visible pronouns lol

[-] Orannis62@hexbear.net 39 points 8 months ago

It's worse, she (and the hummus company) is essentially named Settler

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