submitted 4 months ago by LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

Nothing spectacular but an interesting car free alternative to suburbia with high urban density and local small shops. If large enough could have it's own school and more amenities.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 40 points 4 months ago

“But for all we’ve done to bring prices down, there are still too many corporations in America ripping people off. Price gouging, junk feeds, greedflation, shrinkflation,” Biden added. “America – we’re tired of being played for suckers!”

The headline makes it sound like he doesn't know what's going on. It's rather that he is leveling an accusation and makes the media cover this. But even then this CNN article does it's best to not cover root causes.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 96 points 4 months ago

This should show anybody that Belgium did the right thing. The ICJ ordered Israel to provide humanitarian aid, instead on the same day they use threats, bribes, corruption to get multiple countries to cut off humanitarian aid! This is further evidence of genocidal intent!

And then they carry out a clear act of terrorism against those who do not make themselves complicit in their genocide!

They bombed the power stations, water supply, hospitals, 70% of all housing. If Israel is allowed to continue hundreds of thousands are going to starve or die of thirst or diseases. Or infections because on top of the 30.000+ there are many times more wounded.

What an absolute horror... they have taken 30 eyes for each eye, 30 teeth for each tooth, plus an extra 1500 children's legs.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 94 points 4 months ago

TIL: Vulvas are shaped like zero-gravity drinking cups.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 37 points 4 months ago

Why would they use lead based solder? Oh right, it's cheaper.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 40 points 4 months ago

Well the propaganda is working. Surprise, surprise, distribute unfiltered hate speech and people will start believing in this hate speech.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 63 points 4 months ago

Greta Thunberg made the trip to the US for some climate summin via sailboat. Not to show that it can be done - but to show how absolutely impractical it is. Climate action cannot be about individual responsibility - sometimes we need private jets.

So the rational action would be to start a massive development effort to develop jets that are slower and run on hydrogen fuel cells or something. And find ways to generate hydrogen fuel without carbon. And then distribute and regulate jets.

But that's basically a planned economy, a taboo word to think or say in mainstream. Instead any small advancement is patented which raises the cost of it to maximize profit.

So no, pointing out Taylor's swift as hypocrite is not a good point, it is indeed propaganda to avoid sensible action on climate change. Of course it's way to late now so it doesn't really matter any more.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 37 points 4 months ago

Holy fuck he's paying his own legal bills from campaign money? I guess it's not illegal.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 130 points 4 months ago

Legally, he’s not allowed to mess around with modern gaming hardware.

I find these things very disgusting. Not sure if that extends to computers in general. But courts can and have basically prevented "hackers" from taking part in modern life or use the skills they are good at to make ends meet.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 46 points 5 months ago

Collar-bone fracture is I believe incredibly painful and long lasting injury. Glad those fuckers face justice.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 41 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

This is a major argument for anti-fascist action. Liberal mainstream society has always been very bad at combating fascism because they desire calm and order and lawfulness which fascists can exploit. So besides "liberal anti-fa" using legal means like suing the KKK out of existence you also need autonomous anti-fa to prevent fascists from recruiting. That is why it's legitimate to prevent fascists from speaking using "impolite" means, because fascists speech using clever lies creates fascist thinking. The right to free speech has to exclude hate speech.

PS: A very good book on this topic: Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It (link)

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 105 points 5 months ago

I moved away from VLC because of the somewhat boring UI. Then I used potplayer, then I discovered MPV - which is awesome because it's so performant you can easily customize it.

But I think VLC helped pioneer the library that allows decoding and playing videos without the mess that were video codec drivers on desktop.

[-] LarmyOfLone@lemm.ee 66 points 5 months ago

Fucking disgusting how they talk about it. As if it's just another political stratagem that went a little awry. Fucking fuckers.

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