[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 9 points 1 week ago

Yeah it’s really disheartening to see intelligent, well intentioned people keep falling for the same shit over and over. Honestly if someone I was talking to revealed they’re super into healing crystals and such I’d still respect their intellectual capacity more than someone that buys into western propaganda hook line and sinker https://youtu.be/bLZW-kWr1F4

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 14 points 2 weeks ago

Tbh, same. It’s a lot better than what usually happens when I yell into the void: fascists screaming at me

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 14 points 2 weeks ago

God damn could they have picked a more unnerving picture? Looks like a still from some early internet video you’d find on liveleak or something. Also if anyone else was privy to my dreams I’d probably be institutionalized, controlling smart devices from there sounds like a terrible idea

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 10 points 1 month ago

Airport scanners have a problem with my genitals so nearly every single time I go through I get a red square there and “require” a pat down. It’s usually a quick obligatory show that seems completely ineffective as they don’t touch anywhere near the actual area in question. I make a subtle joke about my massive cock and balls, they laugh at the machine complimenting me, and I move on in under a minute.

However, sometimes there’s a false positive when they test their gloves after and then all my luggage gets searched through, accompanied by a barrage of questions. That’s when the vibe totally switches and they become very antagonistic. Once you’re seen as suspicious they go full cop brain and try their hardest to put the pressure on to make you crack. Even when they don’t find anything at all you’re still guilty in their eyes so they try to turn the most banal and innocent things into an excuse to “prove” you’re up to no good. I’m sure they have fantasies of being the one to stop some super dangerous terrorist (and then reflexively justify the whole security theater) so they will try to warp the facts to make you that dangerous terrorist if you catch their ire. You’re put in a position of having to prove your innocence rather than them having to prove your guilt, the absence of anything incriminating isn’t sufficient for them.

I’m lucky that I pass the initial vibe check just by virtue of being a “normal” looking white guy so I’m only subject to that extra scrutiny after failing two of their screening processes, many others are seen as sus by default. I’ve seen how ugly they can get once they decide you “deserve” it and can’t imagine how rough it must be to deal with that every time

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 13 points 1 month ago

I loved motorcycles until I lived in Mexico for a while and realized they have a different perception of what a “bike lane” is for. Constant lane splitting and going into bike lanes or even on the sidewalk to speed around traffic. My brother got hit by a motorcycle in a bike lane, thankfully his bicycle took the brunt of the impact and saved a mother and child from getting hit. Of course, the motorcycle likely wouldn’t have been in the bike lane if there weren’t cars congesting the road but there will always be impatient assholes and motorcycles are still dangerous for pedestrians

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 11 points 1 month ago

Jokes on them, I’m in a subconscious state of gooning at all times. I am at such an advanced level I can simply close my eyes and instantly bust in my pants handsfree. I will goon at work the entire time and there’s nothing they can do to stop me since it’s all in my head.

But seriously these wet dreams need to fucking stop, I’ve had them while in bed with a partner I just nutted in a few hours before. Staying at a friends place, accidentally getting cum on their couch, and then trying to stealthily clean up in the middle of the night is not something any person should have to deal with regularly

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 9 points 1 month ago

Because in the land of the free you have to pay for the convenience! The last apartment I was renting added a whopping three percent “online processing” fee to pay through their online portal, with the already absurd base rental rate that adds up to a pretty substantial amount. I happily marched down to their office every month with a paper check knowing that it cost them money to pay an employee to process a paper check instead of me paying them to do a free ACH transfer

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 12 points 1 month ago

Almost makes ya wonder if it’s an intentional Malthusian type beat of indirect population culling through economic repression. Literally force the poors into economic extinction since they’re demonstrably too dumb and/or unmotivated to abstractly contribute to human progress through capital accumulation nerd

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 12 points 1 month ago

Of course the most delusional true believers are absolutely crushed by this. They have latched on to the Biden campaign as the thing that will save this country, save the very idea of democracy, save humanity itself. Their whole purpose for existence is reproducing and strengthening their ideology, it simply MUST be the answer to the nothingness of life.

Imagine the person that truly internalizes and believes the “most important election of your lifetime” grift and how unsettling it must be to see the adults in the room self destruct and completely destroy any chances of winning. It’s like taking a two passenger plane hit to your core belief in the validity and ontological importance of the whole American project.

It’s certainly enough to send someone into an existential spiral but luckily for them, libs are the absolute masters of sublimating desire, constantly moving those goal posts and dangling that carrot on a stick tantalizing just out of reach. It’s truly impressive how they can mirror that fundamental “lack” in a Lacanian sense with a perpetual series of empty promises and infinite cope to justify their lack of progress. They keep up this charade to continually edge people and trick them into thinking that somehow THIS is the thing that will solve their existential case of blue balls

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 8 points 2 months ago

Yeah this one’s me, I only wake up ~15 minutes before work starts and usually get sidetracked catching up on stuff. I’ll then take a shower some time during the day when there’s a lull, about to take one right now lol

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 11 points 2 months ago

I know this is a bit but holy shit imagining libs co opting Deleuze is hilarious. Would love to see some real schizo posting

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 8 points 2 months ago

I'm surprised to not see more posts about this here, not only has brandon let Roe v. Wade be overturned but now this shit too? I'm not saying that the EPA and other federal agencies are even remotely effective at controlling corporate malfeasance but damn, they're not even going to pretend to try any more. Now our lovely panel of unelected geriatrics can completely disregard all evidence and basic logic their own stooges are permitted to put forward in favor of whatever "special interest group" "lobbies" them hard enough. It's so funny to hear libs keep repeating that trump will DESTROY democracy when things like this that actively undermine their own internal logic of "justice" and "democracy" are constantly happening

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