I find this to be rather healthy sacrifice attitude. You pay a few cents more, but the world gets that one micron more normal than it was a second ago. Works for me.
Haven't bought almost anything from Amazon in decades. No subscriptions or fire sticks either. I think Jeff Bezos got like 13 $ from me. Ever. Period.
There have always been better or just as good deals elsewhere (i.e. eBay). And I think that people do not realize that more than 50% of offered stuff can be obtained CHEAPER when bought directly from the seller/producer.
Just write an eMail and... off you go.
There are several reasons why Linux Mint is to be recommended:
- That specific distro is almost superlightweight on the resources so even superold computers and laptops can run it smoothly
- it is ''Windows- like'' so transitional users can easily transfer
- Linux is compatible and supports even the oldest hardware (or has a ''driver code support'' for it). Remember that good Canon scanner without dclivers for windows? Now you can use it.
- Linux has ''try without installing'' option
I personally transitioned more than ten years ago; started with Ubuntu and that was fine, but then I discovered that Mint ''flies''. :-)
Deffinitely to be recommended to a wide public who wants to transition.
I believe the truth is far simpler than the conspiracy theories presented today.
Trump, as groomed child with little incentive to succede in the world (as he was born and groomed with silver spoon in his mouth), simply generated debt that paid for his lavish life. Indeed, the man went BANKRUPT 4 TIMES. Let that sink in as a clear indication of his incompetence.
At certain point, he lended money from the russians and now is the payback time.
This is, of course, simplified version, because it is all happening on very high level and russians are probably to smart to demand money, but they do demand other services like dissolving NATO (so that they can expand), destroying the US commercial reputation and ties with it's allies and so on and so forth... and this guy is delivering. This all removes the US from the world power-picture and leaves the US and EU markets at the plate for russian and chinese taking.
How would that world look and what horrors loom in the darkness... well... we do live in interresting times.
The card meant the death of Windows.