[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 16 points 1 week ago

Incredible stuff, I can see a LOT of potential with the “happy shopper” in response to chuds

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 15 points 2 weeks ago

Curious how they feel about trans men that almost assuredly have far more testosterone than any of them lmao

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 15 points 2 weeks ago

Fully agreed, it’s very validating to see other people acknowledge a lot of horrible realities most handwave or deny. It can really throw you into a solipsistic spiral when everyone around you seems to gaslight you or completely deny reality as you experience it. Simply seeing other posts here that I can really relate to has helped my mental health significantly

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 34 points 1 month ago

I woke up to half a dozen “sky is falling” RH notifications, saw my portfolio down 10%, shrugged, and went on with my day. I imagine it would be pretty stressful if I actually had money or, god forbid, open call options. Hooray for not having any real stake in the capital market, let it all burn 🔥

Kinda wild how many Americans’ retirement plans and long term financial stability are completely dependent on the whims of the market tho, genuinely disgusting how siding with the capitalists is presented as the only option if you want to be allowed to retire. Like yeah dude let me just give you my money and tie my future to the well being of the market with the promise that maybe I can get a tiny drop of that stolen surplus in the future. If the market isn’t crashing while I’m trying to retire of course. Glad an entire generation doesn’t have a brutal case of Stockholm syndrome because of it

grillman porky-happy

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 23 points 1 month ago
[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 25 points 1 month ago

I’m so confused by that last bit, do they think countries can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and become perfectly developed without any trade? They’re literally saying “dang isn’t it weird that embargoes and harsh sanctions work” to prove their point. Yeah no shit you need to be integrated with global trade networks to gain access to resources you can’t extract/create internally. That doesn’t mean that trade deals with great powers are fair and not ruthlessly exploiting the different market conditions. Just because you get some benefit from a bad deal you’re strong armed into taking doesn’t make it not exploitative (labor). What a shock that becoming a puppet state in strategic location leads to more foreign investment, clearly this proves neo-imperialism is actually based and good for everyone

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 45 points 1 month ago

I can’t even get mad about these kinds of posts anymore, it’s just a simple reification that the status quo justifies and affirms its own validity by the very nature of being the status quo rather than by any external “political” force. No need to question it or have a single thought about how the status quo came to be, that’s too complicated. It’s easier to exist in a world where what is simply is and define yourself in relation to it. Building a foundation of the self on the “real”, the tangible, observable components that the status quo consists of, is much easier building a foundation on anything it is not which only exist within the mind.

From that framing any challenge to the status quo exists outside the realm of the “real” and is a distinctly separate phenomenon. “Political” becomes a simple catch all to describe anything that threatens to move from the conceptual to the real. Something that already is “real” simply cannot be political in this respect.

Chuds will have an absolute melty over the seemingly most inane and trivial shit simply because of the self affirming power an idea gains by becoming “real”. An empowered minority/woman/trans person in media IS real to them because their entire existence and concept of the real is based almost entirely off of the media they consume. That idea becoming “real” in any form is an existential threat to their position in the hierarchy of white male dominance. This is already long as fuck so I don’t want to venture into the rabbit hole of defining “real” and touching on Baudrillard, etc but I think this fairly simplistic framing gets my point across

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 16 points 1 month ago

Incredible stuff, thank you for the boots on the ground reporting. Have you had a chance to mingle with the attendees much? I’m curious what the split is between grifters trying to push their next scam and poor working class saps desperate to believe that crypto can save them from the Wendy’s dumpster

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 30 points 1 month ago

I think the key point here is depreciation, the dollar amount of aid they’re sending is based on the current book value of equipment. I was able to find some documentation listing the depreciation method the DoD uses and the useful lives of various asset classes here: https://comptroller.defense.gov/Portals/45/documents/fmr/archive/04arch/04_06_Jun08.pdf

They use straight line depreciation or a special “activity based” method for some specific equipment so the useful life of say, a stinger missile, would be either 5 or 10 years based on the tables there. That $100k missile could be listed on the books as only $40k three years after purchase or even $0 if it’s older than five years. I can only assume the military uses such an aggressive depreciation method to justify constant funding to feed the MIC by replacing “outdated” tech and selling it off/giving it to allies. I don’t think anyone could reasonably argue that a rifle is suddenly obsolete and worth nothing after sitting in an armory for 5 years but that’s how they put it on the books 🤷‍♂️

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 17 points 1 month ago

Their worldview is based on the idea that someday, somehow, we’ll figure things out. How? We don’t know yet so the only thing to do now is to continue to propagate and empower future generations so that maybe they can eventually figure it out. Their sole reason for existence is to be a link, either through direct genealogy or action, in the chain of humanity that eventually coalesces to create the ubermensch that somehow wills forth an ultimate “purpose” from the ether to retroactively validate all the actions that led to its existence.

Naturally, reproduction is a vital part of this process of forcibly propelling humanity forward through time and social/biological evolution. Anyone that does not participate in the traditional bourgeoisie family unit is actively at odds with their conception of the “human project” and thus should not have any participation in steering it. There’s a simple reason that drives homophobia/transphobia from these types, their very existence questions the validity of the “purpose” of reproduction and iteration. At best, they’re seen as an aberration to be ignored and disenfranchised; at worst, an affront to the very purpose of being that must be culled in order for the cycle to continue unimpeded. Childless cis women are chided for not participating in the project but are met with fare less ire due to their potential to do so as well as a begrudging societal acknowledgement of biological realities that preclude some women from reproducing

[-] ObamaSama@hexbear.net 27 points 2 months ago

I’ve been flying too much recently and, while I bring my deck and have plenty of other distractions prepared, I usually just put my noise canceling headphones on and zone out. With all the stress of travel and life in general I’m rarely in the headspace to engage with anything while flying, it’s nice to just kinda dissociate for a few hours. I’ll need some kind of stimuli for anything more than like 5-6 hours though.

I could totally see rawdogging a relatively short flight, the hardest part for me would just be the noise. It’s a bizarre thing to be proud of though, like it’s some masculine feat to sit still in quiet for a few hours? I understand the modern world has conditioned us away from that but you can absolutely choose to do it whenever. The true alpha gigachad move I wish more of these guys would do is just walk off into the wilderness and never return

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